I cannot confirm or deny that...

I cannot confirm or deny that having a sneeze die halfway through is just blue balls for your nose.
I cannot confirm or deny that I'm considering wearing a butt plug under my clothes at work today.
I cannot confirm or deny that in a few more days I will be starting my customary 1 month adjustment period of writing the wrong damn date at every opportunity.
I cannot confirm or deny that if you sit on the toilet at 11:59 on 31 december and the clock stikes midnight, it's the same shit, different year.
I cannot confirm or deny (but a screenshot would work) that I now have the last post in 13 consecutive Threads and therefore am the only person currently on Lit.
I cannot confirm or deny that if porn gives the wrong image of sex, romantic movies give the wrong image of how relationships work.
I cannot confirm or deny that we are all actually just computer characters in some 14-year old's SimCity game.
I cannot confirm or deny that during sex, the woman spends the entire time trying to have an orgasm while the man spends the entire time trying NOT to orgasm.
I can confirm that I get great joy and pleasure when my guy ends up being a minute man...I win! 😬
I cannot confirm or deny that it is mighty hypocritical of Mankind to go in search of other inhabitable planets when they can't even tend this one they're on.
I cannot confirm or deny that taco trucks would make a lot more money if they drove around like ice cream trucks blasting mariachi music.
I cannot confirm or deny that if the toilet had a foot pedal to lift the lid it would stop so many arguments
I cannot confirm or deny that I have ever lost a game of HORSE with Michael Jordan.
I can confirm that I’m fucking sick of inconsiderate people and tardiness. It takes 10 seconds or less to say “I’ll be late.” 🙄