"I Think I'd Get More Dick/Pussy On Lit If Only ___ " šŸ”

The rest of us males on Lit would have more of a chance if Tol wasnā€™t showing his stuff, putting the rest of us to shame
Ha. I don't even identify as Male any more. Shoot your shots. I'm not stopping anyone.

I'm just here making myself smile. Not trying to stuff any boxes :p
From what Iā€™ve seen here, other people have a higher opinion of you than you do.
You know that isn't true. Ive come to realize that I like myself just fine. But I don't believe anyone else does. That is what Ive learned through my experience.
Very untrue. Most Lit chicks wouldn't touch me with someone else's pussy.
When I spent my very brief moment on the dating apps not long ago, I discovered itā€™s all a numbers game. Thereā€™s pussy/dick aplenty. I assure you. Even for Debbie downers that you and I can be on ourselves. People offer it up by the fucking truck load if you go looking. Trust me they dump it on your god damn lap completely uninvited and if you do happen to open it up to receive for a minute or two watch the fuck out.

Itā€™s actually kinda gross and ridiculous and hilarious all at once.
I think anyone on lit could get exactly the amount of dick/pussy they wanted to with basically zero fucking effort. To be honest.
I donā€™t know, babes. I would pretty much fuck anyone but even I have my limits with one or two on here šŸ˜
I'd get more if I was maybe some other version of me...
First, always be you. (Unless you can be Batman.)
Second, what would that other version of you be like, and - if you think you'd be happier as her - what's stopping you from moving toward it? At least in some ways.