Disciples to the Forgotten


IC: "I have always found dispel and antimagic field to be useful against spell casters, and of coarse when one can healing spells. Other then that I do not know much as a spell caster. Perhaps banishment if we find more demons?"
Yasaedra reveled in the contact with her goddess as she always did. Once her goddess had granted her the spells she had asked for, she reluctantly broke the contact. With a wistful sigh, she opened her eyes and stood, picking up Dark Maiden's Light as she did so.

"I am ready, let us go."

IC: It wasn't long before the pair was back at the door and steped threw into the plain of fire. After the door shut behind them a soothing but deep voice was heard.

"Hello Agnimita." Upon turning around behind the portal stood a 15' tall creature. A scaly brown hide massive wings, sharp pointing teeth, a small set of horns, and an imposing tail. The beast was an infernal an abomination of an ancient cross of the gods and fiends. Next to it was the demon that escaped from before.

"Schaethreth! You are suppose to be dead!" Agnimita quickly drew her swords.

"Lower your weapons, I intend no harm. Let me explain I too seek your brother. We have unfinished business he and I." Agnimita let the smallest smile slide onto her face happy the demon was not the cause of Regalids disappearance. "However I can not find him or track him at present. I know you too seek him and that our interests align on this matter."
IC: It wasn't long before the pair was back at the door and steped threw into the plain of fire. After the door shut behind them a soothing but deep voice was heard.

"Hello Agnimita." Upon turning around behind the portal stood a 15' tall creature. A scaly brown hide massive wings, sharp pointing teeth, a small set of horns, and an imposing tail. The beast was an infernal an abomination of an ancient cross of the gods and fiends. Next to it was the demon that escaped from before.

Yasaedra felt it's presence before she heard it. The stench of evil that rolled off it was revolting, almost enough to make her want to hurl. She had already begun spinning as it began to speak. Dark Maiden's Light flashed red in the fiery light as she slid into a readied stance. She recognized what it was. As much as she longed to watch it burn and bleed, as much as Dark Maiden's Light itched to bite into it, she knew the fiend was far too powerful.

"Schaethreth! You are suppose to be dead!" Agnimita quickly drew her swords.

She knew this thing by name?

"Lower your weapons, I intend no harm. Let me explain I too seek your brother. We have unfinished business he and I." Agnimita let the smallest smile slide onto her face happy the demon was not the cause of Regalids disappearance. "However I can not find him or track him at present. I know you too seek him and that our interests align on this matter."

Lower her companion? Not a chance. She stewed while she listened to the conversation. So he was after something this...this...unholy...abomination was after. It must have hit a really bad snag if it wasn't trying to capture Agnimita and use her to get at him.

IC: "What do you know of my adopted brother!"

"I know he is where I cannot get to him. He is in a tower some distance away but while the tower is protected from me, it is also protected from you and this is where are bargain is to be made." The beast smiled. "Surely you see the wisdom in our helping each other, after all what good does it do to be afraid of what I will do to him latter if you can't get to him now."
Yasaedra could only listen to the exchange, watching for any hostile act on the part of either fiend, or the presence of other forces moving up on them. As much as this...thing's mere existence, let alone presence offended every fiber of her being, she waited. Nothing she could say would improve their position, so she held her tongue. She just wanted to get away from the evil wafting from it since it was doubtful she could kill it. Hopefully this tower would have something they could use against it.

IC: "I am quite resourceful on my own abomination. We will rescue my brother with out your help now leave us to our quest." Agnimita was quite annoyed at this point, unsure as to weather or not this demon was responsible for her brothers disappearance in part. After all the demon said he was hiding beyond his reach.

"Fine then, I had known your brother was my enemy. And now I know you and I will likely share that bound." In a flash the creature and his minion were away.

The plane of fire was a lovely but warm place. The ground was a glowing black and lakes of molten rock were abound. Off to the distant right was an enormous brass dome. Off in the distant left was a tower set on a cliff face.
While she was pleased that her employer/companion had the courage and moral fiber to tell it to go away, the fact that it did bothered her.

After the offensive being left, "How do you know that...thing," she didn't even bother trying to hide her loathing for it.

IC: "Fortunately I knew him by reputation only until now. My brother crossed paths with that infernal many times and told me he had killed him. Sadly he was mistaken." The human walked toward the distant tower.

"I doubt there is much of a ward against humans or drow for that tower. Even if it keeps the abomination out." Agnimita turned her head back. "Lets hurry."
"Your brother must be an exceptionally powerful individual to have even nearly killed such a creature," she said impressed.

"Hopefully the tower will hold something which will help us finish it off when it comes for your brother." She suspected that what ever Agnimita's brother had would cause the hideous thing to strike shortly after leaving the safety of the tower.

IC: "Power isn't everything some times knowledge and discretion will win the battle. My brother definitely has the former but some times lacks the latter despite my best efforts." She placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head.

A dark cloud of ash moved overhead and what appeared to be snow began to fall, but here in the plane of fire it snows only burning white embers. The unprotected would regret coming here.
"True, power is not everything, but would be avoiding an entity like that would only leave it to make another move against you later. Not that one should even be allowed to exist in the first place."

As they walked toward the tower, Yasaedra took in the warmth and beauty of the fiery plane.

IC: "I must agree, I would be happier if the abominations were not in existence. But unless you wish to destroy the beast now I would of preferred not meeting it just now. Don't you agree?"

The group moved swiftly despite the fiery snow.
"I was referring to after we get your brother out of there, with what ever it is he has found. What ever it is, it's important enough to get that thing's attention. Important enough that it apparently thinks that capturing you to get to your brother would not work. It must believe that us rescuing him is its best chance at getting him and his item."

IC: "Perhaps you are right. Well one thing at a time for now." The group moved up a steady uphill approaching a lava fall with the tower just on the other side.
As they walked, she spotted several fire elementals on the other side of the molten river created by the falls. They seemed to be minding their own business, doing whatever it was that fire elementals did they weren't being summoned else were.

The falls and river where quite a magnificent site. If she ever took up painting, this would be a site she would have to paint.

IC: The group stopped and watched the falls for a bit, largely to figure out the best crossing point, or at least at first. A strange flow in the magma started at the surface of it and swelled upward and outward. Soon it was like gravity was forcing it over a massive hump and two jagged pointed rocks began to appear.

With a sudden roar the head of a massive red dragon broke the surface and the beast kept growing until it was completely free of the liquid stone. It flapped its wings one time throwing cooling magma ever where. "Ah welcome to my river mortals." The red dragon was larger then any red dragon on the materiel plane a truly massive and primal sort of beast.

"Any sort of plan?" Agnimita asked in quite a surprised tone.
Yasaedra too watched in awe as the massive red beast rose from the flowing magma and shook off the magma that tried to stick to it. She barely dodged two head sized magma wads in the process.

The massive dragon radiated evil, but not the nauseating stench of a fiend like the ones they had just encountered. Thus it wasn't near as offensive as they were. Well, at least so far it's polite, not that that's uncommon among dragons before they attempt to eat you.

Might as well give diplomacy a shot. He's way bigger than he's supposed to be, meaning he's probably much older as well. A fight best avoided.

"Its quite beautiful," she remarked, sincerely because it was beautiful.
Red Dragon

IC: The dragon looked out over his domain. "It has been some time since I've seen humans such as yourselves. Why do you come to my river?"

(I know your using a drow.)
She quirked an eyebrow at the dragon for calling her a human, not that she expected it to see it. Black skin, white hair, pointy ears? Drow??? Hello???

Not that she would actually say that aloud, that would be most undiplomatic when she was trying to be diplomantic.

"Aside from admiring it's beauty, we were looking for a place to cross to the other side," she replied simply.
Red Dragon

IC: "Oh, and what is on the other side that you would be interested in? Perhaps some sort of treasure?" The dragon paused, still surprised a less fire resistant creature would dare to enter this land.
Agnimita and Scales the Terrible

IC: "We are searching for my brother."

The dragon paused. "Oh so he is lost do you have other siblings because it would be a shame for your families line to end on this plane."

Agnimita paused "He is my adopted brother, and the line won't end here."
"And what makes you so sure their line will end here?" she asked diplomatically, "I'm sure she is touched by your concern for her family, it's not every day a great red dragon expresses concern for the continuation of your family line. If you know of something that would dangerous to us that we might not know, would you be so kind as to enlighten us?"

She figured she'd cater to his ego a bit, dragons tend to love that, even though they usually know your just trying to butter them up. She figured he was smart enough to know that she knew that he knew she was infact trying to butter him up a little. She just hoped he would still like it.
Scales and Agnimita

IC: The dragon chuckled tossing his head back in an exaggerated motion. "Whats dangerous. I figured it was obvious, a couple of humans such as yourself can barely protect themselves from the weather of this plane much less the locals. So where ever her brother is, if he is on this plane I doubt he'll have a simple time leaving."

The dragon smiled "And as for you two... well human is a rare food I have been missing of late. You see unfortunately I am bound to protect the tower, so my choices in conversation and in meals has been very limited ever since the wizard died. And my hoard is another victim, with little treasure in and my expensive appetite."

Agnimita shot a look over to Yasaedra, she had some concern in her expression, after all the two of them where heading to the tower.
"Bound to the tower? How in the Multiverse did and a great dragon like yourself get bound to protect a tower? Watchdog doesn't seem like the type of career that suits a great wyrm such as yourself. Especially without a "Sorry, I'm dead, so your out of a job because I can't pay you since I'm dead" clause." Diplomacy was replaced with incredulity.