
Why am I here? If its not to be nice and kind to others then there is nothing this world can offer....I offer you all of the kindness and love in my sole. Please take it and share with everyone you know.
Thank you all!

Take a few moments today and think of the little things that have been done for you to improve your day. Sometimes we forget the little acts of kindness that were given to us, and we start down a slippery slope. We begin to think we are the only one's trying to make the world a better place, that nobody cares if we are happy or not. We must avoid that and remember that acts of kindness have come our way, we may not even have noticed it.

Share a smile and keep the kindness rolling.

Keep smiling :)
Share a smile today. Take some time to reach out to an old friend, just to check on them and let them know you are thinking of them. See how they are doing and send them well wishes. It is always good to let people know they are in your thoughts.

Keep smiling :)
Have you ever wondered how many people actually don't know how to start a conversation? The words just don't come to them, they struggle with finding them, they worry about saying (typing) the wrong ones. When they move forward and finally attempt to start a conversation everything comes out wrong. The anxiety builds, the fear takes control, and the conversation never takes a first step.

Maybe that is why some people only give one-word responses, if an, when a message is sent to them. Maybe fear takes control, and they cannot find the words to say what they are thinking.

Something so simple to one person can be absolutely terrifying to another. Have patience, be calm, relax. It will be okay, one step at a time and soon it will fall into place.

Keep smiling :)

The PM box is probably too personal for strangers to open their hearts and minds.

I think the best way to start a convo is respond to the topic of a thread / post you like. Write something enjoyable for oneself. If no one responds back to you, you still have what you wrote in your own post to muse and amuse yourself.
A common problem with talking through messages is the words do not always come across as you intended them to. Keep this in mind not only when sending a message but also when reading one. We often put our own tone and look when we read a message and sometimes that can be a bad thing. Think about what is being read or sent, how does it come across? Is the punctuation a big change to the meaning of the words? Does it come across as something far different than the words you usually share?

Remember, it is okay to ask for clarification. It is okay to make a mistake and carry on. The simplest typo or mismarked punctuation can change the meaning to a sentence dramatically. So, stay calm, read it and move forward.

Keep smiling :)
especially when reading , we need to remind ourselves often that we don't see each others facial expressions, tone of voice or the body language that actually may carry more true meaning than words. Being aware of this helps a great deal when we feel upset about what we read.
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The simplest typo or mismarked punctuation can change the meaning to a sentence dramatically
For example,

"Spank me, daddy" can easily become "Spank my daddy" and next thing you know, is that your friend and your dad join the same bdsm group and you're left watching netflix ffs
The PM box is probably too personal for strangers to open their hearts and minds.

I think the best way to start a convo is respond to the topic of a thread / post you like. Write something enjoyable for oneself. If no one responds back to you, you still have what you wrote in your own post to muse and amuse yourself.
Very interesting. I never really thought of that myself. I do agree responding to a person on the thread is a really good way to get a feel for another person, you can gauge the connectivity a bit that way. Although some people shy away from responding on threads, it makes them nervous, I am not sure why, but it does. Thank you!

Keep smiling :)
especially when reading , we need to remind ourselves often that we don't see each others facial expressions, tone of voice or the body language that actually may carry more true meaning than words. Being aware of this helps a great deal when we feel upset about what we read.
Exactly! It can be very difficult to figure out the intent of some words without actually seeing a person, the paraverbals and nonverbals that we rely so much on in day-to-day life are not there. Thank you!

Keep smiling :)
For example,

"Spank me, daddy" can easily become "Spank my daddy" and next thing you know, is that your friend and your dad join the same bdsm group and you're left watching netflix ffs
Lol, that would be a hell of a twist now wouldn't it! Either could be fun for someone lol. Thank you!

Keep smiling :)
Good morning! We need a thread bump here! The world needs this a lot!

Thank you! Good morning :)

Kindness is a very simple thing to spread and is too often forgotten. Take some time to spread some, help make the world a better place.

Keep smiling :)
Take time to think of others. We often go through life focused on what things are happening around us, what we dislike about ourselves or the things we need to do. We need to remember the grass is not always greener in the neighbor's yard. Things happen to everyone. We can make someone's day a bit brighter with just a little kindness, and in return our day improves as well.

Keep smiling :)
Take time to think of others. We often go through life focused on what things are happening around us, what we dislike about ourselves or the things we need to do. We need to remember the grass is not always greener in the neighbor's yard. Things happen to everyone. We can make someone's day a bit brighter with just a little kindness, and in return our day improves as well.

Keep smiling :)
So true.
Though I do have the shittiest looking lawn on the street, so the grass is greener in the neighbor's yard.
It is great to see a few people in here! I think that at times this becomes a space of me just spouting out words and hoping someone sees them and appreciates them. At times the thread goes wild with activity and then it sits in the cold for a while. It is weird how it all works.

Be kind, share a smile and spread joy as much as you can. Thank you all!

Keep smiling :)
Good day to you all! Be sure to take a few moments today and think of the good things that have come in your life. We have a habit of focusing on things that have gone wrong or those things that are bad and they stick with us throughout the day. We tend to bring ourselves down and make days a bit rougher for ourselves. So take some time and remember the good things, it will improve your day.

Keep smiling :)
Time flies by us faster them we know, and we often find ourselves realizing that old friends have not been spoken to in some time. Take some time and reach out to an old acquaintance today, let them know you are thinking of them, and you are sending them well wishes. You might make their day!

Keep smiling :)
One of my earliest life lessons and cherished memories is about conversation. Simply asking another person things about them and showing interest in them. The lesson was basically, don't try to have a conversation and only talk about yourself. You might be surprised how many people want to talk with you when this approach is taken.