Legend Of Zelda: Future Atonement

"Oh yeah, sorry, the excitement of all this just kinda made me forget," he said with a sheepish grin.

"My name is Link, and my large friend in the back is Jinx. Like you, I've just met him. We came to rescue you. I'm guessing we got the same telepathic message," hoping that would clear things up. He turned his attention to the road again, eyeing a sign stating they were now exiting the city, and were on their way to the Dark Ranges. They would have to soon look for a bed and breakfast if they were to continue on their fantastic journey.

Meanwhile, back in the city.....

The Senator was furious. He knew his master was already taking care of the red head with the zora, but he couldn't believe the sheer incompetence of the monsters he sent on a simple task to fetch Zelda. He was even angrier now that she had some companions.... warriors no less, able to defend her from physical assualts.

"What can you tell me of them," his heated glare not wavering from the city as he looked out the window. The figure behind him, as black as the shadows itself, rasped it's answer.

"Ssssir, it appearsss that Zelda hasss a very sssskilled Goron bombssssmith. He got eassssily with his exsssssplossssivesss, and then usssed itsss formidable ssstrength to tear down ssssteal doorssss that blocked itsss way."

"And the other?"

"A meer boy, ssssir, clad in foresssst green. He wieldssss hisss sssword like an exssspert," it hissed,

The obsidien ball, the Senator's only way to communicate with his dark lord, began to glow violently. As if talking to someone else in the room, he turned toward. "Master.... do not fret. I seriously doubt this child to be a threat," the ball pulsed rapidily, as if arguing "Never underestimate your opponite. Sigh.... your right my lord. Even if he is who you think he is.... he does not possess the sword of evil's bane." The ball eased its glow..... and suddenly something began to materailize on the desk as deep, melacious voice spoke "Then take this.... as a gift to rid the world of this would-be hero..." it said, its evil laughter resonated deep into the building.

The Senator eyed this object, and joined he lord in his unholy mirth.

Not pausing, he turn to the other being in the room "Go, keep and eye on Zelda and her troupe, but do not engage them, understand?"

"Yesss ssssir, assss you wisssh" it said, melting into the shadows.
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IC: I walked up to the door. "You would think a place like this would have gaurds." I see a lock on the door. "Why do they put a lock on a door this big?" I pull out the magic key turn it and pop it back into my pocket. I then push the door open slowly. Theres no need for a lock because no one in the right mind would come in here.

They room was dark and one could feel the water vapor come out and hit them. Good thing I don't waer make up. Well not any more atleast. Not since the day those two guys chased me. They riged that bet too.

"Do you have a tortch? Flash light? Pack of Matches?"
Zelda nodded to her rescuers. "Well thank you then. How long do you think it will take to reach the mountains" Ever since she left the prison she could sense the danger to the triforce but she couldn't pin point the source. She only hoped that they would reach the triforce in time. She had to keep it out of evil's hands.
Looking up and waving as Link interduces me I grab the book in my satchel and start readin it.

'I have a couple hundred rubys if you need them."
Looking around I spot Links sword on the floor and pick it up. Taking it out of the sheath I can tell that this sword was made by a master craftsmen.

Falling backwards trying to lay down I feel a cool breeze rolling over my hands. Looking back I notice a rust hole letting in air. Looking around the back I notice rust all the way around with small holes all over the place.

"I think we should maybe find a diffrent transport because I think I might fall through this floor at any time"
"Well, if we were to go nonstop at full speed, and take numerous, yet unreliable short cuts, we might make it there tonight. But I find it a hell of a lot safer to stick to the main road. We'll probably get there by tomorrow afternoon. That includes our staying at a motel to get some food and sleep," I say, pointing at a motel a little bit ahead of us. There were numerous cars and trucks and other vehicals there, as well a a few army personel, with machine guns and flamethrowers guarding this refuge. Most of the people looked like they were sleeping outside intsead of inside, probably so that they can retreat faster should there be an attack.

"If there are no available rooms, we'll just sleep out here. And Jinx, I already see our new ride," I grin, eyeing one of the military flatbeds out front. "Hey Zel? Do you think that if you showed some of those army guys your ID or anything that can prove who you are, do you think they will loan that?" I say, pointing to the large automobile.

"And Jinx, are you from the Dark Ranges? And if so, what are some good places up there to hide?" I ask the friendly rock eater.
"Oh, my word, you expect a Zora to have fire?"
However odd this seemed, his sword was already out. Despite anything, even the safety of an abandoned castle within the ranges, he didn't feel safe right now.
His hand, absent from thought, wrestled through his pack until he brought out a small flashlight. He gave it to Zelda, holding onto his own sword, waiting for something to jump out of the shadows.
Why was this place so dark? It looked as if it drew in light, absorbed it from the very air.
A shiver ran down his spine.
"Where do we go?"
"Well there I a lot of places to hide. I also have my shop there that we can stay at. If things get any worse might have to talk to the king."

IC: "Why not I normally carry a pack of matches with me. But they must of fallen out ome where. Next chance will get you some water proof matches." I flip the switch on the flash light. I'm guessing this is water proof as well.

I began to walk up a stair case when I herd gannons voice. 'Theres a way to light all the torches with magic. I'll give you that power.' Why do I need it. 'Torches play an important part in the ancheint puzzles these castles employ.' Fine then how do a preform this type of spell?

... 3 rooms latter...

"Hmm, it seems like we took a wrong turn. This apears to be a dead end, as long as that door is bared shut like that." 'Prehaps theres a switch Zelda.' My zoran freind was probaly right but where.
"Well that is good to know Jin.... wait a tick, there's still a king in Hyrule?" he asked, mouth open in shock, after all... he knew Zelda's father was the President, but he that that king and the like had vanished from Hyrule when democracy rolled in a few hundred years ago.

He was about to ask some more questions.... when his hat moved on its on. He looked up at it, and it twitched again. He held a finger to his lips, telling his companions to remain still and quiet. Slowly, oh so slowly, he reached up, one hand clutching the point of his sock hat, the other poised to grab at whatever it was under there. Then, with one swift, fluid motion, he grabbed the thing, which in turned shierked in it's tiny voice.

"EEEEEEKKK!!! LET ME GO! PUT ME DOWN!" said Lee the fairy, caught by her gossemer wings.

Link just stared at it, "And just who are you?" he demanded.

"I'm Lee, Crescent's info fairy.... NOW LET GO YOU MORON!!!" she swung a tiny fist at him, which only served to tire her out.

"Crescent?" he asked, confused.

"The red head from the prison... you know, the one who will KICK YOUR ASS for threating her friend this way!" the fairy screamed at him.

Link let go of the fiesty little pixie, which hovered in front of him for a second before zooming in and kicking him in the nose "OOWW!" he exclaimed, it felt like some threw a rock at him.

"You deserved it ya big meanie!" and she zoomed back under his hat.


"Cause I know your heading to the same place as Crescent... and when we get there, I want to get back to her as soon as possible. Besides, your hat makes a great nest," she told him.

"Fine! Stay there then.... but the moment we find this 'Crescent', your glowing ass is gone! OK!" he yelped as Lee pulled his hair, not appreciating being yelled at.

He looked over at the other occupants in the vehical, who were covering their mouths, chuckling.

"Let's see about a room," he said, getting out of the car angrily, slamming the door shut.
Zelda smiled at the fairy as it gave link a hard time. "If you dislike having the little one under your hat let me take care of her. I'm sure she'll like a more agreeable companion." She glanced at the soldiers. "I don't think revealing myself to them is a good idea. It was those soldiers that put me in that prison. We could always steal their vehicle though. It would prove interesting I think" her eyes sparkled at Link. She felt more like herself now the she was away from the prison. She always did enjoy causing trouble.
Zurn gave a curious look, unsure as to where to continue. He looked back at the princess, searching for some sort of switch to help them through the room.
"I thought you had been here before?"
Hadn't she? He had been following her for three days, sure she knew just where to go. It could be the castle, maybe they had taken a wrong turn somewhere. He had tried to memorize the path they took, but it was nothing more than an endless maze behind him. Now he was lost to Zelda's memory, who didn't seem like she knew where she was going.
Shrugging his shoulders, he began pounding on odd looking stones that were in the wall. It could be one of them held some secret that might help them through this.

IC: I sat down on the floor. "This place isn't even wheel chair accesible. And they epect us to find all these dumb switches." I laid back. I spread out my legs and arms on the floor. I was now in thought mode. "If I find the person who made this ancheint fun house he is dead."

A cold surge ran up and down my arm and, I felt as if some one was stairing at me. Like some pervert was stairing up my skirt. I sat up and closed my legs. Zurn was still looking at the wall. A second surge hit me and I crossed my arm infront of my chest.

I looked around and found no one any where in the room. As I surveyed the room. I flet the stone in place under move back and forth.

"Hey, could the switch be under this floor." I tried to get a grip on it but failed in my atempts. "Zurn give me a hand will you?"
Link tried to convince the pestering pixie to go to Zelda, but she said between his hat, his thick hair, and even thicker skull, it was nice and toasty where she was. Zelda was giggling again at this, so he just gave up.

He went up to the front counter, and taped the bell. An old man shuffled up the the counter "May I help you?"

"Yeah, um... any rooms left?"

"Yes... two in fact, side by side with a door that shares both rooms on the inside. I'll charge you.... 300 rupees.... 100 for you and your girlfriend" he said, point to Zelda "And 200 for the Goron.... they sometimes thrash about in their sleep, and it covers the insurence. Oh, and you can pay in the morning if you want, just no skimping out on the bill," he said sternly.

"Chill Pops, I'm an honest guy, we'll pay," which made the old man smile.

He told Zel and Jinx the news, and lead them up the stairs.

"Ok, Zelda, you take the one on the left.... and Lee here can keep you company," he yanked off his hat, the open end closed with a very ticked off fairy inside as he handed it to her. "Guess that leave you and me as roomies," he said to the Goron, patting him on the back. "Can you tell me what kind of equipment you have up in your shop?" he asked as he opened the door.
Following Link as he led us to our rooms. I watched as we separated with the pixie and Zleda going into one room as we went to the room right beside it.

Link turned to me as we enterd the room and asked,'Can you tell me what kind of equipment you have up in your shop?'

Turning to Link I give him a half devilish smile. "Dude maybe you should ask what don't I have in my shop. I have everything you would need to make bombs of all sorts. If I can't make it there I can always ask for favors from some of my friends in the Dark Ranges. Plus to tell you the truth I have been working under a great goron weaponsmith so I might be able to hook you."

Putting my sack down on the bed I start to pull out my picture book of the things that I have made and that are for sale.

"Look through that and I'll see what I can do once we get home. But for right now all I have are just regular bombs and this one mouse bomb I brought"
Zurn tried not to look as Zelda began wiping her butt back and forth on the floor. He concentrated his efforts to different rocks within the side of the wall, banging each one with the back of his sword, hearing that dull thus, hoping perhaps one of them might be hollow, holding a key or something to help them.
He looked down, at where she sat, eyeing a loose rock that rocked with her. He squinted, allowing his sword to dig in on the side of this rock at one angle. With a hefty grunt he pulled down on his sword, acting as a bit of leverage. The rock came part way out of the floor, just enough to get Zurn's hands in there and turn it over.
"There," he smiled, appreciative of his clever work. It wasn't solving a puzzle or anything, but they had made a step forward, that was better than nothing.
"What do you see?"

IC: "I think it's a way into a room beneath us." Strangely there where lit tortes down there. "If we had a bomd prehaps we could blow our way threw. I might be able to slide down it but I'm not shure I'll fit and theres even less chance you will fit right."

'Take his hand I will move you both. It's a simple spell. Let my power work threw you.' Why are we even here? What are you looking for? 'Take his hand Cresent.' "Fine."

"Zurn give me your hand please." I take his hand in my grip. Do it then. There was a flash of light and we found ourselves in a lit room looking at the hole we left in the ceiling.

I felt cold and moved to a torch for warmth. Still the torch gave off very little warmth. 'Head down the hall to the last room.' Let me warm up first. 'I'm not a patent man move now.' Why I don't even know what your looking for. 'A pendent and I want you to bring it to me now. Then you may rest.' Tough luck for you.

"What where looking for is just down this hall. I say we stop and rest for a while before moveing on."
Zelda cast one last glance at Link before entering her room. Something about him drew her to him. She could name what it was. Sure he was attractive but she had seen other guys more attractive then he. So what was it about him? Frowning she pushed aside her troubling thoughts and looked at the fairy. "Hello" she said warmly. The Fairy looked at her warily as she sat on the window seal. "I don't trust you" Lee said bluntly her gaze narrowed. Zelda only shrugged "You don't have to. But it seems we are stuck with each other so we might as well be civil towards one another" Zelda smiled "What do you say? Truce?" the fairy hesitated studying Zelda for a moment before nodding "Ok fine truce"

OOC: Be carefull Lee, I think Zelda may of had her fingers crossed.

IC: I cought my breath quickly enough but that wasn't what bothered me. What bothered me was that horible feeling some one was judgeing my body.

I stood up not loseing that feeling. Prehaps it was best to move on further. Maybe work will take my mind off this trouble. I dusted my cloths off. "Prehaps we should get moveing."

I walked slowly down the hall. The torches where all lit but the place still had a darkness about it seemed like light just didn't travel as far as it normally did.

"Kinda gives you the creeps right?" I walked into the room at the end of the hall I felt a slight tingle as we entered the room.

There was several circular land masses in the room sort of floating on the water. Prehaps there made of wood. That would explain why they float. I wonder if Lee would know?

Once more I got the creepy feeling that something was watching me. I herd a slight sound like ripples in the water. "Why am I picking up bad vibes?"

Theres a slideing sound behind me and I turn around. The door slams just as it comes into view. "Thats not good." A huge monster pops out from where we stood knoking Zurn into the water and tossing me onto one of the floating platforms. The platform tilts to one side and I strugle to keep on it. "I thought you said monsters wont attack me!"

'I said my monsters won't attack you. This is a gaurdin. It's purpose is to protect the pendent of power against good or evil.' "Damn it!"

I look at it and much of it's face is hiden behind jelly fish like teticles atached toi it's center. "We'll have to go threw it's arms to get to it's body!" I began to try and get up.

OOC: This is an altered form of the second boss in the dark world of Link to the past. Hopefully that helps descide it's fighting style
Link kept looking at the book, checking out all the different types of explosives on it's printed color pages.

He knew they would need more of the sphere bombs (ooc The normal bombs in the game) as well as some of the Bombchus. Then he saw something that made him smile... it was a bandolier of Firecorn (ooc think of those old hand granedes from WWII and you have the basic look and idea). There were two types of this, the normal pin and throw version, and the red topped, rocket propelled kind, which when the top is run across a surface much like lighting a match, it catches fire and you throw it, making it fly at tremendous speeds, exploding on impact after if finds it's target.

Link circled a few items, then closed the book, setting it on the night stand next to him. He looked at his buddy Jinx, who was curled into a ball on the floor, snoring away. Link smiled and turned off the lights, saying "Goodnight," to the trustworthy friend.

About three hours passed, and Link was sweating like he was in the desert, tossing and turning and groaning in his sleep. In his nightmare, he was alone, his friends were no where in sight. Before him stood an old Hyrulian man, with graying hair and sinister eyes. To his back was a cliff, with a sheer drop off that was so deep he could barely make out the river in the canyon below. He turned, his blade poised and ready to fight back against this foe. The man laughed evilly, drawing forth a large trident, knocking aside his sword, the jabing the prongs deep into his belly, knocking the wind from his lungs. The man then lifted him with ease, dangling him over the edge. "So long.... boy," he smiled, pushing forward, the momentum of it sending him off the points of the weapon.... and hurtling down to his watery grave below, sreaming......

.....screaming, waking up in a cold sweat, the nightmare disappearing like a ghost, but still lingering in his mind much like a bad smell hangs around in a room. He still screamed, not realizing he was waking up the entire motel.
Waking up my eyes wide from surprise I get up and hurry over to Link. Putting my hands on his shoulder I shake him to try to get him to stop screaming. After a few good shakes he stops and stares at me.

"Dude that must have been some wicked dream you had your covered in sweat." Sitting on the floor beside him I lean back against the wall with a samll thud and a crack from the wall I look at him with worry. I look up at the door to Zelda room and see it opening up.
Zelda rushed into Link's room when she heard the scream wearing only her undergarments covered by a rather feminine robe lent to her by one of the femal servants. Concern for Link overrode any send of modesty though. Her eyes quickly took in the entire room. "What happened? Is everyone all right?" when everyone's eyes went to her she suddenly became aware of her state of undress and blushed backing into the shadows. "Is there anything I can do?"
His hand was clutched to his chest, feeling his heart, which felt like it could burst right out of his chest like that monster did from that old horror movie he saw years ago. Sweat poured off him like he was a running water facet. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to regain his voice so that he could tell them that he was, for the moment alright, but betweeen the night terror and Zelda in such a skimpy outfit, it was overloading all verbal functions his brain was trying to sort out.

After a few minutes of deep breathing, he finally answered "It's... it's nothing... nothing at all, just a bad dream, that's all," the understatement of the year. He could see Lee hovering over Zelda's shoulder, "I'll be fine, just give me a few moments to calm down." He could tell by their questioning eyes that they wanted to know what kind of dream could scare him so badly. He wanted to tell them, but they might think he was nuts.... or a coward. But he also knew it wasn't honorable to lie to these people who obviously trusted enough with their lives. "Give me a moment.... and I'll answer anything you want, ok?" he said to them. He smiled weakly to show he was slowly chilling out.
Zelda watched Link bring his breathing back to normal. She felt an urge to comfort him and she pushed those silly thoughts away. Link was prefectly fine and in no need or comfort. She glanced at Lee who hovered nearby. As if feeling her gaze on her Lee looked at Zelda. "What?" Zelda only shrugged pulling her robe tighter around her in a show of modesty awaiting Link's explanation for his terror.
The water had a foul taste to it. As a Zora, he had been in many different kinds of water, each of them having different qualities and properites. There was a pool in the coastal mountains, nearly impossible to get to, but it had some healing powers unlike anything in this world. He remembered lying in it for hours, his entire body in a state of bliss.
This water had been tainted. Something about it made his skin crawl. Zora grabbed for the surface, hauling himself up on one of the floating edges.
It was unsteady, bobbling from side to side. Zurn struggled just to get a hold of his stance. Quick thought brough his sword out, as he let it slide all across the outer edge of the platform he was on.
Ice began to grow and form, cementing the platform for just a little bit, so he could get a good stance. He eyed the monster, something of an octopus, huge threatening arms thrashing about. As luck would have it, his platform was out of reach of the demon squid, but he couldn't do anything from this far away.
He jumped back into the water, swimming to a closer platform.
"You have any sort of weapons?" he asked, crawling up to the next one, eyes peered for any of those tentacles.

IC: I ran to the side as one of the monsterous tenticles smashed into the platform I was on. I wasn't imune to the efects though. The plat form fliped over throwing me towards a wall. I moved my legs to brace tyhe impact.

My feet abosrbed the shock sending it into my legs wich bent disapateing the enrgy. I then pushed off the wall and luanched myself back at the squid. As I apraoched his back I pulled out my mace.

'Do you have any weapons?' I slamed the flanged club into the creatures head as I landed on the slimey object. "What do you think I'm useing?" I hit him again and again. The demons thick hide seemed to be all but imune to the blows from my mace. "I don't think my mace is doing shit!"