OOC / Casting Call: Xavier Institute For Higher Learning

Jeremy Davis said:
~waves at everyone~

Hi, im still around just had a mentally draining week and lacked the will to post. trying to catch up today.

Hope everyone is still hanging around. teh therad kinda hit a lull at the moment Im hoping its just the college going people trying to find time between classes.

We've all been there. Welcome back. Hopefully we can move at least with a couple posts a day.
Reminder: The only posts that go into Xavier's.....must have some form of physical attachment to the mansion.

So a communication could be a post via a video image, text telepathy or something else.

Also, a person who arrives or is already at the mansion can post but other than that a person would just conduct their actions "off panel" and any information that occurred could be shared or just assumed or something like that.

Lemme know if there are any questions
YO! I got kinda lost for a while. Trying to figure out what's been happening. But, back now! You may commence with the rejoicing! :p

That is, unless you don't feel like it.... :D
Screech said:
YO! I got kinda lost for a while. Trying to figure out what's been happening. But, back now! You may commence with the rejoicing! :p

That is, unless you don't feel like it.... :D

And there was much rejoicing. Yay.

No, really, good to see you back. I want to see how Amanda develops, especially since I see so much of a young Madrox in her.

Good to see that so many people have hung on through our slow spot. And thanx, Shaq, for the link. I just haven't gotten around to hiking through the old thread.
Okay! I've updated the X-Men's roster, from Ithica's inactiveness to Squirt's joining (welcome, btw!)

Also, in case you haven't noticed, the Brotherhood is up and running! Check out the link in my siggie.
Yeah Mystique's appearance raises all sorts of fun questions.

Sorry I've been so sporatic in updatey goodness lately.
Too much D&D and work.
Screech said:
HA! You can never have too much D&D goodness! :cathappy:

One of my players takes D&D night VERY seriously. To the point if someone else in the group is going to cancel they have to call me (I'm the DM) and then calll her. Because she gets down right livid over it.
Not pretty.

Though attendance lately has been pretty good. Need to research the Biomancer stuff my avatars going to be studying now.

Ah Avatars are so much easier then playing a PC as the DM.
Biomancy? Avatars? Oh for the good old days of the thrise reincarnated cowardly self-serving priest who would abandon his God if it meant staying alive longer....
Screech said:
Biomancy? Avatars? Oh for the good old days of the thrise reincarnated cowardly self-serving priest who would abandon his God if it meant staying alive longer....

I'm evil in that my PC's cannot play a class unless its in a book I own in print form or its approved by me. Like we have a priest that works off the Sorcerer mana pool that I approved.

However, Biomancy is the living opposite of necromancy and a very nifty thing.

As the DM for my group I was having a hard time walking the line between a 'fair' character and yet still having a way to tell the group stuff without it coming from "God."

Found that I prefer having an Avatar- a loosly set up character with baseline stats established but the rest of the character is whatever's needed at the time, be it a life saving heal or a binding spell for a demon.
Casters work well- can have them 'botch' a spell if its too unfair for them to do it or 'crit' it if needed.

Geeze, I have got to find another hobby, lol.
Well don't do mine - wargaming! It's rediculously expensive, and very time consuming with the crafting of all the little models and stuff...

Sometimes I wonder why I started converting every single model in an entire army, and not just run with the prepacked ones....

Oh, on anpther note, I asked a guy I know if he'd like to join in the RP. He's a huge X-Men officianado, and has number of pre-generated characters that he said he'd look through...
While not as expensive, I do sympathise. We use multiple charater and monster miniatures in our games. Need to get more monster ones- hard to convince your players you're fighting a dreaded Famine Spirit when they're looking at a were-tiger figure.
Magic! Bah! I stopped playing that when they started all the "series" style ones! I stick with yu-gi-oh! It's supprisingly skillful
bah...i hate YuGiBlow....Magic is a much better game...it's older, and more interesting
I played Magic: The Gathering in incarnation 1. It's alright, but relies so much more on luck than skill
i like them both. In magic i used to play a red and white deck, and yugioh a warrior deck. cause im just awesome that way