Let's talk about sex baby...

Strictly speaking, a 'fetish' is an object or body part one, rather than an activity or fantasy (which would be a kink).

I don't have any fetishes myself, but you could say I'm intrigued, i.e. puzzled, by some fetishes I've come across on the internet.

Thank you, Doctor. I guess I don't have any either.

My pleasure. 🤓

:D :D :D this all made me chuckle! :D :D :D

Cuz I had sort of the same thought as Elli...but she beat me to it.
#109. What are your thoughts on water sports? Have you ever done it either to you or to someone else? If not, do you have any desire to?
#109. What are your thoughts on water sports? Have you ever done it either to you or to someone else? If not, do you have any desire to?

Apparently, squirting is just involuntary peeing, as I learned recently. It sort of makes me want to never squirt again. And, no, I'm not interested in anyone else's urine either.
Apparently this question just pissed everyone off.

Cute. lol

I've never done it. Well, I guess technically I have. My husband peed on my leg in the shower once because he thought it was funny. I wasn't amused. Or turned on. *shrugs* Just doesn't appeal to me.
After having lived with an alcoholic who used to climb into bed, pass out, and piss up my back.....no. Just no.
#109. What are your thoughts on water sports? Have you ever done it either to you or to someone else? If not, do you have any desire to?

This is a big YUCK! If that's your thing, go for it! But for me, I don't even want the bathroom door open when you're using it.

Love doesn't have to mean sharing everything :)