Official Holiday Story Contest

I was actually thinking about spoofing a rendition of "A Christmas Carol."

I have a rough outline completed and am wondering what anyone's thoughts might be on the topic?

I am Catholic and while I don't follow church dogma to the letter, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing a Nativity Story.

christmas carol? Hmmm...definite possibilities there miss t! I think it will be fabulous...what sorts of directions did you plan to take it? (if you don't mind spilling the beans)
deliciously_naughty said:

There are something like 20 years of Jesus' life missing from the bible. I'm sure he got a nice "birthday" present from some mary madaglene esque woman at some point in there. Although the bible says mary was a virgin it never says (I'm almost 100% positive here) that Jesus was.

Right. He went from baby to adult in the blink of an eye.
A Christmas Carol

that would be excellent, in my opinion. go for it = )
I just thought of a story...a comedic story starring santas elves? Okay...time for bed if that's what I'm coming up with now.
I suspect Mrs Santa is the under explored territory, but no good twists here...
One addition

A true Christmas story can of course not do without ... SHEEP.

Any Welshmen around? ;)

"Wales, where men are men, and sheep are nervous"
- Anonymous

BlessedBe said:
Right. He went from baby to adult in the blink of an eye.

No, but there are about 20 years of time that aren't accounted for in the parables or bible.

So, there is plenty of room for speculation concerning what happened then.

The same is true of Muhammed, Buddha and Moses as well.
BlessedBe said:
You'd be surprised. :rolleyes: I've witnessed Bible thumpers here. And, of course, there's always the hypocrites who think "my kink is okay but yours is not".

Well, I do believe in God, and that his only son, Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins....

That's why I'm not worried about going to hell for going to church to pickup girls :D
BlessedBe said:
Right. He went from baby to adult in the blink of an eye.

Jesus can walk on water, make a blind man see, take a whore into his home, and I'm sure she was happy after that! Walking the line, thightly....I am.
MissTaken said:
I was actually thinking about spoofing a rendition of "A Christmas Carol."

I have a rough outline completed and am wondering what anyone's thoughts might be on the topic?

I am Catholic and while I don't follow church dogma to the letter, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing a Nativity Story.

Now this is an original idea (I think)
I think my entry is going to be chapter 2 of serve and protect. thanks to hugs who suggested that I bring her ex, the fireman, into the picture. But how to get Zoe and her ex back together? Xmas, of course :)
I was thinking on this idea what about the Twelve Days of Christmas eroticised

On the first day of Christmas my true love said to me David Beckham and his wife with me.

On the second day of Christmas my true love said to me????

Love Linnet :devil:
An Office Party

I was thinking an office party is a good place to start.:D
MsLinnet said:

On the first day of Christmas my true love said to me David Beckham and his wife with me.


Who is David Beckham? And, didn't the song go, "On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me..."?
Christmas Story

A Christmas Carol is a good one to do no question about it. A spoof on IT's A Wonderful Life is another.:rolleyes:
Marley's been dead these past seven years. Dickens
BlessedBe said:

Who is David Beckham? And, didn't the song go, "On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me..."?

David Beckham is a Manchester united soccer player also England captain, his wife is Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) form the spice girls. She has got better with age it was just an example.

You are probably right about the song also and it would sound better.

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me David Beckham and his wife with me.

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, (?????) and David Beckham and his wife with me.
The first gift was a partidge in a pear tree. Though god knows why.
Husband has a strong interest in a sexual tryst with wife's sister (yes, a fetish of mine). Wife and sis agree to give hubby a christmas gift he won't forget.
I like that idea. Good Plot

Sure said:
Husband has a strong interest in a sexual tryst with wife's sister (yes, a fetish of mine). Wife and sis agree to give hubby a christmas gift he won't forget.

Sounds like it would make a hot story for sure.:devil:
Christmas Story

I just had a sstory posted for the holiday contest. A Special Christmas Gift.:D
Yes, I have a good idea. There is a man or a woman, who is dissappointed with his Christmas. Perhaps he is upset and fed up with his family, or maybe he's sick of Christmas, so he goes outside to eat or drink at the bar where he meets a woman and so they fuck each other as an escape from their problems.
MightyZor said:
Yes, I have a good idea. There is a man or a woman, who is dissappointed with his Christmas. Perhaps he is upset and fed up with his family, or maybe he's sick of Christmas, so he goes outside to eat or drink at the bar where he meets a woman and so they fuck each other as an escape from their problems.

That's not a bad idea. :)
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me David Beckham and his wife with me.

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Anal Penertration and David Beckham and his wife with me.

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Three Cocks a Sucking Two Anal Penertrations and David Beckham and his wife with me.

On the forth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Four Girls a Licking, Three Cocks a Sucking, Two Anal Penertrationsand David Beckham and his wife with me.

On the fith day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Five Golden Fucks Four Girls a Licking, Three Cocks a Sucking, Two Anal Penertrations and David Beckham and his wife with me.

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Six Santas Swinging Five Golden Fucks Four Girls a Licking, Three Cocks a Sucking, Two Anal Penertrations and David Beckham and his wife with me.
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