D&D by email

Ezmi seeks out Melda before heading out to see about the 'crazy' druid near the parklands.

OOC: Does Ezmi even know of the Frenzied Desciples existance at this point? *Peep* It would be kind of neat if Melda was one, or knew of them... ;)

DerelictionOfSanity said:
Not many people in this area of the city seem to know much about horse trainers. One woman takes a look at the beast and says, "That thing looks like a wild animal to me. Take it to the crazy druid who lives near the parklands!"

OOC: Which first? Mare, Melda or Mambo?
OOC: Canadian Thanksgiving & NEW PLAYER

I've managed to snag an hour, so I am posting after all.

Also, will everyone give a friendly welcome to our newest player, BrnEyedGrl. She's playing a rogue, which should complement the group nicely.
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Following the instructions in Melda's note, Ezmi finds herself seeking Captain Argyle at the barracks in the East district. The building is huge and built of solid masonry so as to hold many guards and withstand the passage of time. As she enters, she can see a pair of well-armed warriors standing guard inside as well as a small gentleman at a desk. He looks at her as she enters and says, "Yes, what is it?"

OOC: Ezmi does know about the existance of frenzied disciples and has seen them before. Most people, however, just know of them as really talented barbaric dancers. As for Melda, I kind of have my own plans for her, but she might *know* a disciple or two.

Griselda raises her eyebrows slightly at the speed that Thor downs his ale. It is indeed fine ale, tasting just as good as the stuff fresh from a dwarven brewery. She refills his mug carefully and looks as if she's about to say something when the door opens and several armed men walk in. They pick one of the tables in the corner and one of them waves her over.

"I'll talk with you some more, Thor, but I've got other customers right this moment." With that, she quickly makes her way to their table and begins taking orders for food and drink.

You manage to find a fallen branch that could work as a club. As you find it, the creature jumps forth into the clearing, scattering the deer. It's a vile thing and looks completely unnatural. It's body is bulbous, blueish and hairless and though it is vaguely humanoid, it has nasty claws and sharp teeth and practically radiates foulness. As it pursues, one of the deer stumbles and falls.

OOC: You don't need to RP minor purchases like a mundane shield and armor, although you can if you want. You'll have to do it after the mystic interlude, though.

Gertren nods. "Very well then. Come by my shop in two weeks time if you want some more work." She walks out.

The library is large and well stocked. Several of the younger apprentices look up at you as you pass by, whereas most of the older folk keep their noses in their books or scrolls. You manage to get a good idea of where the sections lie, enough to make you life easier the next time you come.

The journeymen's quarters are mostly unoccupied, but the occasional door is locked or warded. The individual rooms are simple and bare, each one holding a small bed and set of shelves or drawers. Some have a small window, with an amazing view of the city below. The quartes are clearly several stories above the ground. Among the rooms, you come upon an occasional washing room or privy. Fortunately, magic suppresses the smell from the latter. As you walk down one hallway, you hear an appreciative whistle. A man with blonde hair in his early twenties is leering at you. He's devastatingly handsome and his voice is lovely, though his words are not, "Are you the new maid, beautiful? If so, I'd love to get to know you a little bit better."

The woman tucks your silvers into her apron and gives you a small smile. "The well room is along the left hallway and down the stairs. There's a washing room with a cauldron and a fire right next door, so whether the water is hot or not depends on you. I'm afraid that we're a bit understaffed at the moment and the supper rush is about to begin, so I can't help you." She looks appraisingly at you. "In fact, once you've cleaned up, if you were willing to cart trays about I could throw in a few coppers and a hearty breakfast tomorrow."
Thor grunts as she fills his mug a second time and heads off. He watches as she serves the new group of men and grumbles under his breath. He chugs a hearty portion of the ale and trys to listen in on anything the group might have to say. He waits for Griselda to return to the bar before calling her over again.

Listen: 14

Thor has a fair amount of time to eavesdrop as Griselda heads first for the kitchen to deliver the order to the cook and then starts filling tankards and one shot glass. As near as he can tell, the low murmur of conversation is centered on the sewers, Lord Tarik and "crawlers". He distinctly hears one of them snort, "A fool's errand, Mikhal! You did right to pass it up."

Griselda deposits the tray of drinks on their table and collects some coins. Most of the men smile at her and one makes a comment about looking forward to the high quality of the cooking. They appear to be regulars. Griselda's reply and the rest of the brief verbal exchange is lost as the gnomes near you start to get louder. You learn that Torsion springs are an important component of Nimble-wights and that Snickelthwip's sister wears an iron brassiere. Griselda returns to the bar and waits for you to speak.
"Those men come in here often? They seem to know their way around this tavern of yours. They also seem like they might know where a strong dwarf could find some work around here." Might you be able to fill up a few gallon jugs of this ale for me to take on my travels?

Griselda purses her lips in thought. "I don't tell tales on my customers, Thor. On the other hand, I can tell you that none of them will bite your head off just for asking. As for the ale, it'll cost you a gold and 6 silvers for a gallon, but unless you've got a portable wine cellar on you, it'll only keep for a few weeks. You'll have to supply your own wineskins. Shall I top you off?"

OOC: 1 gallon of ale is eight tankards worth, weighs 9 pounds and fills 2 waterskins. Also, the dwarven stuff is potent. After the second mug, Thor needs to make a fort save.
Thor nods and looks back to the men in the corner. Feeling the heavy ale sinking in he chugs another third of his second mug. Nearly done with it he has her refill it for him.

"I have been known to put down quite a few mugs of dwarven ale. Though I admit your brew is quite potent. Have you an idea where I might be able to purchase some waterskins? I'd like to buy 2 gallons for the upcoming adventures."

After finding out where he nods and tells her he will be back. Heading to the men in the corner he greets them beer mug firmly in his hand. Takeing a long chug he tosses a gold coin onto the table.

"That be for ya time fellas, I just be wanting to know if anyone ye know has jobs for a strong fighter like me. I need something to keep my weapons swinging. "

(Not to worried about my fort....I got +8 base fort save. But I rolled anyway and got a natural 20...WOOO. So thats 28 fort I think hes handling the ale well. :p )

IC: I grab the club from the ground and run between the beast and the deer as fast as I can. I ready myself and state, "your not welcome here."

OOC: level 20 warblade, 1 sword sage, 16 incarnate, 16 factotum characters are supior to the worlds largest dungeon (Thus far.)

It turns towards you, menacingly. As it does so, you feel an odd tremor pass over you, a wave of ... greeness. The club falls from your fingers as your clothes meld into your body as you sprout fur and claws. With all the fury of a bear, you tear into the creature. It tears back, but the fight is swift. The creature, oozing ichor from multiple wounds, explodes with a flash of flame. You are thrown back, human once again. The fire begins to spread quickly, eating away at the trees...

You manage to hold your alcohol with ease. Griselda tops off your mug and heads for the kitchen after giving you quick directions to a nearby general store.

The men at the table look up in surprise at your greeting. Two of them look amused, one looks offended and the fourth just grins and pockets the coin. "Well, if you're as strong as you say you are, Lord Tarik is looking for someone to clear up some carrion crawlers in the sewers. Apparently they've gotten quite large and are posing a danger to the sewer workers."

The man named Mikhal scowls at him. "Don't be ridiculous, Espe. I wouldn't take on that job for a thousand gold apiece, let alone the pittance that Tarik is offering. He's got a much better chance just plying his skills at the arena."

One of the others, a mage by his outfit, sighs. "Of course. A much better chance of dying. The crawlers would be messy, but at least you know your opponents. I saw one fight between a rookie and the Shatterer. She had her sword coated in his blood almost before the marshal signalled for them to begin."

Mikhal ripostes, "At least the take was enough to get him raised, afterwards. No guarantee of that with the critters in the sewers."

You begin to get the impression that this group argues a lot.
Thor nods slowly as the group bombards him with the priceless info. Takeing long gulps from his mug of ale he waits for an opening before speaking.

"Well my new found friends...I dont think the arena is my kind of place. I find it a bit of a downer to go against fellow fighters for fun. I'm always up for slaying a bunch of foul creatures though. Where might I find this Lord Tarik and who shall I say sent me?"

He waits for an answer before replying.

"I shall see him shortly.....that is after I take care of an errand. Thank you friends."

Thor finishes the rest of the mug and set it on the bar as he leaves. Giveing a nod to Griselda as he leaves he heads to the General store to buy four waterskins. Makeing his purchases he heads back to the bar filling them with 2 gallons of the fine ale. Now prepared with the fine dwarven stout he heads off to find Lord Tarik.

Mikhal shouts after you, "Oh, his manor is on Travers street which runs north from the main square. He'll be happy enough to see someone who'll look into this."

Griselda fills the skins for you and nods, "I hope you'll be coming back alive, Thor. You're a good customer." She gives you a quick grin.

OOC: 4 waterskins, 4gp. 2 gallons of ale, 3.2 gp 4sp left of Thor's initial gold. Subtract 6.8gp from your resources.

IC: You have no difficulty finding the place. It occupies a large piece of prime land, very close to the square. It looks as if it was originally an independant castle before the city grew up around it. A guard shouts from above, "What business have you got with Lord Tarik, dwarf?"
Thor drinks lightly from one of his waterskins trying to keep his head floating in the feel of the fine ale. The guard calls down to him and he calmly returns to waterskin to his side.

"I come regarding the carrion crawlers in your sewers. I heard ye be looking for someone to get rid of them for ya. Me and my trusty weapons might be of assistance for the right price."

He waits for a reply patiently calmly drinking again from the waterskin.

IC: "Crap" The forest is on fire, and Ehlonna knows its my doing. I imedeatly try to smother the fire out, hopeing to redeem myself at least a little in the eyes of a god.

The guard looks dubious. "Alone? I'll let you in to talk to the Lord's secretary, but you'll have to leave your 'trusty weapons' at the door." He signals a pair of guards below and a small door within the big doors opens, showing you a courtyard inside.

You feel the green flow again. This time is comes as a liquid ripple and you feel yourself becomig water, splashing all over the place and putting out the fire. You evaporate in the process, becoming part of a cloud which gradually drifts it's way to the city. The priestess's eyes find you again, "This is part of what it means to be a guardian of the forest and how it feels. You have done well, child, though you still have far to go. I accept you into my service. Know that I will not judge you too harshly for honest mistakes, so long as your intentions are good and you make the attempt to fix them."

Your consciousness falls out of the clouds, down into the city and into your waiting body. Someone is gently shaking you awake. An elven man kneels at your side, looking worried and then relaxes as a soft green light fills the temple for a moment, lasting for a few seconds after you open your eyes. "So," he says, in faintly accented common, "The lady has been with you. You are fortunate. How do you feel?"
Thor grunts as the guard tells him he has to leave his weapons. He approaches the two other men who open the smaller door for him. Gesturing for him to drop his weapons to the side. Thor reluctent does so pulling his dwarven aes out and tossing them on the ground. Unstrapping the crossbow from his back and adding it to the pile, he grumbles to himself as he looks at the guards.

"Hello sir, I have come to see Captain Argyle, Melda the Guardswoman mentioned that he might be willing to help my party and I." Ezmi said as she strode up to the small gentleman, giving the two guards a polite nod.