Dear Litster, once more

Dear Kleenex supplying Litster,

It is very similar. Mine is actually sunrise at the beach I go to, took that shortly after losing my mom, I’ve never seen a beautiful sight.❤️Thank you❤️

Beach lovin Litster
Dear Beachy Keen Litster,
That's a very special picture then and it's gorgeous. :heart:
Your Fan-Girl Litster

Dear Sweet Tea,

Yes, as your mortal enemy, I felt the need to give that response.
I'm happy for you actually, it's sweet, like southern tea.
And yes, @Girly_girl is a good lady, we've crossed paths before.
And hers is a sunrise, can't you tell? ;)

Signed, I actually knew that.
Dear all knowing Litster,
Some say southern tea is too sweet, but who trusts those kind of psychos anyway? 🤷‍♀️
Sunrise, sunset, bite me. But not literally, cause we're not that kind of friends.
Just joking around Litster
You won't like this...and neither will those that support you. This is 2 similar posts in 2 days. It isn't his fault he is is your head. That's on you. We give people power.
It’s not my fault that he’s harassing a member. That’s not on me. Posting and hoping he sees it while also messaging him directly is on me.
Dear Litster,

You are an absolute spunk-trumpet.

Just needed to get it off my chest!

Dear Litster,

Wow!! You are a seriously high level in Pokémon!!
I am going to ask you soooooo many, most likely silly questions, but.. they are only silly, if I do not ask them. 😉

Me, your totally happy.. and very newbie friend!
Dear All Y'all Litsters to Whom This Applies,

Lately, I haven't been posting like I normally would. Lit has always been a place where I felt I could flirt and flit between threads or just put my thoughts down. It hasn't felt safe to do so in a while. I even locked up my inbox to only those I follow!

Silly me for undoing that. Silly me for thinking maybe, just maybe I could post a thought. A slightly sensual one, pretty tame compared to what I used to post. But, I wanted "someone" to know. The same someone who I was thinking about.

Here's what I want you to know. If I'm posting about something I want or crave, don't take it personally. My post is with someone else in mind. I don't care if it resonates with you, arouses you, it's something you're capable of doing. Most of all, I don't want to hear about it. Don't show up in my inbox sharing things with me.

Stop. It.

Tired of it Litster
Dear All Y'all Litsters to Whom This Applies,

Lately, I haven't been posting like I normally would. Lit has always been a place where I felt I could flirt and flit between threads or just put my thoughts down. It hasn't felt safe to do so in a while. I even locked up my inbox to only those I follow!

Silly me for undoing that. Silly me for thinking maybe, just maybe I could post a thought. A slightly sensual one, pretty tame compared to what I used to post. But, I wanted "someone" to know. The same someone who I was thinking about.

Here's what I want you to know. If I'm posting about something I want or crave, don't take it personally. My post is with someone else in mind. I don't care if it resonates with you, arouses you, it's something you're capable of doing. Most of all, I don't want to hear about it. Don't show up in my inbox sharing things with me.

Stop. It.

Tired of it Litster
Well said, I hope that dumbass got the message!
Dear sexy litster,

You make the world a little brighter every day. You are who I’ve always wanted and needed and I’m pleased that you are here for all to enjoy and appreciate. I’m not as articulate as others nor as ‘out there’ with my declarations but you’re valued, appreciated, respected and loved simply for being you.

Never change
Love and hugs 😘
Dear fellow beer lover,

I don't know when we first said hello but I do know that you're my longest friend on here and I adore you. For more than seven years we've chatted and shared our lives. We've taken Lit breaks that included breaks from each other, and always with the shared understanding that we'll be there waiting for the other to return when ready. We've been honest and open and that honesty has been respected between us. I think we've had one, maybe two, misunderstandings between us but instead of sulking, ghosting etc, we've addressed them like the reasonable adults we are and worked through them.

You're the one that proves to me that it can be done. Sincere, wonderful men can be found here. It takes a hell of a lot for me to trust people, and I trust you with all of me.

Thank you for being my friend in every which way you are.

Stealing from the Cookie jar. 😘
Dear Litsters A and B

A - well I'm sorry. I guess you finally got fed up of me, but once again, just ignoring me and fucking off into the ether is a shitty thing to do. But a leopard doesn't change its spots I guess and I was right to not let you back in after the first time. It still hurts though

B - another coward who ghosts, and then posts and then ghosts again.... as above.

To you both. I thought we were at least friends.

Guess not. Your loss.


Ordinary Barbie Litster.
Dear Litster,
I’m sorry if you felt I was ignoring you … I swear, I wasn’t. The fact is, you’re in my brain deeper than you know. You’ve stitched a spot that is permanently etched with your voice. I hope you know that.

Always Overthinking
Dear Lit,

I know I don't have anything to offer that is of value. I don't post pictures of my sexy chest and abs, because I don't have any.

I'm not funny or talented. I don't post photos of the amazing places I go or the cool things I see. I doubt you guys want pics of a factory gate shack at night. Or my dingy apartment by day.

I know I overshare and post negative things and to be negative in this new world is to be poison and thus shunned. I'm not fun, I know.

I'm not pretty and the more you get to know me, the worse my personality gets. But this is the only social outlet I've got. And I'm lonely.

I'm sorry for being the way I am, but if you could tolerate me and maybe sometimes give me a little positive attention, it would help more than you will ever know. I promise not to let it go to my head.

Dear Lit,

I know I don't have anything to offer that is of value. I don't post pictures of my sexy chest and abs, because I don't have any.

I'm not funny or talented. I don't post photos of the amazing places I go or the cool things I see. I doubt you guys want pics of a factory gate shack at night. Or my dingy apartment by day.

I know I overshare and post negative things and to be negative in this new world is to be poison and thus shunned. I'm not fun, I know.

I'm not pretty and the more you get to know me, the worse my personality gets. But this is the only social outlet I've got. And I'm lonely.

I'm sorry for being the way I am, but if you could tolerate me and maybe sometimes give me a little positive attention, it would help more than you will ever know. I promise not to let it go to my head.

aww shit Nev.
you always get huggers from me. :)
Dear Lit,

I know I don't have anything to offer that is of value. I don't post pictures of my sexy chest and abs, because I don't have any.

I'm not funny or talented. I don't post photos of the amazing places I go or the cool things I see. I doubt you guys want pics of a factory gate shack at night. Or my dingy apartment by day.

I know I overshare and post negative things and to be negative in this new world is to be poison and thus shunned. I'm not fun, I know.

I'm not pretty and the more you get to know me, the worse my personality gets. But this is the only social outlet I've got. And I'm lonely.

I'm sorry for being the way I am, but if you could tolerate me and maybe sometimes give me a little positive attention, it would help more than you will ever know. I promise not to let it go to my head.

Dear Nobody,

This freakish place just wouldn't be the same without you. I like it that you are here. You just be you, no matter what it is at any time of the day or night.

You have friends here. And some people that know you or of you, that are, if nothing else, friendly. It is not a popularity contest here, you know?

You have proven yourself to have a certain kind of courage, to say some of the hard things here that other people do not, or cannot. And you still keep plugging away. I admire that.

I'm not sure what you are looking for here at Lit or what you want to get out of it. I do know one thing for sure, YOU are part of this community and many of us here see, notice, and recognize you. Think about that.


Not always a smartass Litster