i like incest story

Yo, Nursie Nurse. Bonjour, Dixie!

The sexual tension's just killin' me here on the incest channel.

Maybe we should take this thing to the next level. Un homme est deux femmes. Hmnnnn, oui, oui. C'est formidable, non?

What ya say, Mr Carter Lee? Think ya can satisfy two full-on UltraVixens in one hot go?

Why don't ya both pop over to my 'I Want Your Tongue' booth and we can discuss this further?

(I take quite a bit of pleasing, mind - and, of course, you'll hafta pay my 'plane fare from Scotland.)
Oh, Dixon. I see you have a some Scottish in you.

I have a little American in me - only 5ft tall, bless him.

Tee hee. I crack myself up sometimes, I really do.
Dixon Carter Lee, I don't know if you understand this, I am not sure if the spelling is right: Are you nicht bishnitin?
The "brah bricht" thing was something someone taught me once. And "nicht bishnitin" sounds more Deutsch than Scotch. ("Not something") It's been a while since high school German class, sorry. What's it mean?
mr t?

think I saw you years ago on a popular tv show.

Anyone else smell a little sexual tension between Dixon and Nurse?!?

You're both pretty damn funny anyway, so who cares. Well, now that this post has gone totally off-topic, i'll be leaving.
Tension? I don't feel any tension! I'm ready to fuck as soon as he says the word...

I really, really, really mean it
Whyaduck? Isn't that the company that's working on the Kurt Vonnegut bio? Run by the guy who did the movie version of "Mother Night"? Who also did some other famous bio that won an award or something?

And did you know that the flatulentpus is some times 'billed' as an an...pfft..i...pfffft...mal...ppppphhhht?

Fuck a duck, I don't think so...
Hey, ya know-I'm going to school to be a nurse.

(just thought I'd throw that one in)
As a matter of fact...

oh, but...wait, if the body were yours, dixon, I am not sure I would be able to concentrate
Get your mind out of it, I was moreso referring to all the giggles you would inspire-that quick witted humor gets me everytime.
Originally posted by Laurel:

Wow. Jesus, Prince, AND Mr. T. I'm beyond words.

think I spotted elvis earlier too... but I've been wandering round these bulletin boards so damn long I think it might've been a mirage.

does anyone have a glass of water?
Dixon, you rule!!

Hopefully when you and nurse are in the sack, at least one of you will kiss and tell. THAT would be something to read!

You guys are so great!
I have a feeling that if I ever did sleep with Nurse I wouldn't be able to speak for a long, long time.