Literotica Survivor Stuff - IMPORTANT

Taking one for the team

I'll take the hit in points. No sweat. So I've got two stories in the same category, I'll just have to write more. Heh, Heh. Not a problem.
Okay...the board has been updated. I'm going to post to the GB asking for ideas for our next Immunity Challenge, so stay tuned!
All righty, I gave you Anal.

Points, I mean.

I gave you points for Anal.

For the story.

Ah, I give up.
I guess you forgot. Last time we went out for guac, Manu hid the strap-on. He said you can't give me anal unless we let him watch. Then he ate all the guac. We got pissed off at him and refused to let him watch until he went out and bought more guac. Well, he didn't go buy the guac, he was too busy staring bug eyed at the hooters in his little homeworld there. "Important server stuff," he said. We didn't demand to get the strap on back and we still can't find it. I think he either stuck it in a safety deposit box or fed it to the torties because we can't find it anywhere. And damned, no one gives me anal like you do Red.

Anal points that is... yeah. Points... Like the two on your, um... yeah points.

Er, dammit, what in the hell did he do with that thing? Eat it????
1 point for erotic poetry, 1 point for non erotic poetry, 2 points for romance.
Maybe the BB thing is messin' with her or Manu keeps slatherin' her in guac when she's s'posed to payin' attention.


LAUREEEEEEELLLLL!!!!!!! Give Crazy her points or the strapon gets it. *Shoves dessert spoon against strapon's balls* I'm not joking!!! Don't try anything funny either!!!! *laughing maniacally* The points, man, or you get strapon pate. I see a cop, and I'm outta there and you never see the strapon again.
guaca guaca guaca

I'll do anything! Just PUT THE STRAPON DOWN.

Nice and easy...

There you go...

Book 'er, Danno...
You see? I always arrive in the middle of these exchanges, and just wander around going..."I miss all the good stuff!

Please give me one consolation point in Audio Poetry for "Fixation". I'm really burning it up with the points, aren't I?

Remind me to get my ass in gear.
Hey Risia...get your ass in gear.

Oh, I'm supposed to remind you LATER... ;)

Hey, how's the response been on your audio poem? I liked it VERY much...had me fooled until the end! Reminded me of a Virginia Adair poem that I enjoy...
Laurel if you could just remind me daily, maybe I'd write more instead of playing Lord of Destruction.

Or maybe not.

Response has been pretty positive. I think it works better as audio. Fools people better, or something. I'm glad you liked it. I liked it, and it was doing well on the toplist as a regular poem. Then it got 1'd when it got too high, and it disappeared back into the ether. (BOO!)

So, I not too sneakily brought it back. I'm so naughty. (YAY!)

Okay, it's possible that I've had too much caffeine today.
Re: Laurel

RisiaSkye said: if you could just remind me daily, maybe I'd write more instead of playing Lord of Destruction.

But who will watch the watcher? I should've had the update done an hour ago, but I can't stop checking this BB or playing Bejeweld.

Okay, it's possible that I've had too much caffeine today.

There's no such thing! ;)
I seem to be missing my point in the non-erotic poem category for Maimed by Rage. I noticed no E's in poetry. Not a fan? *grins*
LOL! Muffie, you don't miss a thing do you. ;)

I feel weird judging poetry. I'm an avid reader of fiction and non-fiction, but the only poetry I've enjoyed has been stuff like Shel Silverstein, Virginia Adair, and Joseph Brodskey. And Quincy Troupe...I like him too. While I'd like to think I understand plots & characterization & voice & pacing, I have only a vague understanding of things like meter. I think me judging poetry would be like Stevie Wonder critiquing Van Gogh. I have great respect for those who can write the stuff, though I don't think I get as much out of it as someone who's has the knowledge to know what works and why. I only know what I personally think sounds good or is interesting or relevant to me personally - I don't know what's "good" poetically. So rather than make an ass of myself, I avoid the question altogether.

How's THAT for a long-winded way of saying "'cause I'm ignorant"? ;)
That's what I figured. I'm pretty much sure that my poetry stinks anyway.
I'm with Laurel on the poetry. It's SO hard to judge. We have a test here in Australia that students sit as part of University entrance. Students have to write 600 words in any form. Anything they like - story, letter, editorial, speech, playscript BUT NOT poetry. The markers can come to a common agreement on everything except poetry - too much deviation from the mean in poetry marking. Big arguments. To rhyme or not to rhyme? To metaphor or not. To decribe in detail or not. Are sonnets still relevant? In the end the examiners just went NOOOOOO. We'll mark ANYTHING. ANYTHING! Just no bloody poetry. LOL.

Hey KillerMuffin Goddess - thanx for getting me my points in such a delicate, lady-like manner.

1 point erotic poetry, 1 point non erotic poetry, 2 points romance, 2 points non erotic stories

HI Laurel.. You are going to be busy.
I have a story long awaited vacation with soul mate. erotic couplings for one point.
Two in anal Wilderness Retreat and vibrating to new levels for one point
I have a new one to post under mind control
Question for Miss Laurel

Madame Webmistress (that's fun to say), what was the final decision on the Chain Stories category?

I'm unproductive lately. I need all the help I can get. :D
Please add 1 to Audio Poetry. By the way, I LOVE the new audio phone line! That's so easy. Great job Laurel and Manu! Muah!

I'm with RisiaSkye - please, beg*beg*beg, include the chain story cat?

Also another beg - please come up with some challenges that don't require a TV. I don't have one! LOL
A thought: Make Novels/novellas, Non-English, Chain stories, and Extreme a pick one sort of bit.