Literotica Forum Update: Share Your Feedback, Issues & Requests


Quite right. It has reverted for the moment. I wonder if network connection has any influence on it, as I was using a VPN when logged in a bit ago and I am not using it now. I shall see if turning it on replicates the outcome.

ETA: With the VPN on, the avatar I see on display (on posts, user panel and profile) is the one I updated to. On the other hand, the avatar thumbnail displayed at the top menu bar and next / attached to threads is the old one. Visually, there is a difference with the VPN on.
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i see there's a tables icon now under additional options in the reply boxes. Not really got a use for it, myself, but seen other people mention needing one.

Quite right. It has reverted for the moment. I wonder if network connection has any influence on it, as I was using a VPN when logged in a bit ago and I am not using it now. I shall see if turning it on replicates the outcome.

ETA: With the VPN on, the avatar I see on display (on posts, user panel and profile) is the one I updated to. On the other hand, the avatar thumbnail displayed at the top menu bar and next / attached to threads is the old one. Visually, there is a difference with the VPN on.
And I see a difference when I'm on my mobile. The new ava for Les is everywhere except next to the latest posts on that pen name's profile when I'm logged in as RR. When logged in as Les on mobile, I again see it everywhere except for there — and most critically — on my control panel. The old ava shows up in the menu bar, and if I click it from anywhere ( from a spot showing either the new or old ava ) the editing panel for the ava still shows the old one.

I'm hoping the pieces of information about behavior when clicking from the profile and when in the small screen view might help track down whatever's gone wrong. You seeing a difference on VPN vs. without one could be useful as well.

( Anyone who uses a VPN and is willing to test that for a second data point of on vs. off would likely be useful if it produces the same results ) <============

Charging up an Ipad now so I can do some tests from there as well. It's never been to Lit, so it should be clean of any cache whatsoever.
For those of you with Avatar issues, have you noticed the FavIcon? For those who don't know what a FavIcon is, it's the little picture on the browser tab or in your browser's Address bar and probably on your Bookmarks page.

The old one was a blue square with a white L. I'm not sure what the new one is, but it's a white square with letters.

For me, it's alternating randomly between the two of them, just like some of you are seeing with Avatars.

It just tells me all of the bugs haven't filtered out of the systems yet.
Aye, a second opinion / pair of eyes would come in handy, in regards to the VPN variable. My sparse understanding of this leads me to think the individual cache (per each user) might not play that great of a part in the issue. From what I gathered from most posts focused on this, people have cleaned their cache(s), used multiple applications, some of these, first-time logging into Literotica.

I would try troubleshooting with a desk/laptop, but that isn't feasible at the moment. Using desktop mode with current browser produces the same (but improved, I think) results.
For those of you with Avatar issues, have you noticed the FavIcon? For those who don't know what a FavIcon is, it's the little picture on the browser tab or in your browser's Address bar and probably on your Bookmarks page.

The old one was a blue square with a white L. I'm not sure what the new one is, but it's a white square with letters.

For me, it's alternating randomly between the two of them, just like some of you are seeing with Avatars.

It just tells me all of the bugs haven't filtered out of the systems yet.
The favicon that appears to me, and always has, since forum software update is [Lit] in a white background, between blue brackets. I have only accessed the site through mobile.
For those of you with Avatar issues, have you noticed the FavIcon? For those who don't know what a FavIcon is, it's the little picture on the browser tab or in your browser's Address bar and probably on your Bookmarks page.

The old one was a blue square with a white L. I'm not sure what the new one is, but it's a white square with letters.

For me, it's alternating randomly between the two of them, just like some of you are seeing with Avatars.

It just tells me all of the bugs haven't filtered out of the systems yet.
No matter what browser or device, I see the blue square with a white L when on the story side of the site, and blue brackets enclosing the letters lit when on the forum.

As best as I can recall, this has been what I've seen forever.

That favicon used to show up for me, before the site update. It doesn't anymore, as far as I can tell. My mobile browser tabs do not show at the top, like a PC browser.

ETA: Just now, all avatar displays seemed synchronised, with the correct / new one. It looks as though they flit back and forth according to something network-related. Still have the VPN on, clicked to fix the connection (VPN option), refreshed or logged back in and it was okay again.
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Not exactly thrilled with the new format, but I suspect it's here to stay, so I guess it'll be necessary to get used to navigating it, unless this "Style Chooser" thing actually lets a person go back to the format he's become used to over the last twenty some years. Apparently that isn't working properly yet, though.


I appreciate the comprehensive list of "who's online" in the bottom corner of the main board, but that's been there from the beginning, if I recall. It was a whole lot handier when you knew who was on and who wasn't just from glancing at their avatar info.

Also, in email notifications for activity on subscribed/watched threads: it was a whole lot nicer to have the post you were being notified about attached to the email. Having to go out of email to the board to find out if the post you've been messaged about is something you want/need to address is far more cumbersome.
There have been several people who are still running into av issues even after clearing their caches and trying on various browsers and devices. It’s not a cache issue (at least not just that).

Sorry for the confusion, but I was specifically writing about the issue that two threads display different pictures at the same time. It wasn't intended to mean that AVs are not broken. They are.
Just spent several minutes on multiple devices/browsers/logins navigating here and there. Control panel, various threads, forums, etc. and I'm experiencing consistent behavior from the favicon. Blue box L from the story side, [lit] on the forum.

The screenshots make it pretty obvious Jafo is, because it's even the same URL in both, but I'm not seeing it from my end.
One thing that seems to be missing is the hyperlink from the forum site (here...) to the story side.
One thing that seems to be missing is the hyperlink from the forum site (here...) to the story side.

Yep, that's something I'd like as well. I don't believe there's ever been a link to the story side from the forums. Could be added somewhere in the header or the menu bar.
Yep, that's something I'd like as well. I don't believe there's ever been a link to the story side from the forums. Could be added somewhere in the header or the menu bar.
There used to be a link to the story side, if memory serves me right. In the old forum layout (default theme), it was at the bottom of the page, along with 'Mark Forums Read' - 'Forum Rules' - '' - and a couple more links I can't precise.
There used to be a link to the story side, if memory serves me right. In the old forum layout (default theme), it was at the bottom of the page, along with 'Mark Forums Read' - 'Forum Rules' - '' - and a couple more links I can't precise.
Quite possible that I could have missed that. It's probably been years since I've scrolled to the bottom of the page while on the forums.
Okay, am I seeing things? The AV that is showing up in my posts is one of my newer ones I uploaded. The one with me wearing glasses. Do you see it too, or am I getting excited for nothing. :)

Oh, never mind. False alarm. :(
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I simply want to add that (bit over two hours since my last post), coming back to the board, the VPN trick seems to be holding the avatar in place. Again, at least, visually and on my browser end. It now seems to be consistent in all the places it is in use.

ETA: I turned VPN off and logged in. It went back to acting up, with mismatched avatars in the various sections. VPN is on again, all is back to the correct places.
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Okay, am I seeing things? The AV that is showing up in my posts is one of my newer ones I uploaded. The one with me wearing glasses. Do you see it too, or am I getting excited for nothing. :)

Oh, never mind. False alarm. :(
What’s up with this? I assume the powers that be are working on it. Your pic with glasses is there if I click on your profile and then click on your pic (and all I see at that point is a pic).
What’s up with this? I assume the powers that be are working on it. Your pic with glasses is there if I click on your profile and then click on your pic (and all I see at that point is a pic).
I just refreshed my profile page and the AV with me wearing glasses is now showing... although I'm pretty sure if anyone else was to look, they would be seeing the other AV. I'm also sure if I go to refresh my profile page again in a few minutes, it will revert back to the other one. So nothing has changed.
I just refreshed my profile page and the AV with me wearing glasses is now showing... although I'm pretty sure if anyone else was to look, they would be seeing the other AV. I'm also sure if I go to refresh my profile page again in a few minutes, it will revert back to the other one. So nothing has changed.
I see the other pic when reading this post (not the glasses). Don’t get me wrong, I like it. But I hope they fix the problem (I assume there are a number of glitches).
I noticed private messages where changed to the word “conversations”. How do you delete older conversations or older private messages. Are we still limited to 150 messages like before ?
On XenForo you can't delete conversations. You can check the box and select "leave conversation" and you will not get any further messages. There should not be a limit on the number of messages, so the old ones will work their way down to the bottom if you leave those convos.