Let's discuss policies and issues


Really Experienced
Feb 9, 2020
Very few people are talking about the issues. We, instead, hear a lot of lies and fearmongering such as being told that Haitians eat pets, Democrats harvest unborn babies for adenochrome, or that Washington arrived on the Mayflower and immediately knelt down to pray at the World Trade Center. And when the lies get proven false, people say, "I don't care, I just care about the policies". But then they never talk about the policies or issues because in truth, they want the lies.

But I want to talk about the policies and issues. Please don't talk about political parties or specific individuals. I know I can't enforce it but this discussion should focus on policies and issues, not parties or politicians.

The following are the ways I would handle different policies and issues if I was in charge:

Abortion: On the one hand, I do believe that abortion is wrong. However, I believe that these abortion bans are way too strict. In the name of preventing the murder of one third of a baby, abortion bans cause the death of women. Women die trying to give birth because complications often occur during those nine months. Abortion bans commit murder in the name of preventing murder. And there should be no laws preventing non-abortive forms of contraception.

Border: We should close the border to illegal immigration but we should open a door to legal immigration. Most immigrants are law abiding citizens that improve life for everyone. We just need to filter the incoming immigrants to separate the good ones from the bad ones. A wall is not the answer since people will get past the wall anyway but we need to come up with some form of effective border control.

Racism: Racism does still exist and there are a lot of racists. We have made significant progress in that there is much less racism now than there used to be but there is still more that needs to be done.

Immunity: No politician, police officer, or business owner should be above the law. All immunity must be eliminated. People complain about a petty thug that steals a thousand but when a billionaire steals billions, for some reason people think the billionaire stealing billions is not committing a serious enough crime to be convicted over. But who do you think these billionaires are stealing from? They're stealing from you, oh American citizen. It is not that we need to lower taxes but we do need to stop politicians and business owners from using your taxes to bribe one another into looking the other way while they gouge prices and steal even more from you.

Cost of Healthcare: The real reason for the high cost of healthcare is not insurance. The real reason for the high cost of healthcare is that a few executives have practiced unfair business practices in order to eliminate the competition, monopolize the healthcare industry and then gouge prices to double or triple or even ten times what the prices ought to be. Big Pharma is real and we need to crack down on Big Pharma and hold it accountable.

Foreign Relations: We did once have allies. Now understand, we do need to stop being the world police. We do need to put America first but not to the degree that we completely alienate our allies. Our allies used to buy things from us but because we imposed such high tariffs on them, they stopped buying from us. It's a very bad business practice to drive one's customers away. We also need to remember who our allies are. Trump tells the story about the snake. How ironic is it then that Trump keeps trying to build alliances with snakes like Russia, Iran, North Korea, Hungary, and the Taliban? But I don't want to talk about Trump. I want to focus on restoring our alliances with Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, China and Japan, more honorable, less snake-like allies. I know China is a little snake-like but China isn't nearly as snake-like as Russia and North Korea are.

Taxes: We don't necessarily want cheap taxes. The way it should be is that you get what you pay for. If you don't pay much in taxes, you shouldn't receive much in terms of roads, healthcare or protection. But our current tax codes are very lopsided where the wealthy pay zero taxes and reap all the benefits while the poor pay high taxes and get denied the benefits. We don't necessarily need lower taxes but we do need reform to make taxes more balanced and fair.

And of course there are other policies and issues that need to be addressed but this is a good start.
Abortion: I support codifying Roe federally

Border: I support common sense immigration reform as well as increased border security. I believe the bipartisan Senate border.security legislation should be signed and additional asylum reform measures considered including both deportation and amnesty programs

Racism: I don't support racism

Immunity: Not sure what policy this refers to. I don't support complete immunity for anyone. Overall, I think that more people voting in primaries and general elections would help select better candidates who end up more compelled to enact good legislation.

Cost of Healthcare: monopolies should be broken up and a full federal health insurance program should be created.

Foreign Relations: I support global alliances. I believe the US should continue to be a world leader and stay committed to that role rather than imposing some sort of isolationist policy.

Taxes: I support the fair tax concept,.as long as there is a living expense exemption. Overall I believe that tax loopholes should be reviewed and eliminated as able. I do support a raise in corporate.tas.rate by a nominal amount.
My position is that a woman can terminate any pregnancy at any time without exception. The only caveat being every means possible should be made to save the fetus if viable outside the womb.
I fully support Trump's position on this. Massively crack down on illegal immigration and support legal immigration.
Basically a non issue, it's simply on life support by those who benefit from it's exploitation as an issue (to quote Thomas Sowell)
Mostly non issue. On the books, no one is above the law. But there are processes and standards that are different for good reasons. An individual who bombs a shop and kills dozens is a murderer and a terrorist. A political leader who issues orders leading to the potential deaths of thousands or millions (ie: during war) might technically be guilty of 'murder', but it's not that simple.
Cost of Healthcare:
Get people to stop promoting the nonsense that healthcare is a 'right' and give the free market the free rein to offer health care services to everyone at competitive prices.
Foreign Relations:
Maintain mutually beneficial trade with friendly countries/states, stay the heck out of others entirely.
Taxation is theft. Begin the process of eliminating it entirely. Trump is on the right track and has started a little bit down this road, by not taxing tips and overtime.
Overall, I think that more people voting in primaries and general elections would help select better candidates who end up more compelled to enact good legislation.
You and I are in nearly perfect agreement. I want to eliminate gerrymandering by eliminating the electoral college and making the election a popular, ranked voting system so that third party candidates have a better chance. I agree that we need to make sure all American citizens can vote in both primaries and general elections.

And BrainsNBoobs can go beat his head against a sign post if that's what he wishes to do.
You and I are in nearly perfect agreement. I want to eliminate gerrymandering by eliminating the electoral college and making the election a popular, ranked voting system so that third party candidates have a better chance. I agree that we need to make sure all American citizens can vote in both primaries and general elections.
We aren't in agreement. I don't support eliminating the electoral college. I do support having open primaries using ranked choice voting. The top three would then be the candidates for the November election.
We aren't in agreement. I don't support eliminating the electoral college. I do support having open primaries using ranked choice voting. The top three would then be the candidates for the November election.
I said, "nearly perfect agreement". No we don't agree on everything but we do agree on a lot of things.
Abortion: I support codifying Roe federally

Border: I support common sense immigration reform as well as increased border security. I believe the bipartisan Senate border.security legislation should be signed and additional asylum reform measures considered including both deportation and amnesty programs

Racism: I don't support racism

Immunity: Not sure what policy this refers to. I don't support complete immunity for anyone. Overall, I think that more people voting in primaries and general elections would help select better candidates who end up more compelled to enact good legislation.

Cost of Healthcare: monopolies should be broken up and a full federal health insurance program should be created.

Foreign Relations: I support global alliances. I believe the US should continue to be a world leader and stay committed to that role rather than imposing some sort of isolationist policy.

Taxes: I support the fair tax concept,.as long as there is a living expense exemption. Overall I believe that tax loopholes should be reviewed and eliminated as able. I do support a raise in corporate.tas.rate by a nominal amount.
I pretty much support all of this. I’ll add that we should bring the tax rates for the rich closer to pre-Reagan tax rates. Billionaires (and up) shouldn’t exist and those that do are going to be taxed accordingly.
Mostly non issue. On the books, no one is above the law. But there are processes and standards that are different for good reasons. An individual who bombs a shop and kills dozens is a murderer and a terrorist. A political leader who issues orders leading to the potential deaths of thousands or millions (ie: during war) might technically be guilty of 'murder', but it's not that simple.
I don't have time to address all of that right now so I'll address it later.

Murder is not a good example of a double standard. Citizens have the right to kill in self defense and the government has the right to kill in self defense. There's no double standard there.

What I'm talking about is blatant double standards where politicians, police and business owners commit blatant crimes like bribery, fraud, or espionage not sanctioned by the legislature. The original intent of the Constitution was that war could only be declared by the legislature. War was not meant to be an executive function. It is not a double standard when the Constitution sanctions war but does not sanction murder. It is a double standard when a politician commits murder.
Taxation is theft. Begin the process of eliminating it entirely. Trump is on the right track and has started a little bit down this road, by not taxing tips and overtime.
You sounded mostly sane until this last bit. There is no government without taxes, at least in a capitalist system. So you are advocating for either anarchy or communism. I'll pass on both.
You sounded mostly sane until this last bit. There is no government without taxes, at least in a capitalist system. So you are advocating for either anarchy or communism. I'll pass on both.
Businesses can generate billions or even trillions of dollars of profit, and they don't use force or threat of force to take money from people. If people got worked up about government taxation (theft) as much as they did about business profits (consensual transactions), we'd actually get somewhere.

Theft is theft. It doesn't suddenly become not theft because government is the one doing the stealing.
Businesses can generate billions or even trillions of dollars of profit, and they don't use force or threat of force to take money from people. If people got worked up about government taxation (theft) as much as they did about business profits (consensual transactions), we'd actually get somewhere.

Theft is theft. It doesn't suddenly become not theft because government is the one doing the stealing.
Oh, I get it now.

You're just an idiot.
My position is that a woman can terminate any pregnancy at any time without exception. The only caveat being every means possible should be made to save the fetus if viable outside the womb.

I fully support Trump's position on this. Massively crack down on illegal immigration and support legal immigration.

Basically a non issue, it's simply on life support by those who benefit from it's exploitation as an issue (to quote Thomas Sowell)

Mostly non issue. On the books, no one is above the law. But there are processes and standards that are different for good reasons. An individual who bombs a shop and kills dozens is a murderer and a terrorist. A political leader who issues orders leading to the potential deaths of thousands or millions (ie: during war) might technically be guilty of 'murder', but it's not that simple.

Get people to stop promoting the nonsense that healthcare is a 'right' and give the free market the free rein to offer health care services to everyone at competitive prices.

Maintain mutually beneficial trade with friendly countries/states, stay the heck out of others entirely.

Taxation is theft. Begin the process of eliminating it entirely. Trump is on the right track and has started a little bit down this road, by not taxing tips and overtime.
I don't want to talk about parties or politicians but I do have to ask this: Are you sure that is Trump's position? Actions speak louder than words and politicians have a habit of saying one thing and doing the exact opposite. But that is all I want to say about that particular politician in this discussion. We can both agree that we want to stop illegal immigration and support legal immigration.

Racism is much more than on life support. No, not all white people are racists and I can even accept that most white people are not racists but millions of white people are racists and some black people are also racists. It's hard to get exact numbers but it is too big to ignore when two black lawmakers get expelled from the legislature for the crime of doing their job while black. And it is not evenly spread across the country but seems to be concentrated in certain regions. Do you expect that racism just died during the sixties? And as for systemic racism, that isn't the same as system wide racism. System wide racism has been eliminated but in certain regions of the country, racists can get away with racism because the politicians and police take the side of the racists, preventing them from being held accountable.

I would be fine allowing free markets to offer health care at competitive prices but that isn't what we have in America. We have Big Pharma instead.

I'll talk about taxes in response to someone your other post.
That faggot will argue anything. He has no life outside of lit.
Faggots are people too, you faggot. And if you are so morally pure, what are you doing here on Literotica, you hypocrite.

But anyway, I do have a life outside of Lit. That's why it took me several hours to respond to you. I was out living my life.
I don't want to talk about parties or politicians but I do have to ask this: Are you sure that is Trump's position?
Yes. That's why I support him.
Racism is much more than on life support. No, not all white people are racists and I can even accept that most white people are not racists but millions of white people are racists and some black people are also racists. It's hard to get exact numbers but it is too big to ignore when two black lawmakers get expelled from the legislature for the crime of doing their job while black. And it is not evenly spread across the country but seems to be concentrated in certain regions. Do you expect that racism just died during the sixties? And as for systemic racism, that isn't the same as system wide racism. System wide racism has been eliminated but in certain regions of the country, racists can get away with racism because the politicians and police take the side of the racists, preventing them from being held accountable.
Racism is such a minor issue nowadays that major cases of it have to be manufactured with hoaxes (ie: Jussie Smollett) or racism is just assumed to be case and the evidence is interpreted to fit that predetermined conclusion.
I would be fine allowing free markets to offer health care at competitive prices but that isn't what we have in America. We have Big Pharma instead.
Good news is that with the developments in AI and other advances, very soon people have very advanced personalized healthcare.
Businesses can generate billions or even trillions of dollars of profit, and they don't use force or threat of force to take money from people. If people got worked up about government taxation (theft) as much as they did about business profits (consensual transactions), we'd actually get somewhere.

Theft is theft. It doesn't suddenly become not theft because government is the one doing the stealing.

People say we should run government like a business and to a point I agree. They are not exactly the same. Government can do things businesses can't. But taxes are the price we pay for the government to serve us. Taxes are not inherently theft but only become theft when the government gouges prices and refuses to give us the services we pay for, just like businesses commit theft when they gouge prices and fail to deliver the goods we pay for.

But I do agree that we need tax reform because government is currently forcing the poor to pay so that the government can serve the rich.
Yes. That's why I support him.

Racism is such a minor issue nowadays that major cases of it have to be manufactured with hoaxes (ie: Jussie Smollett) or racism is just assumed to be case and the evidence is interpreted to fit that predetermined conclusion.

Good news is that with the developments in AI and other advances, very soon people have very advanced personalized healthcare.
I don't agree with you on many things. AI will cause as many problems as it solves. Only those who control AI will get advanced personalized healthcare which will increase the gap between the rich and the poor even more.

Jussie Smollett was a manufactured hoax but there have been plenty of other cases that were not hoaxes.
But taxes are the price we pay for the government to serve us.
I would argue that government does not serve the people much at all.
Taxes are not inherently theft
Disagree. Things like income tax were supposed to be "temporary" to fund things like war efforts during World War 1, but became permanent because of how much money the government could squeeze out of people.
but only become theft when the government gouges prices and refuses to give us the services we pay for, just like businesses commit theft when they gouge prices and fail to deliver the goods we pay for.
Government extracting money from the people by force is not a consensual transaction, and governments operated before things like 'temporary' income tax was introduced.
But I do agree that we need tax reform because government is currently forcing the poor to pay so that the government can serve the rich.
I'd say we agree that government and taxation is a serious problem.
AI will cause as many problems as it solves.
That's a bit like saying fire will cause as many problems as it solves. The good far outweighs the bad, but it is true that every technology is a double edged sword.
Only those who control AI will get advanced personalized healthcare which will increase the gap between the rich and the poor even more.
Again, that's like saying only the super rich will have access to advanced technology like smartphones. Open source AI systems are available and will continue to be so. In fact, even the big companies that are developing AI have admitted that open source AI projects will soon surpass them, because even the biggest corporations cannot compete with decentralized global efforts.
Jussie Smollett was a manufactured hoax but there have been plenty of other cases that were not hoaxes.
You can always find examples of racism if you try hard enough to look for it. My assertion is that it is a insignificant issue for modern society that is only relevant because the race hustlers make a lot of money and influence peddling it.
If people got worked up about government taxation (theft) as much as they did about business profits (consensual transactions), we'd actually get somewhere.
I think you've got that exactly backwards. People whine constantly about taxes, while for the most part either ignoring corporate profits at best, or applauding them at worst (because a lot of people have the misguided notion that they're just one lucky break away from being filthy rich too). If cutting down on price gouging got as much attention at election time as holding the line on taxes does, we'd be in a much better position.
That's a bit like saying fire will cause as many problems as it solves. The good far outweighs the bad, but it is true that every technology is a double edged sword.

Again, that's like saying only the super rich will have access to advanced technology like smartphones. Open source AI systems are available and will continue to be so. In fact, even the big companies that are developing AI have admitted that open source AI projects will soon surpass them, because even the biggest corporations cannot compete with decentralized global efforts.

You can always find examples of racism if you try hard enough to look for it. My assertion is that it is a insignificant issue for modern society that is only relevant because the race hustlers make a lot of money and influence peddling it.
With AI, the bad far outweighs the good, at least currently. Maybe after we've developed AI more along ethical guidelines that might change but I seriously doubt the people developing AI give a crap about ethics.

And I still disagree with you on a lot of things. Racism is actually easy to find if you know where to look, like Tennessee. A few race hustlers might be making a profit off of it but generally speaking, it isn't that profitable. It's about like con artistry: you might make a profit off of it for a little while but before you get into the millions, your fraud will be exposed and you'll lose more than you gained. Google "map of racist groups".
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I think you've got that exactly backwards. People whine constantly about taxes,
Because taxes is money forcibly taken from people. When you have your money stolen from you, you have a right to complain about it.
while for the most part either ignoring corporate profits at best
Because corporate profits are the result of consensual transactions between buyer and seller. No one is forced to buy products from corporations.
Because taxes is money forcibly taken from people. When you have your money stolen from you, you have a right to complain about it.

Because corporate profits are the result of consensual transactions between buyer and seller. No one is forced to buy products from corporations.
But if the corporation doesn't give you the product they consensually transacted to give you, it's theft.
Because taxes is money forcibly taken from people. When you have your money stolen from you, you have a right to complain about it.
It's not stolen if you get something in exchange for it. And you do: clean air, infrastructure, safe streets, education for children, etc.
Because corporate profits are the result of consensual transactions between buyer and seller. No one is forced to buy products from corporations.
I guess technically you're not "forced" to buy food, shelter, utilities, medical services, etc., but...