Favorite story by another author?

So twelve years ago... when I was first stumbling around Literotica I came across this mind control story by Willcope.


It has copious amounts of one of the perverted things that I searched for - pissing.

It's a very strange story but for reasons unknown to my cock- it responded to it.

It was one of life's mysteries that they never wrote a sequel or anything else after that story.

As such its one of the stories over the years I came back to time and again.

Not trying to make this a WIWIAW thread, but I did take the premise of that story and stripe out all the things I didn't like and rebuild it.

But in my little perverted twisted mind that story has always stood out.

I won't clutter the forum up with another thread, but I'd extend this further for anyone interested.

A favorite story by another author.... who is not a forum member, (or a regular one as there's a lot of authors who only post once in a great while.)

I think enough back slapping and cheerleading goes on here that we can acknowledge someone from the vast sea of authors who don't post here.

Favorite can change on mood, time you read it, etc. I'm going to go with one of the first stories I read here. It's a one page Lesbian foot fetish piece. Nothing 'literary' nothing fancy, but its a fun story that really does it for me, and I've reread it a few times over the years.

"The Game is Afoot"


Sometimes simple is all you need.
I would like to recommend my all time favorite, Enslaving Eli, by billierosie. The author seems to have disappeared, but I wish I could resurrect her. Never on Literotica that I know of.
Oo, let me see.

From @AwkwardMD, Chasing the Dragon. It’s an older piece and it’s not like she hasn’t written many excellent ones since, but that one has the magic for me.

From @Lovecraft_Lore, I pick Breaking a God out of Vegan Jail. It’s really difficult to put the bizarre surrealism in their stories in any order of excellence. But the tag “attacked by bacon” deserves more recognition.

From @Bramblethorn, Loss Function, but because it’s already been mentioned in this thread I’ll say that maybe my second most favorite is The Wasp of St. Judith’s, which has that genuine horror vibe that I don’t think I could pull off myself.

From @SyleusSnow, I think it still is All for You, though he really deserves to make the history books as a father of weremoose porn.

From @MelissaBaby, The Gold Dollar Girls. Love Clover. Looooove Clover. Damn.
I can't be the only one who's following this thread eagerly, waiting for someone new to add their favourite story, and then being slightly disappointed that it's not one of mine.

That's alright though, you bunch of Philistines. One day I'll write something decent.
Let me suggest this series:


by BrightShinyGirl: https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=1715598&page=bio

She doesn't publish frequently, but her stuff is well-written.

It's a sci-fi story about a planet where the males are large and very male, and the women are pets and run around naked. An anthropologist from Earth, a woman, is studying this culture and decides she needs to embed herself in it to really understand it-- which means she has to get naked and let herself be led around on a leash. No spoilers, but you can imagine what might happen.

It's a guilty pleasure. But then, that's one reason we're here, isn't it?
I can't be the only one who's following this thread eagerly, waiting for someone new to add their favourite story, and then being slightly disappointed that it's not one of mine.
We’ll both be waiting a long time, you and me, hun 🤣.

I always struggle to identify favourites, but some that I love:

Grumpy Old Ladies by @AwkwardApple415 (Omenainen and AwkwardMD). Donna and Magda are just so gloriously petty.

The Demonization of Humberstone Rd. by @TheRedChamber. I was enjoying this one well enough, and then the end showed me it was cleverer than I'd noticed.

Another nom for My Fall and Rise, and Gold Dollar Girls by @MelissaBaby. The way the girls express their love for one another through bickering.

Gas Station Guy by @Kumquatqueen. I have a weakness for stories about how identities and orientations get blurry and complex.

Non-AH people:

Bridesmaid Duties by TessMackenzie. The author showed up in January 2015, dropped almost a hundred stories in a couple of months (long before that would've earned them an accusation of being AI-written!) and then never posted again. This is really just a vignette, but it has that blurring of orientation again.

A Clean Shirt by @Allyourbase. A lovely "gender is complicated" vignette.

Apologies to all the other lovely authors who I haven't name-checked here, but if I listed all the stories I've loved I'd be here all day.
Shouldn't you use a @ so they know you recommened their stories?
One is dead, the other two haven't posted anything in a decade, and neither were AH players. I don't think I matter to them at all.