How did you end up at literotica?

Back when it was easier to get text than video over the internet. Literotica and were the only game in town. I was looking for anything naughty and naturally found it.
I've been reading the stories on here for years. For awhile I was very shy, so one day I finally got the urge and decided to join the Forums! :)
Which time?

Originally, I was reading the stories and thought I'd burned better manuscripts in the infamous (at least in our household) bathtub fire of 2001. So, I created an account to hang my own literary ass out for a paddling. I didn't even know the forums existed until I washed up in the Author's Hangout because I couldn't figure out how to submit my own story. (Which I was just sure was better than the horrific examples I was running across.... and which Laurel sent back in my face like I'd written about her mother. And rightfully so.)

I've faded a couple of times and come back. Due to health issues. Due to an inability to keep the lights on. And what have you.

It wasn't 'til after my wife died that I wandered out of the AH and HT threads. Lured by a woman, of course.

I've hung out some since then, hoping for some kind of companionship to while away the idle hours until I just flat gave up and figured out I didn't have anything left that anyone here wanted. We all imagine we are the star of our own show, but I figured out I wasn't even a stage hand in someone else's.

Until I met someone on another site, then in the off-line world, who then followed me back to Lit when I wandered back in.

These days I'm just here for the music, and the laughs, although I occasionally chip my nickel in topics that catch my interest to inflict on those that haven't set me to ignore so they don't have to scroll past my long-winded ass. Why? Because it gives me something to do other than watch the year-old tom kitten trying to hump the twenty-year-old grand dame house cat when she has made it clear that she doesn't want any of it (#subproblems)... although, there do seem to be some similarities...
A pervy friend of mine I believe I met on a chat site brought me here years ago. I wrote several stories first. Then began posting and chatting on the boards. I met some interesting people, but as life moved on, so did they. I enjoy the playful aspect of Lit. However, I can honestly say I've made very few connections... whether they be friendly or intimate. Maybe because I'm pretty busy usually in real life on a normal basis.... or maybe it's something else.
I stumbled here reading erotic stories as a change up from watching porn due to issues IRL. For the longest time I would read stories or listen to some audio's. I dabbled in writing on the roleplays but found that it wasn't for me. Can't remember how I moved over to The Playground as it was such a long time ago. I was never dedicate like some folks, I've disappeared from the board at years at a time. It's interesting seeing why some people are here as we all have our own unique reasons.
chatting with a Lit member on another site... she mostly was into reading the stories and the RolePlays... we would read and chat about them ourselves... later I started to post as I enjoy the banter and light flirting...
I took a left turn at the stories and wandered in after being pointed in this direction by a friend.
I actually found Lit a couple of years before I discovered the forum from surfin the web. I don't remember which story it was, but I thought the story was hot and that brought me to the story section. Then one day I seen a link to the forum, so here I am today. :)
I used to frequent AFF, but it turned into a meat market...the "X" to "Y" levels were way WAY off. In one chat room, a woman told me about lit...and I tried it out. Been here ever since.
I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque...bonus points if you know who said that. :D
...honestly it was an accident.. i was searching for 'literary erotica' and look where i ended up!!?