Perrin spurs his horse to get ahead of the others. He makes it back to camp first. His stomach growling, he checks the stew pot to see if there is anything left. Of course there is none left, as luck would have it. He scowls at the empty pot, rummaging through his pack for some more hardtack. He takes a bite, chewing as he takes off his armor.
If all our battles are like this last one, we will all grow bored and lose the killing edge that got us here.
"My thanks for your continued hospitality, it's been some time since I've travelled with others. A sword would be appreciated my own funds are somewhat depleted."
Returning back to the camp, Taking a seat I watch the other busy around the camp.
"So what's our next move, do you have a destination in mind?".
Perrin sees the drow give the Paladin a new sword. He had heard that most drow's were evil,while he knew that Paladins were supposed to be a truly "Good" group of people. This journey was making strange friends and alliances. He finished his hardtack, looked through his pack for more food. Not finding any, Perrin sighed, put his head down on his pack and promptly fell asleep.
Jeselynn replied that she would tell us all in good time which way we were heading.
Perrin took to his bed and the other two had not returned from checking for any other enemies.
Still wide awake and alert, I began to run through some exercises the priests had taught me. Stripping to the waist, I moved over to a small patch of bear ground. Taking my sword in both hands, I stood with eyes closed trying to find the balance between thought and action. Slowly stepping forward with the left foot, sword moving, point over right shoulder and descending down to the left, turning the wrists, and bring the right elbow up so the hilt passed over my right ear, and back to the start , feet together. Repeating the moves and increasing the speed, I tried to feel for the point when my mind was truly moving only with the sword. As the moves became more difficult and faster , sweat covered my body with the exertion, but still my mind refused to become one with the blade. Stopping dead, I stood panting holding the sword in my hands as I stared at the hilt. Disappointed I Rammed it back into the sheath, I grabbed a towel out of my pack and moved towards the stream I could hear faintly in the distance.
Back in my little coccoon-like formation. I watch the Paladin practice, he seems well-trained, but like there is something wrong. As if he is unconfortable...
pulling out a small prisim on a thick cord, I murmur a few words and it begins to cloud. an image forms inside it. A mountain on fire... surrounded by a lake of ice.
Breaking my chant, I stand up and exit the tent... mumbling something about a walk towards the Paladin, i walk, wandering in the direction of the north..
As if overcome with a terrible burden of weight, I dropped to my knees, and my head felt as if it was forced down. On the ground there were tracks.. large almost horse-likeyet they seemed to be different... they appeared and then disappeared...
Lifting my head, I looked around to see a break in the trees to the west.... Through this break i could see movement. and smoke.
Covering the prisim in my hand I felt as if the pressure had lifted....
I stood and walked to the camp..
Knelling at the waters edge, I kept running my failure with the forms through my head. It had been the first of the new techniques that I was quick to pick up at the temple. Searching my mind for the cause proved easy. It was the oath to the Drow Jeselynn, if anyone had asked me a year ago that I would have done that, I would not have believed it. Dipping my hands into the water and splashing it across my back and shoulder, I recalled a lesson brother Theo had given when I had attained my helm
Two rows of benches were arranged in two semicircles one behind the other. Every seat was taken as Brother Theo took the podium.
" All of you here are too receive your helms, this is the first step on a the road of your destiny. Some are they who would say that, a mans destiny is the will of the gods, and that all before him has been arranged and planned since his birth. Others that a man's destiny is own making and the choices he makes form the path of his life. Me, I believe both to be true. The gods see the man that he will become and leave the world to shape him with it's choices. Those choices are the man's responsibility and his life will be changed by them. But perhaps form time to time, we are lead to the correct choice by a divine power. All are true, as much as they are false, all we are left with is, the first step on that path."
{{{{end }}}
Wiping myself dry I stood and put on my shirt. Jeselynn was entering the forest, and I watched her move amongst the trees. Was it divine intervention, or simply a choice I had made on my own. She had welcome me into her group, and I could sense nothing that I had expected from one of her race. No the oath was the right thing, will of the gods or no I was meant to see this through. Walking back to the camp I stood back to the fire and kept watch for the other. Perrin was still sleeping when Jeselynn returned, the walked had seemed to ease her thoughts. There was a faint trace of a smile and she walked with a lighter gait. Kicking the axe man awake, I asked the sorceress.
" What have you learned"
'we are bound towards the 'Mountains of Fire', home of the ancient of all dragons. Most will be completely uncaring of us there but we must find the temple of ' Ki' Malni' a temple of protectors.' I spoke.
Holding out the prisim, I started chanting and projected an image into the fire. 'We must find our transportation within the next 2 days. They will be hard to track and harder to catch.' i went on.
Looking into the fire, I point out the lake of ice,'impossible to cross, it is thiner than parchment, and the currents underneath wilder than any river rapid' Pointing to the long twisting cracks, and gaping holes, 'There is no way to break the ice and use a water craft to maneuver across, for it freezes instantly and then crumbles everything, it could crush any craft in seconds, leaving us in the water to our deaths!'
Turning the prisims, causing it to move closer and then onto the island... 'This island is nothing more than ash and burnt rock. Rivers of lava and forests of fire cover almost every step. This is made more difficult because the breasts and demons that reside on this island, I will need you all to trust me for once we reach the temple grounds, we shall all be safe, I will have magic to protect us till we reach the temple.'
Looking into the fire i cover the crystal and put it into my pouch.
'We shall start our hunt in the morning. You all will have to be completely trusting in me and this adventure. The beasts will know your intentions!'
I watch the scene created by the prism. I had heard tales concerning the mountains, and the dragons that lived there. Few would dare such a trip and from what I saw within vision it looked near impassable. The sorceress looked confident, even eager. Well whatever had caused me to join this group, I was committed and would not go back on my word.
" You have been true to you word so far, I see no reason not to put my trust in you. You will need your rest if your to cast spells on the morrow." I took a coin from my pocket, turning to perrin.
" I'll flip you for the watch."
nodding to the Palidan, I walked towards my coccoon and climbed in.. I began meditating and within minutes I was deep in trance...
My mind searched for my followers, as far as i could reach i could not locate them...
a little disturbed, I knew they could hide themselves well but i had always been aboe to find them. Maybe I had sent them beyond my reach.. not unlikely, but hard to accept..
reaching around and feeling for differences and anomalies...
All of a sudden, I felt a icy grip at my temples.. a horrible fire and pain filled my mind. Projecting this I focused on my home, one a fire plate and as i concentrated i felt the startle of my family as I set it aflame, roaring and blazing ...
Perrin growls deep in his throat as he loses the coin flip. He wanted to continue to sleep, but he needed to think anyway. He watches the Paladin lay down and fall asleep, as well as the others. Perrin sniffed the air in all directions, but could not detect anything out of the ordinary. Perrin leaned his back up against a tree and thought. Dragons..........ugh........ that is a tall order for warriors of our abilitities. I hope that our resident drow has some powerful enchantements to help us if we run into one. Either that or we will all be dragon kebobs.
Perrin thought back to his time with the bears up north. He had some great times, some grand adventures, but nothing as serious as dragons. However, he had a few tricks up his sleeve, not even counting those daggers on springs. Perrin relaxed the more that he thought about it. He could do whatever he wanted, as long as he wanted it bad enough.
Waking up in a ball, shuddering in a cold chill...
A thin hazy green smoke filled the coccoon, standing, i looked at myself, rubbing my eyes i looked again. my skin smooth and ebony normally, looked more like a dark jade color, almost scale-ly.
I was shocked and yet puzzled. grabbing a bag from my horses travel pack i rubbed a thick paste between my hands and rubbed it on my skin.. chanting, I Watched as my skin cleared, and blended back into it's deep ebony color.
walking out of the coccoon and to the campfire, i grabbed a kettle out hot water and poured it into my cup.
Hearing a noise close by my eyes flipped open. Emerging from the cocoon Jeselynn moved to the fire heating some water. Perrin still stood watch, of the others there still seemed no sign. Standing, I stretched cramped muscles, kicking away the rock that had found it way under my back. Washing sleep from my eyes, replacing the cap to the water skin after taking a mouth full. Neither member seemed eager to talk, making it a good time to renew the days prayers.
Sitting cross-legged on the ground, I reached into my shirt pulling out the holy symbol that hung around my neck. Shaped like an unstrung bow, symbolizing a Paladins path through life. His spirit for the string, his faith the arrow, flying straight and true to the target. A strange amulet for an order that forbade the use of a real bow. Taking a deep breath, emptying the mind, I ran silently through the pledges and vows taken the day I earned my helm. Careful to name all 46 separate virtues and 33 fully anointed saints. Unlike earlier with the sword exercise, I found the calm that comes when mind and soul find a balance. Opening my eyes I asked.
"So my friends shall we wait for the others, or push on and hope they catch up?. All this waiting is trying even my inexhaustible patience. What about you axe man?"
Perrin looks over at the Paladine. " I not be leaving my companions behind. I am sure they will be back soon. " Just as Perrin said that , Halia came rushing out of the stand of trees to the left of the camp.
"Come , we need you help, Edge and I were hunting in the forest and came across some deer sign near some caves. Edge went and looked closer to the caves and suddenly a troop of hobgoblins erupted from the cave. Edge was able to draw his weapon, but could see he was hideously outnumbered. He yelled to me to come back to the camp for help and would try to hold them off. I got here as fast as I could. Come quickly"
Perrin grabs his gear and looks towards the Drow. "Are we to go? I do not want to leave one of our friends to the foul clutches of filthy hobgoblins." Perrin waits for her decision.
Not waiting for an answer, I slipped on my leather armour and belted on my sword. Sliding a large dagger almost a short sword into it's sheath, and strapping in upon my right side. Fingering the small scratch on my arm. I confessed
" I apologise I encounter these hobgoblins the day before last, I should have mentioned it before now."
Striding over to the others
" The answer is simple, Evil should be fought wherever it is found. That they threaten one of our own, make the task more urgent".
Tanthalas crouched low near a strand of trees searching the ground for tracks. He had been tracking a band of hobgoblins for the last two weeks and every time it seemed he would get close to catching up to them they would move on. As Tanthalas looked about he noticed something. The hobgoblins had indeed come this way and quite recently to but what else he noticed startled him a little bit. There was other tracks here, human tracks. Praying to the god's Tanthalas stood up and started following the humans tracks. Hopefully he would reach him before the hobgoblins did. If not then at least he might be in time to save him from his fate if the hobgoblins got thier hands on him first.
Whistling lightly he turned and waited for his trusty steed to come to him. It was the only thing left from his parents beside his sword, his bow, and his armor. Tanthalas regarded his horse though as his life long friend. He had been there when it was born and had a very large hand in it growing up. It had stayed by his side ever since. Out from the brush it trotted up to him. "Ahh Thunderbolt, we must hurry. There is a man in trouble around here somewhere, especially if those hobgoblins get to him before I do." Mounting up, Tanthalas urged Thunderbolt on in the direction the tracks led. He only prayed he was in time...
Perrin is able to get ahead of the other adventurers , always looking to protect the others. He gets to the scene of the fight and takes in a lot of details right away. He can see that there are quite a few dead hobgolbins littering the ground, and also hobgoblin blood spread liberaly over the landscape. His nose detects the acrid scent of hobgoblin sweat and blood. But very little human blood did he smell. He did not see Edge or his body anywhere.
Perrin gets to the edge of the cave mouth and stops his horse. He sniffs the air and detects the scent of hobgoblin above the cave. They think they are going to ambush us, but to no avail, they have only come to meet their destinies on the end of my axe. Perrin signals for the others to slow their horses, as he stands on the top of his horse and grabs the rocks above the mouth of the cave and pulls himself up. The others do not see him for a minute, then they see a rain of four hobgoblin bodies fly into the air, landing on the ground in front of the cave.
Perrin comes to the edge of the cave mouth and climbs down onto the back of his horse. "Madame Drow, I have dealt with this hobgoblin scum , but I fear that there are many more inside this cave and they have Edge with them. "
I dismounting and approached the cave carefully trying to pierce the darkness. Taking hold of my holy medallion I spoke the words of a simple prayer, causing it to give light enough for me to see within the gloom of the cave no enemies were visible but there tracks where evident. To many to count number, and they had been criss-crossed many times.
"I will secure the area there may be more hiding in the forest. Perrin stay up there an keep watch. We don't want to be taking from behind in such close confines"
As Tanthalas rode though the woods following the hobgoblins trail. As he came our the side of a very large hill he saw several people standing in front of a cave. Stopping his horse he dismounted quickly, pulling his sword. If these people was in leagues with the hoblin's then they would meet the same fate as those they worked with, and if not then Tanthalas would not care for that would only mean he had joined his mother and father in the etheral realm's beyond. Crouching low he readied him self for anything...
Moving slowly among the trees I cast a detect evil spell to help spot any more hobgoblins. The spell would surround a figure with an aura only I could see. Blue would mean good, Red would indicate evil, the brighter the more a person leaned towards that path. This produced an unsuspecting result. Hiding behind some close knit trees a blue aura was being projected.
" Come from behind those trees. I know you are there. We mean you no harm and we would asks you some questions."
Cursing at him self for not noticing the mage,Tanthalas stepped out from behind the trees he had been hiding behind. " You say you mean me no harm and it appears that you do not. Questions hu? That is fine with me for I have some questions of my own. " Wistling lightly Thunderbolt came clomping out of the brush where Tanthalas had left him. Takeing Thunderbolts reigns he begain walking towards the small group still holding his sword at the ready. These people may not mean him no harm but that did not mean that the hobgoblins he had been tracking didnt and they could attack at anytime.
Drawing nearer he looked about the group of travelers he had stumbled upon. They looked like a rather odd group. Then he noticed the blood on the ground as well as several hobgoblin's bodies. " What has happened here and for that matter why are you all here? " Tanthalas asked stopping a few feet from the man that had detected him hideing...