How did you end up at literotica?

Found it while searching for something else entirely several years ago, even had a previous account but closed that e-mail account after leaving Lit to finish grad school. Of course I came back some time later...just another boring story, such as it is...
Someone suggested I may like the forums I have been on them ever since. Break here and there but I come back
Found Lit in 1999, and I've been around ever since. I've been posting and removing stories for years. :)
I started with the stories: first I read then listened to erotic fiction. One of the authors mentioned the username, I looked it up and looked at the forums and was hooked.

I still love the audio fiction, but I find the forums most entertaining.
Someone linked me to Lit for the stories. He said "if I show you this then you'll not need me anymore....".
Found my own way to the boards.
(I still need him.)
audio -> stories -> chat -> those watching model pages -> oh, the forum isn't just for writers? -> playground
Found it years ago searching for masturbation and exhibitionist stories. It was years before I came to the forums. I have since submitted some stories here.
Stories, then audio, the the forums. And I've never been able to leave for long in almost 20 years.
WAIT! People come here to.. Masturbate? I swear I only read the stories!
Ok.. False
But... I have gotten addicted to having friends join in on the other only on line of course
Once upon a time I googled "erotica." I've been an off-and-on reader for quite a few years, but just last week found the bulletin boards.

I'm at a place in life where I want to and am free to explore new and old curiosities. A virtual playground with a wide range of activities and many diverse players seems perfect for me now. So many threads/opportunities, so little time.
How did I find my way here?

I belong to another site that specializes in pics, and videos and has an erotic story section. I got into their chat room and was talking with a gal from Australia about erotic stories and she pointed me to Lit. I have been reading stories here for quite some time and finally decided to join, December of 2016. I have just found the forum and I am trying to learn the ropes here. Mostly here for the stories, I love them, but I think the forum could get addicting. I might try some writing as well.