Is it ok to.....

Is it ok to have sexual thoughts about a very close friend and coworker?
I think so, we're attracted to who we're attracted to. Keep it check if you think it would ruin your friendship or job.
Before I was married I had a huge thing for a co-worker. I wound up telling her and the timing just wasn't right. A couple of years later things fell into place and we got together and it was the best times I've ever had. In the end it didn't work out and it did hurt our work dynamic to the point we were cordial with one another but she ended it and I was jealous.
Ahhh... I think I was a little too literally for that one. Good call... yes of it is agreed upon...
Ironically, given that posts phrasing... I was just being an ass with my post. Its kinda general in its wording, there is no wrong answer.... lol
Well just this bit of convo I have giggled a few times... thought I'm hitting the bong so that may be helping with that.. Don't stop trying.... hit or miss makes life more exciting
permission to make awful jokes? YES MA"AM!!!!

is it okay to masturbate while Looking at one of our female friends on pics?
i will say yea