Even More Random Thoughts

You would think that with nearly 8 billion men and women in the world and access to almost all of them through the internet, it would be much easier to find a willing companion.
My new body soap smells so good I damn near tasted it.

Like I *know* soap doesn't taste good

But jezus I just wanna nibble my own skin right now
I sometimes miss having someone check on me to see if I’ve eaten, drank my water or had too much caffeine.
This is my PSA for those living in an area covered by intense smoke (from someone in California who's lived through the same situation with wildfires here):

Buy this. Place it in a "sanctuary room" - a room where you keep the door closed (Actually, I bought three of them and use them in different rooms). I made it my bedroom. They are especially good for those with allergies, smoke from fires, pet odors, etc...and they are SUPER quiet. On low speed (the setting I use) it is barely noticeable...It's insanely effective.

Whirlpool Whispure