Endless Ends

Louboutin has come out with all these dusky blue pumps and boots. My favorite color!

It's killing meeeeeee.

I told myself I would put my clothing expenditure on hold until I finished the farm.

*stay strong*
*stay strong*
*stay strong*

Louboutin has come out with all these dusky blue pumps and boots. My favorite color!

It's killing meeeeeee.

I told myself I would put my clothing expenditure on hold until I finished the farm.

*stay strong*
*stay strong*
*stay strong*

You need to buy at least one. Your feet have supported you your whole life (minus crawling). They deserve to feel special.
You need to buy at least one. Your feet have supported you your whole life (minus crawling). They deserve to feel special.
You're right. They do. 🤔


*thinks of expensive shoes packed in boxes upstairs because the closets aren't finished*

You tempter! 🫣

What's worse is that I don't own any Louboutins. All my expensive shoes are Choo. But these are bluuuuuuuuuuuuue.

*wanders off to find some chocolate or something else to get mind off shoes*
Well, if it's JUST blue that counts . . . :unsure:

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I have been wandering through my shoes, in an attempt to remind myself that I am not shoe deprived. Some past highlights.

(Okay, so not really past. I still own both pairs.)



The first was my AV for the longest time. (You know, back before I went au naturel.)

The second was from . . . one of VT's Endless Curiosity threads, pretty sure.

Both Choo. I am a one-note kind of kitten. 💁‍♀️
That worked!! I am always kinda surprised when I manage to upload a photo. 🤣

* * *

In other news, it was a pajama day. Meaning I never change out of mine. (Because I'm taking the meaning of slacker to new highs.)

This sartorial choice wouldn't have been an issue except for deciding to do yoga. Even that might not have been a problem, except for the inadvertent choice of a class with an excessive number of down dogs.

Having your teeshirt fall over your face continuously through the class is not entirely conducive to the yoga experience. 🙏
For your weekend pleasure . . . 1933 "Supernatural"
Oooooooh. You genius! :rose:

I have never seen this before!

According to Wiki, it is Halperin's followup to White Zombie (1933).https://www.google.com/search?q=Sup...ate=ive&vld=cid:ac5b2081,vid:uHrC3_Lgu5M,st:0
Does the artiicle strike you as a smidge wordily pretentious? I like words, the more descriptive and archaic the better, but this all drones on in such convoluted fashion I found myself wandering mentally off mid paragraph.

And half the time they don't tell you the plot!

However. One thing of note did come to light. Terrifier 3 is out. Which, I think, is right up @NRJLIVES4ever's slasher loving alley. :p
Well, since you are so stingy with body heat. :p

I have on fuzzy socks, have just made hot chocolate, and am sitting on the couch with a blanket getting ready to watch Supernatural (1933).

*flips hair*
Let us know what you think. I’m interested in this movie as well.

Hmmm, hot chocolate. That’s sounds like a good idea!
Supernatural (1933).

This was interesting. A smidge reminiscent on Fallen (1988) with Denzel Washington, minus cops and grisly murders. All there murders here happen properly. Before the credits open :p

It was an interesting commentary on the hundred year difference between the social moires surrounding the paranormal.

I don't think I've seen Carol Lombard in anything similar. Worth the watch.
Dr. X (1932)

In its original technicolor! Which I've never seen. It was filmed in color and black and white during the original production. I am a big Fay Wray fan. Especially her horror flicks. :p
The December full moon, the Cold Moon . . . the last full moon of 2024 will rise and shine on Dec. 15 at 4:02 a.m. ET. Though the moon will officially be full Sunday, it will still look plenty full in the night sky both Saturday and Monday as well. Every 18.6 years, the moon reaches the extremes of its orbit around the Earth. We will observe the Moon rising as far to the north as it ever does. This happens during what's known as the "major lunar standstill."

"As the last full moon of 2024, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past year, wrap up unfinished business, and let go of anything holding you back. This lunar energy encourages you to release limiting beliefs and prepare for fresh opportunities ahead."

The Cold Moon "urges us to delve into the depths of our subconscious and embrace the wisdom gained from past experiences. This retrograde period calls for further introspection, allowing us to align our thoughts and intentions for a brighter future. Don’t make rash decisions. The universe is giving you time on purpose to learn, understand, and reflect.”

Capricorn: "It’s all about work and health, Capricorn. The full moon keeps you busy with important tasks. . . You might also decide to start a new diet or fitness routine, setting yourself up for a healthier and stronger year ahead."

"Get your priorities in order, Capricorn. The multi-passionate cold moon in your sixth house of order and wellness encourages you to focus on organization and health. Take this opportunity to reevaluate your priorities and make necessary adjustments if feeling mentally scattered or emotionally overwhelmed. This is a great time to streamline your daily routine, schedule doctor appointments, and explore different fitness routines. Choose an exercise program that brings you joy and energy, whether it's yoga, running, pilates, or dance. Move your body!
Dang it! I missed the Cold Moon. I am so off my celestial game these days. 🤦‍♀️

Don’t make rash decisions.
I have been working on this for the last few months. I'm tired of being not rash. Rash calls!! *foot stomp*

Capricorn: "It’s all about work and health, Capricorn. The full moon keeps you busy with important tasks. . . You might also decide to start a new diet or fitness routine, setting yourself up for a healthier and stronger year ahead."
Already working on it, Sir. I am looking for a physical challenge for which to train. Something challenging and a little offbeat. Somewhere pretty. 😎
How is it that you can ask or email someone a direct question, yet not get a direct answer back? God forbid you ask more than one question, because that is absolutely not happening.

It's a mystery for the ages.

I. Need. Caffeine.
How is it that you can ask or email someone a direct question, yet not get a direct answer back? God forbid you ask more than one question, because that is absolutely not happening.

It's a mystery for the ages.

I. Need. Caffeine.
2nd that on the caffeine ☕☕