Favorite line….

“Ain’t no one gonna hit my sister who ain’t married to her.”

Random guy gettin arrested on Cops circa 1990

(I in no way condone violence against a spouse - but this was the funniest thing I ever heard someone say on TV)
I won’t tell you I don’t need you tonight, I won’t pretend I ain’t burnin’ inside…

But if you’re thinkin’ about breakin’ my heart…Somebody else already tore it apart.
"Let me level with you, sir. I would destroy any country, even my own, if my President gave the order. So you just say the word, sir, and we'll do what we should've done. We'll nuke the slimy Canuck bastards. I mean it sir--we'll wipe their frigid goddamn country off the map!"

-- Rip Torn in Canadian Bacon
"By Grathbar's Hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged." - Dr. Lazarus (Alan Rickman)

Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.
Song: Dreamer by Tommy Bolin
This final verse was sung by Glenn Hughes, who was uncredited. Tommy died less than 2 years later.

Maybe before you were happy, but now your thoughts aren't of this place
I only wish you were with me, someone like you can't be replaced
Song: The Great Escape by Marillion

From Brave, the chilling cresendo of this dark concept album. Listen to it loud and in the dark.

tell me more about the love that you rejected
Tell me more about the trust you disrespected
I still don't know, why did you hurt the very one
Why did you hurt the very one
That you should have protected?
Barenaked Ladies song New Disaster

Here comes the new disaster
Here comes the end of days
Next up, the sweet hereafter
We'll tell you all about after this commercial break
Stay tuned for scary monsters
Watch out for rising tides
But first a word from sponsors
Might be a mess but it's a hell of a good time
Ok, had to add this coda (?) To the great escape...

Don't ask me why I'm doing this
You wouldn't understand
You're asking the wrong questions
You couldn't understand

A bridge is not a high place
The fifty-second floor
Icarus would know
A mountain isn't far to fall

When you've fallen
When you've fallen from the moon.....

Fun fact, they added Made Again to give the album a "Less bleak" ending....
Stephen Sondheim has some of the best wordplay in music, but my favorite has to be from Company:

When a person's personality is personable,
He shouldn't oughta sit like a lump.
It's harder than a matador coercin' a bull
To try to get you offa your rump.
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds - Bob Marley "Redemption Song"


I got myself a fanny pack. They were having a sale.down at the Gap. Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap. Hope no one sees me...getting freaky. - Weird Al Yankovic "White and Nerdy"

My musical rates are eclectic