If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

If I met RachelWalsh in a dark alley, I would give them a voodoo Putin puppet and some dressmaker pins.
I would say, hey wait, here, take my purse, don't kill me, I'm LizVegas from Literotica, I'm too young to die! :giggle:
If I met Mrtenant in a dark alley, I would tell him how to tell the time with a moonwatch.
If I met Mattentive in a dark alley, I would bring down the water cannon and pressure wash said alley.
Sorry, but if I met mlvis00 in a dark alley, I'd probably be too busy sexting Scarlett Johansson to really notice. I think he'd understand.
Warily walk towards him wondering if he’s wearing those briefs
Roshambo world championship. It all comes down to this best of seven game!
If I met Taegul in a dark alley, I definitely would blast him with the glitter cannon.
If I met Taegul in a dark alley, I definitely would blast him with the glitter cannon.
After seeing above what happened the last time I, ever so graciously, bumped this thread, I'd go and fetch whichever of my lead balloons was in most need of a clean.