
One of my earliest life lessons and cherished memories is about conversation. Simply asking another person things about them and showing interest in them. The lesson was basically, don't try to have a conversation and only talk about yourself. You might be surprised how many people want to talk with you when this approach is taken.
Thank you! I think that is an important thing to know. Make the conversation about learning about the other person and not just talking about yourself. Let them know there is an interest in them and to learn about them. You don't need to try and "sell" yourself, that makes it look like you are a bit conceited.

Keep smiling :)
We all have different things that we enjoy in life and sometimes we are quick to judge the enjoyment of others. Think of the things you enjoy that others would understand, open you mind to new possibilities. Smile and be happy for others and for yourself.

Keep smiling :)
Sometimes life gets really hard, things just seem to pile on and there seems to be only darkness around us. These times seem to last forever and make us feel like there is no escape. It is the simplicity of a kind act that can be a beacon of light for us in these times. Just one little thing done or given that make a smile appear. Then the days seem less dark, there is an opening for us to escape it all and step out of the darkness. Be the one that can provide that little act of kindness, be the beacon of light for those around you. It will come back to you, and you will be a better person for it.

Keep smiling :)
Spread a bit of kindness today. Make it something simple like holding the door for someone or letting them into or out of traffic. It is the simple acts that make people happier, and they are more likely to pass on.

Keep smiling :)
I've been talking to a few people and the conversation came up about kindness and nice. Is there a difference between the two? What we came up with is kindness is an act given with no expectations of return or acknowledgment, it is an act done just to be done. Whereas being nice is doing acts that are done with expectation of some sort of return. I have not done a bunch of research on the whole thing, just conversations with people. But that is what we came up with. So be a kind person, spread that kindness and enjoy your day.

Keep smiling :)
I've been talking to a few people and the conversation came up about kindness and nice. Is there a difference between the two? What we came up with is kindness is an act given with no expectations of return or acknowledgment, it is an act done just to be done. Whereas being nice is doing acts that are done with expectation of some sort of return. I have not done a bunch of research on the whole thing, just conversations with people. But that is what we came up with. So be a kind person, spread that kindness and enjoy your day.

Keep smiling :)
I've been talking to a few people and the conversation came up about kindness and nice. Is there a difference between the two? What we came up with is kindness is an act given with no expectations of return or acknowledgment, it is an act done just to be done. Whereas being nice is doing acts that are done with expectation of some sort of return. I have not done a bunch of research on the whole thing, just conversations with people. But that is what we came up with. So be a kind person, spread that kindness and enjoy your day.

Keep smiling :)
Definitely agree with this. I'd also add that nice can also be acts done out of obligation - a lot of societal expectations come to mind, like inviting someone you don't like to a party to be "nice" and because it's expected.
Be kind, be sincere. Listen to one another, be there for one another. Take the time to actually hear what people say and take it in, go over the words and keep a decent conversation.

Keep smiling :)
Learn to listen. There is big difference between hearing someone and listening to them. So many times we are thinking of a response as words are coming to us and we are not actually listening to the person talking. There is so much more than words in a conversation. Tones, movements, all that extra stuff adds to a conversation.

Of course, here, in the lit world, it is a bit harder to listen. We cannot see or hear anything, just words on a screen. Look for the punctuation, that can easily change the way something is being said. If you are not sure what was meant, ask, don't jump to conclusions.

Be there for other people, you will eventually need someone to be there for you as well.

Keep smiling :)
Be kind, help each other out, listen to each other. A conversation can be so much more than words. You have the ability and chance to actually get to know one another. Sharing much more than a good morning and good day. You can help another person, be there for them and make their day brighter.

Keep smiling :)
Be kind, be helpful, be real. Take time to show other's what kindness is, show the that the world is a better place than they think it is. Let people know that we can be kind, not just nice.

Keep smiling :)
This world definitely needs more kindness and more sincere friendships, especially those with a real listening ear.

Is anyone looking for conversations? :)
A simple, kind hello can do wonders for a person who is feeling a bit down. Just a little check-in per se. When someone receives a kind message asking how they are doing and showing genuine care it can make a world of difference for a person and can spark a wonderful friendship.

Keep smiling :)