The Contribution of Undocumented Immigrants

Cap’n AMatrixca said:
You'd think they could come up with some better names; I'd expect creativity from such genius...

Why? *chuckle*

Cap’n AMatrixca said:
It's not just me Plasma. You bring every thread you participate in down to it's LCD.

You're a crashing boor...

awww look at all the ad homs since you were proven wrong, and can't label me a democrat.

black and white captain, black and white.
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Am I a Republican?

You area very right leaning person, who rarely gets upset with the Gop and their policies. I personally think you do it so you can say look at me, i am upset over something the Gop did. I am fair and balanced. Which honestly will always happen on both sides of the isle.

You are not an independent,and you are not a libertarian.
You really are just a shit stirrer and nothing more. You take wedge issues and start them off with very choice words. You know how it will get the Other side going or Ish jerking you off. Either or is what you are after.

You take an extreme position in almost everything. You attempt to also take positions that people can't really argue against unless they want to look like fools.

Yet you also seem to have rightwing talking point down.
You start numerous threads on Hillary in order to character assassinate her. Yet where are Gop threads attacking Those candidates? Yet you seem to say you are not a republican. Yet day after day,, after day your posts, threads, and words say otherwise.

When you get caught in a lie, you deflect and backtrack. Divert the topic to something non important. Anyone can do a search for you( why i dunno) and see this is the case.( unless its Ish).
Ishmael said:
If your trying to counter the previous posted reports, you'll have to find the actual report, along with all of the statistics, footnoted of course.

Your two posts are basically prose posing as research. Filled with qualifiers, no statistics, and no verifiable facts.

In other words they are 'opinion' articles and offer nothing that counters the previously linked paper, which is filled with facts, all fully footnoted with the source(s) of the data.

And even there the author totally ignores facts. This past spring a Swift packing house in NB. was raided and shut down after over 50 illegals were arrested and deported. Swift purged all of it's plants of illegals and hired citizens to do the same jobs. I believe the plant that was closed re-opened within a week. The other plants never stopped operation. The base pay scale went up over a $1.00/hr. Thus putting to myth two of the items in your C&P'd articles. The first being that citizens won't do the work, and the second being that illegals don't effect wages in a negative manner. This incident and its attendent facts were widely reported.

Regardless, go get some actual research and post it.


Ish, one was a summary of a Rand study using 2006 data (while the California study used data from the 1990's I believe). The other was a summary of a study done be some economists. No, I didn't look for the original article and I said in the post of the Rand one that I'd like to see it. Many articles, though, are published in journal where a subscription is needed.

KK's article is similar. It's a summary of studies with anecdotes.

I think this highlights a point you made in another thread about studies.

What these studies do is also highlight another problem - the growth of governmental sponsored social programs and health care.
Since Ish is posting anecdotes, here's another one.

In New York City many formerly desolated neighborhoods were rebuilt by immigrants to become vibrant communities. I'm not sure if there are any studies, but I doubt if all were legally here.

My point always has been that I disagree with Ish's second step in his plan - I don't think we should remove all immigrants after we protect our borders. For humane reasons and more selfishly, for economic reasons.
ccnyman said:
Since Ish is posting anecdotes, here's another one.

In New York City many formerly desolated neighborhoods were rebuilt by immigrants to become vibrant communities. I'm not sure if there are any studies, but I doubt if all were legally here.

My point always has been that I disagree with Ish's second step in his plan - I don't think we should remove all immigrants after we protect our borders. For humane reasons and more selfishly, for economic reasons.

Meanwhile, the town was hit with two lawsuits challenging the law. Legal bills began to pile up, straining the town’s already tight budget. Suddenly, many people — including some who originally favored the law — started having second thoughts.

Thats basically extortion, great reference....
ccnyman said:
My point always has been that I disagree with Ish's second step in his plan - I don't think we should remove all immigrants after we protect our borders. For humane reasons and more selfishly, for economic reasons.

All illegal immigrants have to go......................nobody says all immigrants
America admits almost 2 million legal immigrants every year -- more than all other nations in the world combined. (Source: CNN)

America is the most welcoming place on the planet.

So the racism/xenophobia argument won't wash.
landslider2000 said:
America admits almost 2 million legal immigrants every year -- more than all other nations in the world combined. (Source: CNN)

America is the most welcoming place on the planet.

So the racism/xenophobia argument won't wash.

This is quite true. But it's nice to see them burning the American flag on Cinco de Mayo in Los Angeles -- one is comforted to see that they feel right at home here without the necessity of paying taxes like the rest of us.