D&D by email


IC: "Yes, I wouldn't see that happen either. I used to be a gaurd at a small town up north, and even there such politics were rampant. Well nice meeting you, and take good care of my friend there."

I walked in and wandered about for a full hour before deciding the spiders attacked in the forest on a trail, that ment I could go for Ehlonna, Obad-hai, and Fharlaghn. Seeing as Ehlonna was now the closest I decided ladies first.

As it turns out, the temples of Ehlonna and Obad-Hai co-exist in relative harmony and are very easy to find. Unlike the city around them, they sit in an area full of ancient trees, clearly protected for years from the encroachment of the blocky stone buildings which are so common throughout the rest of the city.

Among and in the trees, many people, chiefly elves, have built small dwelllings. There are also a few shops, specializing primarily in food. The temples themselves sit on either side of the main path through this area. The shrine of Obad-Hai is built on the ground, partly of stone and partly of wood, but in a very naturalistic fashion. A long staircase of silver birch leads up towards the treetops, where the temple of Ehlonna sits, basking in the sunlight. An old half-elven woman in a dark green robe sits outside, enjoying the weather. She notices you and smiles peacefully. Her voice is warm as she says, "Good afternoon, young one. What can I do for you today?"
Leanna, too, is impressed by the arcane might the guild hall displays. But she does her best to conceal it, choosing not to look like an overwhelmed bumpkin.

"Indeed," she says non-commitally, pushing back the hood of her robe. Her long, raven hair spills down her neck and along her back in a dark tail.

She follows the older woman towards the guild hall doors, entering and preparing to make her application to the guild.

IC: "Well I am not sure. I'm not much of a temple goer, some I am out of my element at the moment. I recently was attacked in the middle of a forest, and yet I survived by what most would consider luck. So I figure I should thank Ehlonna. And now I am here and very much unsure what to do next."
(I was looking over my character at my attack bonues and while I was redoing everything and I know what happened. Now that i'm lv.2 it evens out though....)

Thor agrees with drec about staying the night and yells so after leanna hopeing she would hear. The thought of her wandering the town center makes him chuckle, but finally he agrees with himself to stop by the town center in a few hours. Drec walks off to his own buisness and Thor quickly goes to find the nearest blacksmith.

OOC: You're all meeting at the Silver Charger inn due to a lack of a precise town center. Leanna heard Thor. What does he do?


OOC: Temporary brain disfunction on my part. He goes to find a blacksmith.

IC: After wandering the sidestreets for a little while, Thor recognizes the familiar small of hot iron and follows it to a small shop a few streets away from the main avenue. A man is standing outside a slightly run-down smithy shoeing a horse.
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Leanna hears the old woman mumble something about being discreet and then the two are through the doors. The entryway is lit with arcane fire and the floor is made of liquid water. Fish swim underneath and it seems fairly deep. The old woman placidly treads her way across the foyer, actually walking through a massive red flame and makes her way to a side door. The room behind the door, while luxuriously appointed is entirely mundane. A young man looks up from his desk which is covered with papers and scrolls. As he opens his mouth, she pre-empts him with ritual phrases in a booming voice.

"I come before the guild to bring as an initiate, Leanna Strachan, who has distinguished herself in my service and completed her apprenticeship. I offer myself as her sponsor and cross your palm with silver in token of the pact." She takes out a large bag and dumps a pile of silver, about 200 coins worth, on the desk. Apparently rates have increased since the inception of the system. "She shall be an admirable member of the guild, devoting herself tirelessly to the study of the highest lore. May she join our ranks that we may rejoice?"

The young man looks nonplussed and pauses to think for a moment before replying, in a stentorian tone, "As a member of the guild, I do hereby witness your sponsorship of the candidate, Leanna Strachan. She is deemed acceptable by the merit of your recommendation alone." Turning to you, he continues, "Do you swear to pursue the secrets of magic for the joy of knowledge and bettering of the arcane arts. If so, you and your sponsor shall place your marks upon this plaque that your oath to the guild shall shine forever."

Resuming his normal tone, he speaks to you as he looks for a plaque. "It's 20 gold for each year and the price increases as you gain mastery over more powerful spells. You have to do guild service for a week each year, but you can choose when to do it. Also, you shouldn't cast spells on the unwilling, it can get you thrown out of the guild. Of course, if they're attacking you, anything goes and we make certain exceptions for temporary spells on truly annoying gits."

He finds an iron plaque and gives you a scroll. "Here. Use this to cast a mark on the plaque."

She gives you a beautific smile. "Well, it could have been Ehlonna or it could have been luck. Either way, I'm sure that she will be pleased to have your thanks and will watch over you in the future. Come right on in. The ritual is very simple." She slowly gets to her feet and leads the way into the temple. The interior of the temple is also very bright, with large skylights in the ceiling allowing in sun and air. The main chamber has two trees in pots with a fountain between them. A flock of birds rises at your entrance and sirls around, twittering in a whirlwind of colour before making its way out through the windows. The priestess approaches the fountain and takes out a small silver cup with a unicorn engraved on it. She beckons for you to join her.

IC: I wonder if the birds do that when every some one enters. Well I supose a god can do what they want. I move over to the water noting the unicorn engraving, strange how I came here to give and yet I am not. The gods are fickle... Or I am an idiot to assume a god has any use for gold. I took a deep breath unsure of what I was doing.

The priestess pats your hand gently, picking up on your nervousness. "Don't worry, just do as I do and say what I say."

She fills the cup with water from the fountain and pours it into the pot of one tree. She then repeats the action with the other tree. "I give to the forest and the forest returns. Peace and life to us both." She then takes a pouch of seed out of her robe and scatters some in front of each tree. Almost instantly, the flock of birds returns and begins eating the seed. "Life for every creature within the forest."

She nods, and hands the cup and pouch to you.
Thor walks calmly into the blacksmith instently his face fills with a powerfull grin. The dull licks of flames seem to seep out of everthing as Thor looks around. The strong metallic smell lingers heavily in the air as Thor approaches the blacksmith.

"Hello friend. I'm here to ask of you a favor. I wonder, could you teach me a few skills of your glorious craft? I have a fondness for weapons...like these finely crafted dwarven waraxes at my hip."

(I will pm you my character after I roleplay this out....I forget, you dont get a ability score increase till level 4 right? Also the reason I'm asking to learn some skills of his craft is because I want to use my 3 new skill points towards Craft (Weaponsmithing). I also wish to buy something if you can pm me or just post here what is avaliable to buy here. Thanks. )

Ezmi will persue having her mare trained, and look into contacting Melda, through the fellow she mentioned on the way in.

OOC: I hope to be online for a significant time tomorow night, looking to get Ezmi into the frenzied disciples, DoS. ;)
Leanna takes the scroll, unrolling it and incanting the spell, making her mark on the plaque. Then she sets the crumpled and spent scroll down, nodding in approval.

She's received her membership in the guild, which means that the secrets of magic are now available to her. Leanna is eager to expand her knowledge and power over the elemental forces of creation, of life and death.

The old woman also adds her mark to the plaque as your sponsor and you learn for the first time that her name is Gertren the Clever. The young fellow has barely enough time to stammer his own welcome to you before Gertren has you by the arm, leading you on a very quick tour of the facilities.

Stepping onto a platform with you, she says "Laboratories." There is a flash of green and then she hustles you off the platform and along a new corridor, Opening a door, she points at a lab bench with a bunch of empty flasks on it. "There are magic and alchemical laboratories available to guild members, although you still have to buy your own ingredients."

She next takes you to the library, which hosts the most impressive collection of books on the arcane arts that you've ever seen. "You need any other subject, and you'll have to go to the University, though."

Then come the rooms available to guild apprentices at 3 gold per week. "Beds are OK, meals are included, but the cooking is awful."

Finally, she takes you to a room with many desks and a few shelves of spellbooks. "You can learn any spell that you like here or copy it into your own book if you pay for the magical inks yourself. Only basic spells in here though. Nothing more complicated than a fireball."

At this point the young man from the office catches up to you. He gives you a small pin, which proves your status as a junior member of the guild, and disappears with a shy smile. Gertren taps her foot impatiently. "I'm heading home now, all this running about is tiresome. Are you coming with me or staying here?"

OOC: Assume that anything in the PHB or DMG that a character of up to level 10 could afford is available somewhere in the city without too much additional hassle. You just need to ask the right person to find out where.

OOC: You're right, ability increases come at every 4th level. (so 4,8,12,etc.) You don't need to RP in order to spend skill points, but if you'd like to, that's perfectly fine.

IC: The blacksmith looks at you, seeming relatively surprised. "I already have an apprentice, sir." He looks at the two axes somewhat nervously and then, when it becomes apparent that Thor isn't about to start using them, with a more critical eye. "I don't produce any weapons that fine. I handle the occasional sword or dagger, but the weaponsmiths guild has a monopoly on anything truly impressive. I mostly work as a farrier." He indicates the partially shod horse standing patiently out front. "You might try Irlik's shop. It's at the fork of the river in the Rivergate district which is right that way." He points roughly EastNorthEast. "He's the only weapon smith I know who'd give me the time of day."

Not many people in this area of the city seem to know much about horse trainers. One woman takes a look at the beast and says, "That thing looks like a wild animal to me. Take it to the crazy druid who lives near the parklands!"

OOC: Which first? Mare, Melda or Mambo?

IC: I fill the cup with water from the fountain, noting the crisp clean water. I poured the water into the two planters, some how I could almost see them grow. "I give to the forest and the forest returns. Peace and life to us both." I then reached into the pouch and pulled out some of the seeds, they clearly came from several plants being different colors and sizes. I spread the seeds and a rainbow of colors bounced down to them suddenly transforming into birds. I repeated cautiously with the other tree before saying "Life for every creature within the forest."

I then handed the pouch and cup back to her. "Is that everything?"
Thor grunts at the man in response...

"I only ask to be thought a thing or two friend, thought you might have had the time too. Well if you cant help me there can you help me with a light but strong steel shield? If you dont have one might you know of someone who does?"

He waits just a short time for the response before adding....

"Oh... and I forgot to ask. Do you know of anyone in the area who might be able to add spikes to my banded mail?"

(I wanted to roleplay the skill increase in hopes of maybe getting a bonus point or two :p
Also how does everyone like my new sig picture. :) )

The smith shakes his head. "The only shields I have are wooden bucklers. I would highly recommend one if you use two weapons because you can still swing with the arm without having to waste time unstrapping your shield. Pretty much anything else you'd like, Irlik is most likely to have or be able to make."

With that, he turns back to the forge for a moment. "Pardon me, but I must keep this hot or it will turn brittle."

A bright red bird perches on the old priestess' shoulder as she smiles at you again. Looking slightly more intense than before, she speaks again, "If you wish to show a greater gratitude than this, all that remains is to take the pledge as a guardian of the woods. Do not do so idly, but only if you truly wish it to be so."
(I thought that a wooden buckler let you use two weapons....its just been awhile. I was looking at my SRD I got and I read that useing a light shield its only a move action to drop it and you can hold an object in that hand. I figured this.......

Thor tosses his dwarven axe into the air at the same time flinging his shield arm downward towards the dirt covered ground. The shield slides effortless off his arm and drops to the ground with a dull thud. He catches his weapons again all as if planned and practiced many times before. Now armed with his two favorite dwarf made weapons and his cumberson shield droped, he grins at the creature in front of him.

But I guess it would easier to buy a wooden buckler. Do you suffer any penalitys when you use a weapon with the buckler? If not then I will buy it from him and be on my way to Irlik. )

OOC: The stipulation is the buckler doesn't add any defense if you use a weapon to attack that turn.

IC: 'If you wish to show a greater gratitude than this, all that remains is to take the pledge as a guardian of the woods. Do not do so idly, but only if you truly wish it to be so.'

I stopped and paused considering it. "Yes well how much freedom do I have with in those bonds? I intend to keep promises but I can't grantee I will always be by forests."

OOC: Yes, you CAN drop a shield as a move equivalent action (In fact, if your BAB is +1 or better, you can even do it while taking a normal move). The advantage of a buckler is that you can attack (at a -1 to shield-arm rolls) without taking it off (although you don’t get the AC bonus from it that round). This means that if you need it to defend on the next round, you can do it without wasting a move action and opening yourself to an attack of opportunity to pick it up and strap it on again.

OOC: Also, my IC posts don’t always clearly explain game mechanics. People in the world, while loosely aware of the laws of nature and magic, don’t think in terms of bonuses and penalties. That’s up to you and me. They do have some concept of some things being better or worse/easier or harder, but the numbers are purely for our convenience.

IC: The smith shows you his bucklers. Even to an inexperienced eye, the workmanship is atrocious. While his horseshoes seem to be of fine quality, it is perfectly clear that this man is not and will never be an armorsmith. Thor makes his way through the gate between the Tarik and Rivergate districts without incident. Irlik’s smithy boasts a large sign and has two doors in front. One leads to a shop with finished pieces on display and the other leads directly to the smithy. You can see two men in the shop discussing something with the clerk. In the smithy, you can see an enormous fellow, bald, with a huge moustache giving instructions to a young woman who is striking what looks like one of the plates for a suit of mail.