Like Me, Have You Ever

Yes and enjoyed it.

LMHYE paid for your partner to have a naked dance
Had a FWB at a strip club twice and let her have the fun with the lady of her choice

LMHYE gotten caught at work with your privates out in the open?
Had a FWB at a strip club twice and let her have the fun with the lady of her choice

LMHYE gotten caught at work with your privates out in the open?
No, and they are out in the open at work a lot.

LMHYE been seen engaged in a sex act while stuck in a traffic jam?
No, religious folk tend to stay away from me 👽
LMHYE travelled a long distance to see someone and regret it?
i have...some lessons are never learned

lmhye stayed up all night because your partner fell asleep on you and you didnt want to move and wake them
Yes, one of many options available lol

LMHYE responded to a conversation in a dream after you wake up
i definitely have...i have very vivid cinematic dreams though i always know im dreaming

lmhye met someone on the internet and irl in the same night?

LMHYE ever also felt the opposite? (Especially when getting over-enthused about things lol)

LMHYE ever also felt the opposite? (Especially when getting over-enthused about things lol)
yes, i am much more interesting online where i can take my time and not let my thoughts overwhelm me in the moment

lmhye have you had moments in your life where you struggle finding purpose
yes, i am much more interesting online where i can take my time and not let my thoughts overwhelm me in the moment

lmhye have you had moments in your life where you struggle finding purpose
Thank God, NO

LMHYE had to call an ambulance for your SO who suddenly went to a coma?
Fortunately no, sounds awful, hope they were okay

LMHYE felt you have all the answers to solve the world’s problems, then done your workings out and realized you’re an idealist?
Fortunately no, sounds awful, hope they were okay

LMHYE felt you have all the answers to solve the world’s problems, then done your workings out and realized you’re an idealist?
yes and often times the world makes absolutely no sense to me logically, especially social "rules" and norms

lmhye had someone lie to you in order to end a relationship so they didnt have to take responsibility
yes and often times the world makes absolutely no sense to me logically, especially social "rules" and norms

lmhye had someone lie to you in order to end a relationship so they didnt have to take responsibility
Not lie, no - not to my knowledge at least!

LMHYE pulled down someone’s pants in public, knowing they had no underwear on (there wasn’t anyone around lol)