Nearly Half Of The Immigrants Arrested Have No Criminal Record.

Half the immigrants arrested were all in the US legally? If that's true, I would say that is actually a problem.

But if they were arrested and they're in the United Stated illegally, then that just means their crime was undocumented.

Can always call it "undocumented transgressors" if the left/dems think the word criminal sounds too harsh, and we know they love the word trans.
The point is that there are non-criminal undocumented immigrants. Crossing the border illegally, or crossing legally but overstaying one's visa, is not what most people think of as a "crime."
Overstaying a visa is a civil infraction. But crossing illegally is in fact, a crime. It is a misdemeanor under 8 USC 1325. And illegal re-entry after deportation is a felony.
Overstaying a visa is a civil infraction. But crossing illegally is in fact, a crime. It is a misdemeanor under 8 USC 1325. And illegal re-entry after deportation is a felony.
And if they have a valid asylum claim, could you explain further?
Overstaying a visa is a civil infraction. But crossing illegally is in fact, a crime. It is a misdemeanor under 8 USC 1325. And illegal re-entry after deportation is a felony.
Well, in the misdemeanor case, the court could upgrade that misdemeanor to a felony by saying it was committed in the furtherance of another crime, that won't be named or defined.

Dumbfuck "thinks" that video helps the MAGAts’ argument???


Hillary Clinton AND President Biden had it right.

The issue could have been addressed in a far better / humane way through congressional action, but racists, misogynists & low information / education voters (not necessarily the same groups) FAILED in 2016 & 2024.



(A) names won't hurt me; you're going to have to kill me to stop me.

Hillary Clinton AND President Biden had it right. The issue could have been addressed in a far better / humane way through congressional action

(B) and yet, with total (D)emocrat control of both the legislative and executive branches a few times, not a thing was done.

Kek <– (This one)
Well, in the misdemeanor case, the court could upgrade that misdemeanor to a felony by saying it was committed in the furtherance of another crime, that won't be named or defined.




(And don’t try saying that was what happened in the orange POS felon’s New York case.):

From the article:

Myth: The prosecution didn’t tell Trump what he was charged with until closing argument, a violation of due process.

Response: While the indictment specified each of the checks, invoices, and ledger entries alleged to have been falsified, it did not specify which crime Trump allegedly concealed. A defendant is entitled to fair notice of the crime with which he is charged so that he can effectively defend himself at trial, but New York law does not require this level of specificity in the charging document. New York case law requires that the indictment allege only a general intent to conceal a crime, not an intent to conceal a specific crime.

Nonetheless, prosecutors provided this specificity in a prosecution filing in November 2023, five months before his trial began. In that filing, prosecutors disclosed that the crimes they alleged Trump intended to conceal were violating state and federal campaign finance laws and violating state tax laws. The court rejected an additional basis offered by the prosecution, falsifying business records outside the Trump organization.



Hope that ^ helps.


👉 TaintyFuckBoi 🤣

They broke the law coming into the country illegally. It couldn't keep going on and they needed to leave. You just can't go into another country to live. I don't understand what is difficult to understand here.
Well, for one thing, the people who support this voted for a convicted felon, and one of his first acts in office was to pardon hundreds of other convicted felons (the January 6 folks). That makes it just a bit hard to swallow that all you care about is enforcing the law.
(A) names won't hurt me; you're going to have to kill me to stop me.




(B) and yet, with total (D)emocrat control of both the legislative and executive branches a few times, not a thing was done.


Dumbfuck clearly doesn’t have a clue about the political realities of the past 35 years, yet opines on political matters faaaar beyond their limited capabilities.


Kek <– (This one)



👉 Dumbfuck 🤣

I know you want the most violent offenders out first but don't worry...all illegals are getting deported.
And if they have a valid asylum claim, could you explain further?
IDK, that’s a question I’ll defer to immigration lawyers but would assume if they have a valid asylum claim they’re not subject to criminal charges in most cases.
IDK, that’s a question I’ll defer to immigration lawyers but would assume if they have a valid asylum claim they’re not subject to criminal charges in most cases.
And two questions:
What makes their claim valid? (How is that determined- I expect you'll defer to the immigration court, and that's fine, but I'm looking for what process determines that)
Are those people the ones who should be included in the current deportation effort?
No debate here. Misleading OP. 100% of illegal aliens are criminals by virtue of being here illegally. That the Biden Administration admitted them does not make them any the less illegal aliens, and therefore criminals. Back they go.

From the article:

“CHICAGO — Immigration authorities made close to 1,200 arrests in just one day, and nearly half of those detained don't have criminal records, according to a senior Trump administration official.”




To all the Hispanics, etc, who voted for President Musk (and DonOld) because they believed them when they said they were NOT going after (not prioritizing) non-criminal undocumented immigrants, all we (decent, intelligent individuals / non-MAGAts) can say is:

We. Told. You. So.

E. N. J. O. Y.


Hey Lazy, FYI breaking into my beloved nation without permission, ie "is crossing the border illegal" the scum is committing a crime just performing the act of entering this nation without permission....... in simple words, all of the filth are's against the law and we wouldn't be in this mess if the Biden crime family had just protected our borders with the same enthusiasm the Biden crime family protected the Ukrainian border
Using your logic........ the Russians just want a better life, that's all and the ukies are racist for not allowing them to stay. in fact one could say ( Using your logic) the ukies are committing genocide...... fuck me to tears.... you simpleton 😖
Hey Lazy, FYI breaking into my beloved nation without permission, ie "is crossing the border illegal" the scum is committing a crime just performing the act of entering this nation without permission....... in simple words, all of the filth are's against the law and we wouldn't be in this mess if the Biden crime family had just protected our borders with the same enthusiasm the Biden crime family protected the Ukrainian border
Using your logic........ the Russians just want a better life, that's all and the ukies are racist for not allowing them to stay. in fact one could say ( Using your logic) the ukies are committing genocide...... fuck me to tears.... you simpleton 😖


Another fucktard that doesn’t get the point of the OP.

<checks fucktard’s username>

Well that ^ explains it.

"Buffy" never “gets it”.


👉 "Buffy" 🤣

No debate here. Misleading OP. 100% of illegal aliens are criminals by virtue of being here illegally. That the Biden Administration admitted them does not make them any the less illegal aliens, and therefore criminals. Back they go.


Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang is trying to deflect from the main point of the OP.

Many voters BELIEVED President Musk (and DonOld) would spare "non-criminal" (only "crime" was entering the U.S. illegally) immigrants.

Just like many voters BELIEVED President Musk (and DonOld) would be good for Palestinians.

Just like many voters BELIEVED President Musk (and DonOld) would end the war in Ukraine in “one day”.

Just like many voters BELIEVED President Musk (and DonOld) would lower prices.

Etc, etc, etc…




We. Told. You. So.

E. N. J. O. Y.


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