Even More Random Thoughts

Is menulog our modern day equivalent of hunting and gathering?
Have you had sexual intercourse in the last 6 months? No. Have you had sexual intercourse in the last 3 years? No. Was your last sexual interaction with a male? Yes. Questions for women close to 70 who might have ovarian cancer who almost flat-lined from a recent heart attack.
🐱 🐈 🐈‍⬛ cat 🐱 kitty 🐈‍⬛ cougar 🦁 lion panther 🐆 tiger 🐅 🐯 wildcat lynx 🐈 cat kitten Cat Woman 👩 (?) cat walk cat fight caterwaul Cat People cat food Sylvester 🐈‍⬛
🐱 Penelope (Pepe Le Peu’s harassed pussy)
Pussy ( stopping cuz that line of thinking is not feline) Raining Cats and Dogs

All that yet, none are Naughty