The Contribution of Undocumented Immigrants

Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Oh, my bad. Just from conversing with you, well, actually, being lectured at by you, I had come to that conclusion; but you obviously don't like being pinned down, or labeled, you reserve that right for yourself, and love to come in and label me. I thought turn-about was fair play...

Just pointing out that along with the impact of crime and health, there is an economic impact that benefits the consumer and the business, but at what cost to the average American worker...

There is also a loss of shared values and cultural norms and we stoop to accomodate and include them with every benefit a legal citizen is entitled to "plus" in-state tuition for their citizen children thanks to a legal loophole nobody seems to want to close!

I don't label you. your words do.
I don't assume like you, I have plenty of evidence to back up my opinions on you.

Turn about is fine, when actually know what you are talking about. You presume to know my entire political leanings with one comment on rape. Please.

My Opinion on this issue stands as followed.
Coming across the border illegally is Illegal period.
Does a fence work? In theory yes, but i think more patrols would too. A simple funnel system would work as well. Its not about stopping it all together. People will always find a way. Its about reducing the numbers.
I think that if you are here Illegally and want to stay you sold face a fine and then have to register for a green card etc.
If you are a criminal you should be deported on the spot.
Depending on the crime that is. Rape and Murder should be punishable by death Legal or not.

I am all for closing down the borders for a short period of time, in which we can restructure our security.

Thats my opinion on Border issue in a nut shell
Refering to the previously linked GAO report, almost 9,000 americans a year are killed by illegals. Roughly equally divided between motor vehicle accidents and outright murder.

Discarding the motor vehicle stats we are left with about 4,500 murders a year commited by illegals. Refering to the DOJ-UCR as reported by the FBI (2006 UCR murder numbers ) we find that in 2006, 20,096 murders were commited nation wide. This means that once more, 5% of the population is commiting 25% of the murders.

Aren't numbers marvelous things?


All lies...

;) ;)

But I'm at least learning Spanish when I visit the box stores.

Plasma, I don't give a shit what your views are until you pick someone else's leg to hump every fucking morning.
Cap’n AMatrixca said:

All lies...

;) ;)

But I'm at least learning Spanish when I visit the box stores.

Plasma, I don't give a shit what your views are until you pick someone else's leg to hump every fucking morning.

Life's a bitch when the facts interfere with your 'feelings'.

Feelings, nothing more than feelings...

Lots of ecoli outbreaks coming from afore-mentioned packing plants lately, but hey, we want cheap burgers and a little vomiting and loose bowels may be worth the price...

;) ;)
We can stop these illegals by shooting them when they cross the border, believe me, this will work. They will tell two friends, and they will tell two friends, and so on, and so on.

Building a fence costs too much money.....bullets are cheaper
Cap’n AMatrixca said:

Plasma, I don't give a shit what your views are until you pick someone else's leg to hump every fucking morning.

you couldn't pay me to hump your leg Captain. I don't do the retarded.

I find it amusing how you answer me though. You fucking little piece of shit will go on and assume whatever you can dream up till you are actually proven wrong. Then all of a sudden you don't care.
you are so fucking black and white its sad.

enjoy the little fantasy world full of your own "truth"(assumptions). You look like a moron everytime.

Well not to Ish...does he chuckle when you lick his balls?
Faneros said:
We can stop these illegals by shooting them when they cross the border, believe me, this will work. They will tell two friends, and they will tell two friends, and so on, and so on.

Building a fence costs too much money.....bullets are cheaper
How are they going to tell anyone if you've shot them?
Faneros said:
We can stop these illegals by shooting them when they cross the border, believe me, this will work. They will tell two friends, and they will tell two friends, and so on, and so on.

Building a fence costs too much money.....bullets are cheaper

You don't have to fence the whole thing. Good fences need good holes...

I know it's probably TIC, but shooting them only makes it easier for the Mexican Government to remain corrupt...
That's what I love about the intellectually superior; the childish name-calling when they don't get their way.

Every morning, like a modern-day Democrat, you wait for me to open my mouth and then you get right to opposing me without thinking for a second about the "massage..."
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
That's what I love about the intellectually superior; the childish name-calling when they don't get their way.

Every morning, like a modern-day Democrat, you wait for me to open my mouth and then you get right to opposing me without thinking for a second about the "massage..."

Oh look there you go assuming again. If you didn't care then don't comment back.

Fucking joke
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
That's what I love about the intellectually superior; the childish name-calling when they don't get their way.
And yet you completely ignore it when Ishtard does exactly the same thing. Funny that.
Plasmaball said:
you couldn't pay me to hump your leg Captain. I don't do the retarded.

I find it amusing how you answer me though. You fucking little piece of shit will go on and assume whatever you can dream up till you are actually proven wrong. Then all of a sudden you don't care.
you are so fucking black and white its sad.

enjoy the little fantasy world full of your own "truth"(assumptions). You look like a moron everytime.

Well not to Ish...does he chuckle when you lick his balls?

Someone woke up a bit testy this morning.
Bluesboy2 said:
Someone woke up a bit testy this morning.

This is my night time blues :D

I don't like people when they can't admit to the truth, and instead backpedal and look stupid
SeanH said:
And yet you completely ignore it when Ishtard does exactly the same thing. Funny that.

Ish finally found someone who'll accept him as a 'dom'. ;)
Ulaven_Demorte said:
Ish finally found someone who'll accept him as a 'dom'. ;)

Both you and the idiot you're speaking to are certainly right on topic.

Got some facts clown? Or are you just here reinforce your eighth grade standing?

Ishmael said:
Both you and the idiot you're speaking to are certainly right on topic.

Got some facts clown? Or are you just here reinforce your eighth grade standing?

Aww, did Mr Floppy get his feelings hurt?
Ishmael said:
Both you and the idiot you're speaking to are certainly right on topic.

Got some facts clown? Or are you just here reinforce your eighth grade standing?


Are they smarter than a Fifth Grader...?

They sure debate like one!
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Are they smarter than a Fifth Grader...?

They sure debate like one!
Yep, the post you quoted was ultra mature. :rolleyes:
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Are they smarter than a Fifth Grader...?

They sure debate like one!

sticks and stones...

Or should i say twigs and pebbles
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Are they smarter than a Fifth Grader...?

They sure debate like one!

That they do. When devoid of facts, call names. Very clever stuff.
