If a Litster masturbated thinking of you, would you want to know?

Hell yeah! Hope he’s got some husker-dos, husker-don’ts, nipsy-dazers (with or without the scooter stick - I prefer with), and whistling kitty-chasers! 💥

I mean, I was just going to duct tape Roman Candles to my forearms as I crank one out - but yeah… guess it would be pretty easy to flag myself like that 🤣
Better call in the Kentucky pros!
Y'all know I'm from Kentucky, right? I mean, I can strap a mortar canister to some and you can have a major impact at the end..
To answer the original question, at first I was like oh yeah. But the fact is that the amount of litsters that have would probably make me feel worse than better… so no thanks.
In my job we call the time around halloween and bonfire night ......Mischief month seems apt..
Yep shoving a roman candle up your arse will no doubt do you a mischief
Yes, I would, as long as they don’t skim the details.
The hands on the clock said 6:05. A small layer of dust had begun to form on top of the square shaped clock.... The bedstand it sat on was brown and made of oak. On it also stood a cup of room temperature flat but filtered water.... There was a mark on the wall next to the beststand that was impossible to know where it came from....
The hands on the clock said 6:05. A small layer of dust had begun to form on top of the square shaped clock.... The bedstand it sat on was brown and made of oak. On it also stood a cup of room temperature flat but filtered water.... There was a mark on the wall next to the beststand that was impossible to know where it came from....
I have my suspicions....🤔
And it's to do with the title of the thread....
The hands on the clock said 6:05. A small layer of dust had begun to form on top of the square shaped clock.... The bedstand it sat on was brown and made of oak. On it also stood a cup of room temperature flat but filtered water.... There was a mark on the wall next to the beststand that was impossible to know where it came from....
Don’t stop! I’m hooked! 😝
It depends, if it was someone who I was chatting with and we were having a good time and they told me later about it or they were doing it at the moment. I would probably be flattered. However it was someone random who I've never talked to or connected with telling me that about reading my posts I wouldn't feel the same way.
Maybe afterwards.

I feel like during they'd be howling in pleasure too much. Either burst my ear drums or I'd get a lot of funny looks at the office