If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

Compare posts, one with the least goes down on the other.... Or go to an electronics store for torches.
Visually masturbate him until he calls an ambulance thinking I am having a seizure.
We'd have a dance off to prove who is king of the streets. He'd manage to defeat my Elaine dance, I'm certain.

We'd have a dance off to prove who is king of the streets. He'd manage to defeat my Elaine dance, I'm certain.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE that episode...hahaha

I would offer to share my Skittles Vodka with him, and have no regrets the next morning ;)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that episode...hahaha

I would offer to share my Skittles Vodka with him, and have no regrets the next morning ;)

I'd like to think I'd be a perfect gentleman, but I'd probably offer her some candy.:)