"I Think I'd Get More Dick/Pussy On Lit If Only ___ " 🔍

Anti porn? Ex-porn? Unporn? Disporn?
Ex-porn sounds like sexy porn featuring lusty exes who just want each other for sex.

Disporn sounds like porn that featuring critical dirty talk 🤣

Unporn is too mild of a description. An empty wall is unporn.

So... antiporn wins by default

And that reminds me... Ill get more Lit pussy/dick if I had a sexy avatar or if anyone knew my gender.
Of all the places in the world to turn a friendship sexual, this should be among the easiest
True, but at times I also feel like that subtext is TOO everpresent so I don't like to push it.
Honestly that sounds better

I am questioning your taste buds.. 🤣🤣🤣

... But then again, I have not tried it.. what I have tried, is a creamy pudding.. Kinda custard maybe? Made of chocolate and blue cheese.. and it was divine!! 🤩🤣
I was thinking if you get a bit of nuttiness with the pate, trying for force some complimentary flavors

Spray cheese is also just an abomination

... You may have a valid point there..

I might have to try this one day!! 🤣😂
Probably would if I wasn’t so quiet and shy :D

Though to be fair, I imagine half of the people claiming to be sexy young asian women online are actually 400 lbs dudes living in their mother's basement.

Not that I'm making that accusation of OP, just saying in general. 🤷‍♂️
Oh you definitely just made that accusation