If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

Well, if he's got no clothes on, I'd make like the Roadrunner and *Poof*.
I would read for her an epic story that would challenge everything we thought we knew about ourselves, our very existence, and the true meaning of life itself.

So Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat again, V?
Well start walking, then walking faster, then finally run.

How is this not the only right answer?!?!
I'd 'borrow' her laptop and gaze on in wonderous horror at all the things I find on it.
Drag him even deeper into the alley so he can do all those yummy things instead of just talking about them.

((Never seen you before. You are a hottie. Nice profile pics))

Check to see if she had a clickable link on her.