Even More Random Thoughts

I need to do a better job of editing and revising my draft...the start is strong and polished, the end of the first chapter and entire second chapter are far less so...
I can’t wrap my head around why the political board on here is so active… I can’t speak for anyone else, but when I see β€˜literotica forum’ I’m thinking about fun, possibly (probably and usually) hijinks with fun, possibly (definitely) pervy people. I could just go on twitter if I wanted to feed the trolls and be told I’m a liberal cuck soy boy
Looking at a lot of ladies threads and I see a lot of Dom and Daddy memes. Men knowing that these women want Doms and Daddies, try to portray that or try to become that, but most don't know what that entails. Being a Dom or Daddy to a grown woman is a Giant responsibility, even though those submissive women turn me on greatly, I do want to be anyone's Dom or Daddy.

Just random thoughts I have on my mind.
I posted this on another thread but thought it works even better here. A random thought I had today was one would think by the third Friday the Thirteenth movie that people would know better than to go anywhere near Crystal Lake. Those kids had it coming.