
If you don't mind, please tell us how it makes you feel? Saying those things out loud and admitting you want to be fucked? How does it make you feel? Would it be different if there were other women in the room?
my wife was mad at me ,really mad,after a party and she didn,t liked it i was having a talk with a sexy woman ,she was trying to seduce me ,what was my fault in this i said to her,you ,re my slut,a slutty sissy(that,s so true)so you,ll do what i want,not what you want,she bursted out,PUT your housemaidoutfit&fishnets&high heels on she said and wait in the livingroom,she went out ,when she came back she was with our neighbour,a teacher in pension,widower,a bit pervert because allways looking at wife,s legs,cleavage or lingerie&underwear in our garden drying in the sun,when he came in he was fixed on me,what what is this he stumbled,my wife explaind i was a obedient sissyslut and if he wanted a housemaid he could have me,i was so humiliated,allmost in tears,full of shame,affraid for what,s next,but also a little wet between my legs,well after this experience she invited her best friends and i became their housemaid and....also,it was very humiliated,kinky and it became one off my fav,pleasing&teasing as a slutty sissy,isn,t that what sissies must do?


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When my wife pegs me and has me suck her strapon she has me tell her how much I want to and how it feels while she’s doing it. Sometimes she take video clips for her viewing pleasure. When your playing and in the moment is one thing. Watching yourself later and listening to yourself beg for her to fuck you or to suck her and how it feels and asking her to fuck you harder can be a little humiliating. Then if she shows her friends it kicks it up a notch.

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How sweet…and humiliating
Some people can do this subtly and still make it sound really filthy. Those people are the best kind of dangerous
So true. My gf makes me feel so embarrassed and humiliated without raising her voice. Its the cut in her words, her choice of words, and her understanding of how to push my buttons. Sometimes I think, if I allow it, in time, she will dominate the relationship and I’ll be a full time subby hubby. The other night she made me cum without me jerking my cock. I came. She made me eat it. I felt like I was her swallowing all of those past loads of hot jizz she always tells me about
It always surprises me how much ideas of control/mild to moderate humiliation/exposure get me all twisted up and needy. I can imagine getting very suggestable and crawling out of my skin to please. Where the balance of simple control vs humiliation lies for me is something that would be intriguing to explore. Do I need/want both? Do I need/want more of one than the other to really exploit my kink/subby inclinations? 😈😳🤔
Oh gosh this is hard to explain for me but I do enjoy it but humiliation is something of an art form and mostly done not to my liking by many. I do enjoy name calling at certain times but what drives me crazy (in a good way) is subtle humiliation through out conversation. I really don’t know how to explain it right but maybe like subtle hints to my flaws or comments of them. I think it should always be balanced with praise of course but if done right my short comings being critiqued can be arousing.
That’s the best I can explain it now. Lol
I've been a lifelong cocksucker, but I don't encourage insults or name calling. I don't consider the term, "Cocksucker" to be offensive, merely an accurate description of a person who voluntarily engages in performing an act I passionately enjoy. I do crave what I refer to as 'situational' humiliation and the degradation that would result were my enthusiasm for performing fellatio to become publicly known. I was indoctrinated into the practice by my best friend Larry and I willingly agreed to become his personal, on-call cocksucker as a teenager. I would delight in servicing him, on my knees, allowing him to roughly force the entire length of his very large cock all the way down my throat and savagely fucking my throat until he ejaculated deep inside me. He used to threaten to expose me to all our friends as being his cocksucker and that I would be required to suck their cocks also. I begged him not to tell them, but I would jerk off while visualizing myself down on my knees at the head of a long line of my friends, sucking cock after cock and letting them all ejaculate deep inside me and obediently swallowing their semen as the rest of them stood around, stroking their erections while awaiting their turn to fuck my mouth. The possibility of being "outed" as a cocksucker arouses me!
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Ive been a lifelong cocksucker,but I don't encourage insults or name calling (except for the term 'cocksucker' as a title), but I do enjoy what I refer to as 'situational' humiliation and degradation. I was indoctrinated by my best friend Larry to be his personal, on-call cocksucker as a teenager. I would delight in servicing him, on my knees, and allowing him to force the entire length of his very large cock all the way down my throat and roughly fucking my throat until he ejaculated deep inside me. He would routinely threaten to expose me to all our friends as being a cocksucker so that I would be required to service them also. I used to jerk off while visualizing myself down on my knees at the head of a long line of my friends, sucking cock after cock and letting them all ejaculate deep inside me and obediently swallowing their semen as the rest of them stood around, stroking their erections while awaiting their turn to fuck my mouth. The possibility of being "outed" as a cocksucker arouses me!
I guess you've achieved that status on the Literotica Forum.
We all know and recognise you as a cocksucker, and we respect your expertise.
Congratulations, you have been 'outed' as a public cocksucker...
My FWB Kim begs me to humiliate her sometimes and I absolutely love it. Especially because I know how awful she generally is to her husband so I feel like she sort of deserves it. I actually like him as a person more than I like her. Plus, my husband isn't into humiliation, being or giving. I basically have to beg him to call me names. :(
Bi-guy here, there are times when i just love to be humiliated, called names, made fun of, laughed at, just really turns me on. 63y0 chubby in Florida, USA
What I'd like:
A well dressed mature woman, eye contact, a riding crop on the table to remind me, I'm naked and vulnerable. Embarrassing questions that she doesn't allow me to answer fully, before she answers for me. I don't dare contradict her and must apologize for masturbating without her permission, I have to show her how I did it. No names that I can think of, no cursing or loud voice. She and I are both aware at any time she may decide to make our little talk quite painful for me.
Two or three well dressed women watching would be perfect but not possible to arrange.
Reminds me I was in a BDSM Brothel in NYC around Times sq, back in the day, and I was naked being controlled by a domme, when we had to change rooms. She guided me, naked thru a corridor where three ladies dressed in street clothes were talking, obviously employed there. Although they ignored me, the humiliation was terrific.
Giuliani ruined a great place.

Hmmm interesting thread.

For me humiliation comes in so many forms from, name calling, public/private, subtle not so subtle. Even things that can be done privately and publicly. Depends on the interests of my partner. Going out in public wearing a buttplug, or tailplug under their clothes. Body writing having words or phrases written on her flesh, as she works away her co-workers none the wiser.

Just to start
What kind of humiliation do you like to do and what turns you on about it?
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Sometime I will come into the room and my wife will be sitting in her chair. She will be wearing some sort of light summer dress and there will be a large outline of her cock. After a minute of me just looking at her basking in her beautiful she will tell me to come here. Then she will lean back in her chair and have me get on my knees between her legs. Ill lift up her dress to expose her cock. I already know what she wants so I move towards her cock with mouth open. Then sometimes she will pull back teasing me on how much I want to suck her cock. Then she will ask question, there is pings of humiliation telling her that I want her cock in my mouth. Then sometimes during this song and dance just at the right moment with the head of her cock entering my throat and my lips wrapped around her shaft she takes a picture for her collection. There’s something so humiliating but oh so erotic at the same time.