New Poetry Recommendations

Liar's Tycho Brahe writes to his wife is a fabulous example of form acting as the framework around which to craft a poem ... it doesn't get in the way, poke out anywhere, rudely expose itself ... and the poem is quite quite beautiful, imo.
wow, some strong form-ists out there today!

this from Poet Guy - Roundelay

probably down to its form, this reminds me of something that might be heard on a radio back in the day, even though it's dealing with a situation that might be as relevant today as then (then being a b&w 50's, 60's feel). i have to say i enjoyed it loads, an adroitly turned tricky situation!
From Thursday, 2-10-11

I found Tristesse2's poem, To Our Forefathers, intriguing due to a trickiness of expression while retaining overall meaning. It sounded good to my Espie ears, even though I did have to Webster a couple of words cuz they taint in my most smartical :confused: lexicon. Note the consonant matching in several places, which is subtle.

The poem also has a start, an explanation, and lastly an open question.

Nice poem.

There may be others that you like from today, please mention them.

Now lemme go play some catch up from my assigned reading list from some dude who likes Batman's enemies.... :D
Break the rule lock
Kaishaku is back and twisting it to me, who really almost never has anything good to say about the American haiku

ice melts
which is not a bad wish, there maybe more, but I'm not thinking Japanese this morning.

Many more.... but I have to go.
heavenly express
by bybogusagain
first line:
in Bad Bentheim, a man caught the train to heaven

which when you think about it, it isn't a bad line, kinda makes you want to see...

The Apple Doesn't . . .

a touching tale of a boy scout with tattos, check it out, see what the...
Never mind this guy can write
He bloomed stranger than most,
with Jesus flowing through cool veins,

To Our Forefathers

sorry I'm duplicating...seconded

Two from byfridayam

Vice Versa

good and short

Comic Cuts


(A sharp-edged setting
summed up pronto—
moonlit penthouse,
high-tech, empty.)

speaking of cuts
and welcome back Kaishaku
(I'll call you if I need you)

all of these I liked, have value, I swear I saw a couple of others, forgive me for that.

but we have 300 from a journal, and I kind of get lost
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To Our Forefather by Tristesse2
A breathtaking poem to the ancestors; from someone who comes from a dip in the slimy end of the gene pool, I can relate—in reverse.

Comic Cuts by fridayam
Cinema noir in a poem; artfully done.

Nee How Ma by PoissonSurLaLune
An interesting piece from one of the nice guys.

Breathing Without Oxygen by DeepGreenEyes
This poem really effected me. It reminded me of Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush

The Apple Doesn’ Esperanza_Hidalgo
Good stuff.
This is Kewl

fridayam's Capricorn

Half goat, half fish—what the fuck?
Caprice? No. It's Enki,
Lord of Nudimmud—of making--
and of mischief when
cooking Men from clay
was all the rage amongst Gods.
Lament for Lost Libido
which was goodenough for me to steal from,
go and see if I made an ass of myself for the comment

Bowling with Turkeys
by some poetperson (small case)
which was goodenough for me to steal from,
go and see if I made an ass of myself for the comment

has two
half n' half
which pissed me off, for non poetic reasons, 'cause it's still friggin winter

which I think is better, but who am I?

This is a second
my reading of it is a close watch, a little unnerving below the surface
ie. damn fine poetry, surface story and then right below something else, why the hell do you think I read Robert Frost

and I swore I wouldn't do this
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Lament for Lost Libido by UnderYourSpell

Anyone over fifty can probably relate to this one. I REALLY liked her writing style. It suited the subject matter to a tee.

Bowling With Turkeys by PoetGuy
I love this one! Surreal and so funny, unless you’re a turkey, then it has sick kind of genocidal taint but seeing as there are few turkeys reading my review, PoetGuy is probably going to avoid flocks of turkeys protesting in front of his house.

after the loving by pamm6279

An excellent first post on Lit; this is a poet to watch.
deceptively mild then BAM! IN. YOUR. FACE. that is, vrose's The Most Faithful Suitor.

Hack48's On The Breath of a Sigh has me all soft and soothed. there's so very much to enjoy and say about this i'd be guilty of gushing.

UYS's Cherished - might not be everyone's cup of tea, but i found it refreshingly honest and true to its own voice.
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I want to recommend fridayam's poem

The Brain Tumour

It is short and sweet and reminded me of a challenge we had years ago where poets were challenged to write the shortest poem they could that still had meaning.

This goes back to the "war" ( this is poetry vs. this is not poetry) that is still ongoing. Some people think a poem must have a bazillion words, when actually, a poem can have one word if it expresses the sentiment profoundly. It is basically personal opinion, not law. ( and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one)

good work, fridayam and pay attention the FB but don't let it discourage you. All feedback has it's usefulness, one way or another.



Lament for Taxicab #4 by oldhornypervert.

I haven't read this poet before but was gently surprised by his poem. He shows a lot of insight and empathy with the "lesser" people in society and the poem can use a bit of work, but it has some lines which are gems. He shows real talent here and deserves a read. In my opinion. everyone here has been given a chance at one time or another, so pass it on :)
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Positive Thinking had me perplexed and in hades for a bit. And chipbutty gets an award for coolest word of the week. Then she made me laugh and pee at the same time with artistic temperaments.

Hibakusha by Kaishaku burns a deep sense of hurt simply.

Jeopardy? by Koba

Machine versus man??? I do love the implication that a machine will never replace the soul of humanity.

Wait, maybe if Isaac Asimov's vision comes true...

Stella and Irene by UnderYourSpell :heart:...selected for obvious reasons, one of them being truth :rose:.

Just a Matter of Time by Tristesse2 is my fav of the day. But sometimes I create my own meaning in poems and could be dead wrong on the interpretation. Which makes it kind of fun.

There are many fine poems today. It was hard for me to not name more, but I'll leave that to someone else. These are the ones that struck me most on the initial read.

By no means do I consider myself an expert, so please take these suggestions as my personal preferences.
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Just wanted to put this one on it's own:

"The Most Faithful Suitor" by vrosej10

This is so powerful I don't know how anyone could make it better. Sadly Theognis, in his comment, implied that he could. I find that profoundly insulting to an amazing poem.

Unless something is indeed completely perfect, it could always be improved upon, no matter how or by whom. I doubt the author of even this fine poem would be so bold as to claim it is beyond the possibility of improvement.

As for you, instead of persisting in goading me, perhaps you should try to read and understand one of my 'poems' and learn the meaning of 'its' and 'it's.' I've noticed that understanding is one additional thing that's heretofore escaped you. Example above.
Cherished by UnderYourSpell
Holy crap!

Interaction, storm and pine by Maria2394
I was gutted by this poem in the best way. It reminded me of the tree I wrote a mourning piece for ages ago...Nowhere near as good as this one. Not even in the same league.

Stella and Irene by UnderYourSpell
I got a feeling there’s a personal story there. Heartfelt and lovely. By the by, Stella was my grandmother and Irene two of my great aunts....

Jeopardy by Koba
This one’s very philosophical.

artistic temperaments by Chipbutty
Clever stuff and good to the last bite.

Hibakusha by Kaishaku
A disturbing tanka but as perfect as a warm peach. I think the title is refering to Hirosima??:confused:
I didn't see this mentioned:
Embarrassingly, Blushingly, a Triolet

Discard your assumptions. Well is has always been mine that the triolet is one of the more useless forms ever.
First the title, this person can write, already, I'm almost won.
What I see is something that matches the form, I don't know if perfectly, but I don't care, textbook case of doing things right.

this is a second:

Just a Matter of Time
A few years ago, I read a poem by Robert Penn Warren, forgot the title, I heard the footsteps. Oh, so this must the metre I keep hearing about. No, I hear the feet (double play). If you hear the feet, there better be feet, hoofs, or drums, if there aren't you are probably overdoing it.
Tess, here in this matched the rhythm with the sense on the words, I don't if done perfectly, but close enough to be a textbook case of doing things right.

Admittedly this is my less than highly regarded opin, but since I am right about half the time, go check it out, if you haven't done so.

today, I am begging off of reading the first two, too many words.

three I think are good poems, all amusing, no pretensions.

Advice to a Young Ink Pen
Aim to make your mark on life:rolleyes:
well the first line won me already:D

Cat and Mouse
well this is just a nice poem, all I can say

Seeing Red

this one I relate to.
nice turn at the end.
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Hidden Theater Steam
read this without anything in your mouth
it is good, the last line is a real popper.

Love of Animals

a little bit of the ol poetic slight of hand
a good thing to do

Still Life
this bothers me, something about it looks wrong, when that happens, I think about it, maybe that is the object of what is poetry. What can I say. Left two comments, will look at it again.
I think that was yesterday's...
A Good Question by Fridayam - a poem that gives your mind a little workout, nothing too heavy, but drier than a californian prune...

by moonlight in the afterlife by vrosej - a strange little piece, otherworldly for good reason, and worth reading for the last line alone!

Old Boots by Tristesse2 - a happy poem, a comforting, comfortable poem that runs with alliterative freedom :) it could possibly afford to end at 'just in time' to avoid becoming a little too sweet for taste, but others will have to decide that for themselves and i always was one for savoury. sweet-toothers will probably want even more :D
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new poets under the spotlight
by chipbutty
a poem with gloves

The House Fly
by greenmountaineer
a poem about a fly

C'est Chic

by fridayam
a poem with a french title
all with horribly inane comments beneath them, oh the (in)humanity

all pretty good, but I kind of miss the bad old days, of pure prurient dumb smut, and am beginning to tire of things of value. I think I'll go jump in a thread.
Love of Animals by sandyb
A hot poem with a horsey theme.

Still Life by Angeline
This is clearly an Imagistic poem but long for one. Unsettling, ominous but these are good things.

First Fumblings by fridayam
Everyone should read this one. They owe it to themselves.

Orphan of the Supernova by Oneiria
Big ideas writ small and succinct; smooth moves.

new poets under the spotlight by Chipbutty.
One very cool analogy here.