Daddy's Little Girl - Fourth Edition

Really glad I found this thread. Not sure if Dlg is for me but I'm open to exploring.
Just remember one size does not fit all. I think of all the sex/kink options as a huge buffet and I can put on my plate the stuff I like and leave the rest.

In some ways I am very much a Dlg, in others not so much. It's your journey... find the path that works for you and your partner. Boxes and labels are only useful as far as they facilitate conversations... but often they constrain as much as they illuminate.

We are glad you are here @Masters_slutpussy
Look around. If you have questions, folks are likely to offer their experiences and thoughts.
Really glad I found this thread. Not sure if Dlg is for me but I'm open to exploring.
This is a good place to explore. Most litsters on here seem pretty open and kind to very kinky things and exploring ideas. Its fun to discover new things that make our bodies twitch or turned on from. I love just opening up and confessing my deepest darkest desires without judgement
As in "I dig Daddy's little girl dynamic"

Often Dominant side of the slash terms are capitalized, whereas the submissive side of the slash is not. D=Daddy lg= little girl

I know...I can be an over explainer. Sorry, not sorry. lol
I finally caught on

I like the Dynamic of Daddy and Girl

But Daddy and little girl, she can't be too young or I'll feel guilty.

The mental part of it is intoxicating
I finally caught on

I like the Dynamic of Daddy and Girl

But Daddy and little girl, she can't be too young or I'll feel guilty.

The mental part of it is intoxicating
To be clear - the Dlg dynamic has NOTHING to do with incest or underage activity or pedophilia.
Dlg is a dynamic that some consenting adults enjoy. In fact, the numerical age of the partners (over 18) is immaterial. My "daddy" is actually a few years younger than me.
To be clear - the Dlg dynamic has NOTHING to do with incest or underage activity or pedophilia.
Dlg is a dynamic that some consenting adults enjoy.
I know

I just meant when the young lady dresses very young and has a teddy bear with pink pillows and sheets. She has to be clearly a grown woman, for me to get into it

I don't mean the Daddy Dom Sub Dynamic
the dynamic is between you and your partner...just be careful not to project or judge...a little's "little space" is a very personal thing and should be has more to do about feeling safe and creating a space in order to relax and deal with the stress of life...though i certainly dont want to speak for any of the littles here.
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I know

I just meant when the young lady dresses very young and has a teddy bear with pink pillows and sheets. She has to be clearly a grown woman, for me to get into it

I don't mean the Daddy Dom Sub Dynamic
Got it. Just wanted to be clear because sometimes folks come into this thread with a real misunderstanding about this.

Some littles enjoy things like teddy bears and so forth, others do not. These details are to be worked out for yourself and between you and your partner. Different things squick different people out and those same things can feel perfect and wonderful to others. I've never been a girly girl, but other Littles are and thrive on things that make them feel "little". To each their own. Like any relationship you need to find someone who "fits" with you.
I know BFG isn't referring to that kind of thing

I was someone post about DDLG, so that's what came to mind.

I enjoy being called Daddy, in that special kind of way

Sorry BFG, didn't mean to make it too serious
This is a great thread to both have serious and silly conversations and posts. At times thare have been very serious conversations about the dynamic, problem solving relationships and self care. At other times it's more rainbows, coloring books and twinkle lights. (I'm a big fan of twinkle lights).

From my perspective no need to apologize for a veer into the serious.
Got it. Just wanted to be clear because sometimes folks come into this thread with a real misunderstanding about this.

Some littles enjoy things like teddy bears and so forth, others do not. These details are to be worked out for yourself and between you and your partner. Different things squick different people out and those same things can feel perfect and wonderful to others. I've never been a girly girl, but other Littles are and thrive on things that make them feel "little". To each their own. Like any relationship you need to find someone who "fits" with you.
Most definitely

I enjoy your explanation

To me, I see it as an intense emotional responsibility, much more than a traditional vanilla relationship.

So many aspects fitting in a person's personal preference.

I love the perks, but I also know it's a big responsibility. A man should not foolishly enter into this type of relationship, unless he's truly able to give her what she needs long term.
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I always sound old and Judgemental, totally not what I meant

Most definitely

I enjoy your explanation

To me, I see it as an intense emotional responsibility, much more than a traditional vanilla relationship.

So many aspects fitting in a person's personal preference.

I love the perks, but I also know it's a big responsibility. A man should not foolishly enter into this type of relationship, unless he's truly able to give her what she needs long term.
hey sorry, please unquote my original post and quote the new one if you wish, i needed to fix it to fit with community standards. thanks.
My sweet little spice of my twilight had a rough month.

First, she got pulled over for driving while short. Yep, really. The cop in question pulled her over because he didn't believe she could see well enough over the hood of the car.

To make matters worse, while dining out with her daughter some waitress just arbitrarily gave her the senior discount. And let me tell you, I got to hear for more than an hour that she still has a whole five months before she qualifies for that, damn it!

Feet were stomped. Stuffies were thrown. It took me three chapters of our current book and two renditions of "Lullaby" to get her to sleep. It was a whole thing.
My sweet little spice of my twilight had a rough month.

First, she got pulled over for driving while short. Yep, really. The cop in question pulled her over because he didn't believe she could see well enough over the hood of the car.

To make matters worse, while dining out with her daughter some waitress just arbitrarily gave her the senior discount. And let me tell you, I got to hear for more than an hour that she still has a whole five months before she qualifies for that, damn it!

Feet were stomped. Stuffies were thrown. It took me three chapters of our current book and two renditions of "Lullaby" to get her to sleep. It was a whole thing.
An actual "little." 🤣

Does she sit on a phone book or anything?

I bet that was a tantrum. 🤣