If a Litster masturbated thinking of you, would you want to know?

Yes please. I'd like a written detailed account of every moment leading up to the grand finale. Submissions should include photographic evidence of beginning, middle, and end. Ideally, voice notes should also accompany the evidence with specific references to why *I* was your inspiration.
of course i would...my preference would be female, but helping anyone cum is certainly a boost to the confidence and ego.
You had a Roman Candle shoved in.. nevermind...
I hate it when there isn't a good come back....drat
Did it look something like this?

This is KY where you'll find a guy on every corner who'll do it for $20 and a case of beer
Hell yeah! Hope he’s got some husker-dos, husker-don’ts, nipsy-dazers (with or without the scooter stick - I prefer with), and whistling kitty-chasers! 💥