Darmus By Night


Shaking her head and breaking eye contact with Cervantes, Thorne unpacked her kit again and went over to the mare Cervantes had ridden. Thorne offered the horse a carrot for trust and led her back over to the other mounts. Tying the lead line to a tree, Thorne proceeded to groom the animal slowly and carefully, all the while trying to get a better look at the pendant that Cervantes had.
"Wha? Oh, val... Nnnff..." Cervie waved his hand dismissively as he continued feasting his eyes on Thorne.

Val gave Cervantes a somewhat disgusted look. "Um, Cervie..." he said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "the quest, the pendant, the dragon, the bloodstone? Remember?" he said, waving a hand in front of his face, as he pulled his breat plate back over his body........
"Oh, that... Tomorow... Mmmfff... Yes... Tomorow... Uhuh. Thats good... Mmm, yeah, just like that..." Cervie commented as he watched Thorne brush the mare he'd stolen out.

Cinching the clasps of her cloak tight, Thorne let the drape of fabric cover everything but her arms. She continued to work, yet again appearing to be only a set of arms, neck, and head coming out of a swag of black fabric. She hoped that Cervantes would grow bored and she could get a look at that pendant.

"Ooo momma, I love it when she's all modest like that! Work it baby, work it! Get those burrs out! MMM!" Cervie was getting louder with his comments, edging closer toward Thorne as he did so.

Blushing, Thorne reached up with one hand to snap the hood of her cloak over her face. She finished with the coat of the mare and went onto the mane, ignoring Cervantes, but using the oppertunity to duck around the mare, putting something between her and the comments.

Kiahra suddenly appeared before Cervie...

Are you going to flirt with the mage all day.. Kiahra said'

Because I really don't think she is interested in you ...OF course you know I can alway make sure that you would never get her Into your flea infested bed.. Kiahra said'
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Orion rode over to where the rest of his party was. It was clear he was entirely intoxicated. He looked around at everyone as he slurred a few words, "Hey....peeps....*hic*....you want some of........dis'...wine?...I got plenty.."

"God, that woman knows how to brush a horse..." Cervie said as he made to follow her around the mare. "Kiahra, you wouldn't! You just wouldn't..." Cervie hissed, giving her a slightly frightened look. "Nay, ya freak, the wine's all yours, enjoy it..." Cervie shot toward Orion. "Fucking drunks..." He grumbled under his breath as he rolled his eyes. "Thorne! Hey Thorne..." Cervie called out as he looked back toward the magess with a nodding smile and walked up to her once more.

Sighing, Thorne turned from her work on the mare. "Yes Cervantes?" Well, at least he had gotten her name right this time, and it sounded like he was going to remain sober tonight, which, if his normal demenor was any indication, was a good thing. She looked over at Orion, wondering how a dead man could get drunk, and then over to Valdimer, wondering just how the party was going to solve the problem of replacing the blood lost in the healing of his hand. It also occured to her that Cervantes had never said why he had found her name funny.

"Oh, nothing, just... Well... Um..." Cervie gave an oddly sheepish smile. "Er... Well... It looks so fun brushing those horses out that... Well... Um... I'd like to brush yours..." He was acting very strange, lowering his head, and squiggling his foot in the dirt as he talked.
Formalle the Great:

Watching the party through his crystal ball, shaking his head as he walks from the stand that is supporting it's heavy wieght. The magically lit tourches flickered as he passes into the main hall of his silent fortress.

Thinking to himself and muttering aloud to ears that don't hear " I wonder if they will survive long enough to even see the Dragon, let alone put the pendent on her. Maybe I should look for some one that may help or just take over the quest? No... Better not they have enough trouble as it is why complicate it more. But hopefully soon, maybe with some more help from me, I may get my old freind back that once was so kind and forgiving till the madness started."

Thinking back to the events that had happened in the past: The untimely death of her mate, by an immortal mortal that not only killed him, but skinned him and left him to rot in the wilderness. In the madness some how some one had taken control of her, making her more vengfull and changing her persona completely.

Formalle, remembering where he is and what he was doing "I still wonder if these piss ants can really complete the task set before them with out Killing her or themselves in the process."

A cry comes from another hallway. A cry that seemed to shake the walls around the silent keep. Formalle heading twords the crys, says in a conforting tone: "Soon my little one you mother will be back to take care of you. Till then I'm here." Walking into a large room with a large pile of gold in the center and a small Dragon sobbing at the side of it for it's mother. He goes and starts petting the large head of the kind beast and talks softly to it till it goes to sleep.

Thinking to himself, Formalle also remembers that Cordrid, the baby dragons father, had some human concubines as well. And for some reason the Mage, Thorne, had a very familar scent to her as well as a familar look as well. "I wonder" he mutters to himself.
Orion dismounted his steed and sat on the ground, thinking of what he should do next. "Well I suppose I need a weapon, my limbs are getting tired from me detaching them, and I suppose it would really suck if I didn't get one of them back." He turned his attention to the group, "Hey, I realize we're in the middle of the woods here but do any of ladies and gentlemen know where an undead zombie forced to walk the earth such as myself can find a weapon around here? A sword, a dagger, morning star, big pointy stick, anything will do. If not is there a grave site around here?"

OOC: Nobody Special, nice avatar.

Looking startled, Thorne reguarded Cervantes. "You want to help me brush out Talesin?" She looked at his posture carefully, studying it for any sneaky movements. Tal had bit him, and from what she'd seen, he didn't seem the type to want to forgive and forget that easily. Still, if it would make the quest go easier, she'd be willing to make some allowances. "All right, tell you what, once I'm finished with the mare here, I'll introduce you to him so he doesn't get spooked by you. By the by, what is your horse's name?"

"I... Ment your hair... Thorne..." He looked over at Talesin for a second then back to Thorne. "Er, but yeah, okay, that would be nice..."

Blushing, Thorne tugged the hood of her cloak over her face, embarrased. "Here, let me just finish the tail of the mare, and I'll take you over to Talesin." She worked fast on the horse, appriciative of the calm temperment, all the while cursing her own stupidity. She would never ride with an actual party again, she vowed. It was just too much work dealing with other people.
The thigh looked even good enough for him to eat. Juices dripped onto the ground as he took it out to the wolf, who was sitting there and looking at him with a face of happiness, and hunger.
"There you are," Rocky placed it down.
He looked at the other animals, already on the sleepout. He wasn't sure, but maybe the wolf could join them.
"Wolfie, would you mind horribly if..."
The wolf came over and whispered to him.
"Oh, as long as you get hot meat every night? That's no problem, you can become my ally. I've never had an animal that could do any real damage before."
The wolf paused eating, just for a moment, as if to acknowledge him. He went back, chewing and slurping up the tender meat.
Rocky went about his nightly business, he made a huge fire outside, since the sun was already down and people were getting cold.
Especially the one girl, she had her cloak over her head. The poor thing, she must be freezing. He made sure to add an extra couple of logs just for her. The fire was soon blazing out in the front for everyone to gather around. They didn't have to though, it was particularly warm.
He loved fire, on most nights they couldn't have fires cause someone was after them or because they couldn't be seen. Not tonight though, tonight they would have on huge fire.
Walking out and adding even more and more wood, and seeing piles already made by a couple other people, they were finally ready for a long night.
Rocky decided to stay if someone needed him. This late they usually didn't though. Still, he was obligated. A cabin boy had certain duties to fulfill.

"No, now that won't work Thorne..." Cervantes said soothingly as he came up behind her and slowly pulled her hood back down. "I don't see why you hide your hair. True, I may be blatently staring at you, making my lust known for what it is, but that is my nature... But..." He slowly ran his fingers through the length of her hair as it hung down, over the hood of her cloak. "I would do nothing that you did not allow..." He had been whispering to her the entire time he stood behind her, collecting her hair in his hands.

Standing there in shock, Thorne felt the pins fall from her hip length hair. She had not cut it since leaving her family's lands, and she never took it down unless in complete private. Thorne's hair had odd red streaks running all the way down it's length, the black unmarred otherwise. Nobody knew why it grew like that, it just did, straight as an arrow, hanging down like a curtain. Thorne felt Cervantes hands on her hair and tried to look back, unsure of how to handle this.

Running his fingers through her hair a second time, then a third, for as voilent as he had been earlier in the day, he seemed to have such gentle hands with her hair. He laced it through his fingers and smoothed it out.

Shooting a helpless look at Valdimer, Thorne stood there. She didn't know what was going on, and frankly, she suspected that it was another ploy. She was uncomfortable with touch, especially that of a man who was trying to seduce her.

Buckling the last of the straps to his own armor, and his horse's, Val shook his head as Cervantes continued to persue Thorne. "My god man, dont you ever stop? No, wait, dont answer that, I already know the answer." he said, rolling his eyes. "Come Thorne, I do believe you can find a more comfortable atmosphere in the cabin." he said, holding his hand out...........

Moving slowly away from Cervantes, Thorne took Val's hand and walked with him, gratefull to get out of the ackward situation that Cervantes had put her in. What was with this party? She never really understood men, and frankly, it was very odd being around Cervantes.