If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

Of you being scandalous, and then I'd blackmail you with the pictures :D

Oh! Well then I guess I'd kick you where it hurts the most, follow it up with a roundhouse kick to make sure you're going down, grab the camera from you, and say "have a nice day" as I leave you cowering and whimpering in the dirt. :)
Oh! Well then I guess I'd kick you where it hurts the most, follow it up with a roundhouse kick to make sure you're going down, grab the camera from you, and say "have a nice day" as I leave you cowering and whimpering in the dirt. :)

*Picks teeth up from the ground, and hails a cab*
*Picks teeth up from the ground, and hails a cab*

*Breaks out non existent medical skills and gives him and examination* ( this is the equivalent of "kissing the boo boos and making it better" that's all I've got)