Even More Random Thoughts

So, I went to the movies Sunday to see a flashback cinema presentation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Just another movie. But the sign at the concession counter was "different." It said that they were completely out of most every type of candy that is typically ordered. The reason?

Inside Out 2!

Seems that the theater normally has about 140 or so online reservations on average daily (with a bunch of walk in ticket sales). But with Inside Out 2, they hit well over 1,000 online ticket sales - meaning they were absolutely swamped by demand for the movie (and therefore the demand for candy). Most movies here in town have 2 showings a day, but newer and more popular movies have sometime 4 or 5.

Inside Out currently has 15 - for a Tuesday! Holy Hell! This is a HUGE hit movie...
I wonder if older black men are better than younger black men in bed… even if they had identical penis’
Gosh, to meet a lady whom would be open microwave fries and bread and butter. Anything warmish in bread is irresistible