OOC/Casting The Third Great War

I guess I should clarify the way I think of the ships.

Frigates are light combatants, about 3 missile tubes in the broadside plus some energy weapons. They are primarily for escorting other ships to aid in defense by being another point defense platform, additional EW coverage and adding a little to the throw weight of a missile salvo.
They also function as high priority couriers for times when something has to get through and you don't have a dispatch boat available, but thats rare.
These would be a senior LT's command

Destroyers, I figure them to be scaled up frigates, about 4 missiles per broadside plus energy armament. Again, primarily escorts, or the lead ship of an escorting detachment because of their larger size, more firepower and more experienced officer in charge. Larger EW suite than frigates, good for their size making them hard to hit.
Destroyers are also more useful in conjunction with a larger ship, as the larger and more expensive ship can hang back and launch missiles, hit a target with more jamming and command a fight, while the destroyer closes and uses its energy and missile weapons for shorter range smashing matches.
Commanded by either a senior LT or a commander.

Above those, I would put cruisers, like the Trafalgar Class, or the Admiral Horatio Nelson Class light cruiser. These ships would be the bulk of the heavy combatants in the DCP forces. They form the backbone of the fleet. Fast, maneuverable, versatile and well armed for their size.
I described the armaments above, so its not necessary to repeat them, but their usage is different than the frigates and destroyers. The cruisers operate by themselves with the lighter ships in escorts, or as larger groups, with less escorts because they mutually support themselves. These ships are major investments, so their captains are more careful in risking them, preferring to stay at range using their weapons and electronics to fight rather than closing and using energy weapons, although Trafalgar class ships are quite dangerous when you close with them.

The Admiral Horatio Nelson Class Light cruiser is a departure from this design, as explained above. They simply are taking advantage of the tech edge the DCP has over the UP and exploiting it in a midsize warship to get the most out of the hull. The thinking is “why get close and give someone a sporting chance when you can blind them, spoof them and hit them from afar?”

Cruisers would be Commander and Captain’s ships, due to the fact that if you command one of these, your automatically “inherit” escorts and have to be able to use them properly as well.

Battleships and carriers on the DCP side I will leave for someone else to think up specs for.

Cats, you said that the DCP had a tech advantage, so I assume that the disparity would show up in ships and designs in the UP, meaning their ships had less sophistication

Do these mesh with the game’s background?

I really am a sci-fi geek at heart.
Name: David Graves

Age: looks 28 (real age is unknown)

Rank: Elite Special Operations Comandor (3)

Affiliation: DCP

Appearence: David is 6' 2", weighs 210 lbs, muscular and slim, green eyes, and brown hair, has a two cybernetic arms which encompass the top portion of his chest.

Weapons: assault plasma rifle, two ion laser pistols, Two vibro blades one on each arm. Mech arms increade strength. Any number of miscilaneous gadgets.

Tech: Neuro tech computer in left arm. Has multiple purposes EX: Hacking navigation etc.

History: Grew up in Hong Kong. Lived with his mother. Father Died serving in the army. Went to military school, and whent through military training all his life. When he graduated he was accepted into an elite special ops unit. It experrimented Nuero and biotechnology as well as Cybernetics. These soldiers were trained as military assasins and for spies. The Covert group's main goal was to collect government information as well as military covert ops.
EA, the difference in technology is minimal but present. No one particular break threw only exists on one side instead the differences are very slight. Such as the armor being slightly more durable, encryption codes are more advanced, computer AI's are brighter, batteries last longer. The difference is small enough that you could argue their is no tech advantage but instead an advantage in quality.

Your ship sizes are interesting but rely heavily on missiles, more like submarines then battle ships and carriers. The battle ship was the classic of marine war far for many years, then America adopted a strong understanding of the carrier when Japan severely damaged America's fleet of destroyers in the attack on pearl harbor. I feel the carrier will be the most common ship in the American fleet because of this, fallowed by he battle ship. Your ships are still valid EA, I'm simply putting this out here to be developed more by me or the next person.

Mirad you mentioned hong Kong in your Bio. I'm hoping you meant to have UP as your side instead of DCP. In any case, DCP seems to be getting more people joining it then th UP, so if you don't mind could you be on the Communist side?
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Yeah. IMeant to chang that my bad. Um... do you have any other suggestions for tech or anything. I'm not really good with specifics when it comes to that sort of stuff could anyone help me out b4 I start posting

Could anyone give me a brief synopsis of what has happened so far so I know enough to start. Maybe if one of the GM forthe UP could PM me with any ideas about their ideas for how the special ops thing is going to work. I have an idea how i think it should be but I'm not the one that's going to be controlling NPCs and what events occur.
Well an assassin or spy really is out of place on an open battle field. Really he is going to need to function as a unit with the other members of his force to be significant, at least until this battle ends.

Tech isn't all that far ahead of us. So weapons have to be realistic, (no death rays.) Plasma weapons tend to be more like a flame thrower but can be adjusted to fire a ball that "explodes" on impact capable of mid range.

Gauss weapons use batteries and ammo. The ammo is much small then normal ballistics 1 cm ball all that is needed so ammo can be held in 100 round clips with little difficulty. (The power cell would be assumed to last for 100 shots as well and may or may not be in the clip.) Needlers are a sub division of gauss guns that fire little needles that area armor piercing. Gauss guns how ever can not fire as fast as a machine gun.

X-ray lasers have replaced conventional lasers because of the greater energy in the higher frequency of the wave. These weapons fire fast in the sense that the beam lasts for several seconds. Otherwise these weapons are semi automatic.

A charged particle cannon is a heavy hitter against anything with electronics. They don't fire fast but if they pierce the armor they may disable a system by frying circuits.
Thanks for the explanation Cats. I was wondering, probably why I didn't describe what happened when Farren fired the plasma gun. I wasn't sure myself. I remember there being a plasma gun in Quake 2, that disentigrated a lot, but wasn't sure what you meant.

I like what Evil Attorney is doing. He's doing some great stuff, but I'm not sure I understand. Is there someone like that for the UP side? He's not all alone in space making up his own battles, is he?
I'm just thinking, he's got a lot of great ideas and a lot of complicated plot points, but unless someone just like him shows up, he'll be fighting himself and nonsense NPC's.
I don't know much about navy or ships or anything, which is why I picked an infantry guy. I just don't want the UP forces to get too depleted while EA is having his fun.
Good point Pooh. If he doesn't have any one to fight like him and it does start to become one sided, then Charles may call him into leading ground forces of some kind. It seems likely to happen as well if he is the only person worth naming in space.

I was wondering why you stopped in the middle of your attack with out even mentioning the flames shooting out or something. I used the plasma ball mostly because you didn't seem close enough to need a flame thrower.
I'm only commanding one carrier group so I can't go out in space and mess him up, so I think that's gonna have to go to Swampy.
Congrats you've just been promoted Morgoth. :) Yeah I guessed so. In truth every one else is on the ground so it is very likely to end up with him on the ground or fire support from space.

Depending on if any one else joins as your rival, EA, or some one makes a character to rival you EA, it is likely to be dull in space after a while.

The edge:
I just realized I never gave the info on the edge mech. It's a light machine that looks humanoid. Its sensors are in it's head along with a decoy discharger, (has three shots that can be chaff to block radar, smoke to block light, or flare to work against missiles,) the sensors have 20x magnification, daylight, night vision, and inferred. The body has a cockpit and a single back up daylight camera. (The power plant, a gyro, the engine are also located their.) The right arm has a hand with a plasma faust behind it, (Vents plasma out for close range damage, effectively a shaped charged explosion for use as a touch weapon.) The left arm is handless, containing a light particle cannon mounted next to a machine gun.

Other info: edges also carry a rifle of some kind, (To big to use for infantry.) Typically they change based on the mission and can be a X-ray laser, ballistic auto canon, gauss cannon, or missile launcher, these weapons are typically light versions because the lack of a second hand limits it's accuracy with lager guns. The command model sports a jammer, better communications, satellite up link, and a jet engine on it's back for jumping. The command model is significantly heavier and more expensive but close the same size in other respects.

The group of edges used right now are equipped with light auto cannons. The exception being the command mech which is using a Lt. X-ray laser.
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If someone goes after DCP commerse, I'll handle that with another character assigned to protecting it if nobody takes that roll.

On subs vs battleships, you understand were I'm getting some of my ideas. ;)

Am I in space all by myself, I duno. Someone let me in on that.

Each fleet has about 300 ships, I'm only commanding a portion of one of the DCP's fleets.

Their may be other DCP officers out their who are guarding DCP convoys*, actualy fighting UP warships, and patroling for pirates in the middle of the war as well.

*(if the DCP is using them, because they may prefer to use single ships widely dispursed to insure a steady stream of supplies because some will get throug even though some gets killed. UP can't be everwere chasing after DCP ships if they have to protect their own and win a war )

Their may be a UP officer out their tasked with finding out what happened to their merchant marine after the losses mount up (or after my next little opperation which I'm thinking up...Trust me, the insurance companies insuring the UP freight will shit a brick...)

So far one convoy has fallen that we know of, but I'm sure the rest of the squadron has nailed a few transports.

I was under the impression things are just heating up now, so would their be a convoy system established firmly yet? The one I popped was primarily military supplies, but I'm sure their is more private shipping out their too.

Are their any privateers out their too? Independants who in exchange for some supplies and a licence would pirate another nations's shipping and hide behind the letters or marque?
Don't understand the above EA. Your right their are plenty of other people in space. However you are the only player in space. If no one else becomes a rival space commander, it may be hard to reach other players in the story. I don't want to lose you to boredom.
Someone mentioned that I seemed to be alone. I was offering Ideas for other people to jump in on incase they didn't have an Idea for a space character.

All of those are possibles.

Don't even worry about me getting lonely.

I already made up my adversary!!!

Well, I'm working on him...he isn't ready yet...

without further delay...

name : Pak Chow Li

Age : 47

Description : 143 lbs, Wiry and lean. A runners body with very thick forarms from practice with a boradsword. Dark hair, eyes like a cobra, almost dead flat when you look at them

Rank : Captain

Affiliation : People's Liberation Army, Space Naval Command

(I believe the chinese call their forces People Liberation Army - then they add the branch of service like air force or navy.)

Current Position : Commanding officer, PLAN Crimson Devil

Crimson Devil is a Shaolin Class Battleship, Crew of 330, 280 enlisted, 50 officers.

(tatical equal to the DCP JUDAH Class - ACTUAL ARMEMENT TO BE DECIDED LATER. )

Decorations :
1 Order of Ushako 1st Class - Awarded to naval officers for outstanding achievements in planning and conducting naval operations and for victories in combat resulting from such operations.

Medal Citation - During opperations in the Saturn Theater of Opperations at the seige of Titan, in opperations against the United States Naval Forces, Commander Pak Chow Li's superb planing and leadership resulted in the destruction of an entire United States Naval task force, saving many of his Comrads lives and achieving victory for the People.

1 Medal for Combat Service - Awarded to personnel of all ranks in the Army, Navy, Border Troops and Ministry of Internal Affairs troops for exceptional conduct in battle resulting in the successful execution of a battle task by the military division; for personal courage shown in defence of China's borders; for excellence in military and political training; and for mastering new warfare techniques and technology.

Medal Citation - For galantry in action taken in defense of the People in the use of (classified. System hardware designation 11711458-Restricted access to Flag Ranked officers only.) at (Classified) Ensign Pak Chow Li is hereby honored.

(UP does not classify awards perse, although they will classify the citations of the award or at least part of it at times. People know the person wearing it has balls, just not what they are for... The DCP Navy takes another view on this, as they classify the award itself, because if people can't know what its for then they should not know someone earned it.)

Captain Pak Chow Li is a quiet, thoughtful, and dangerous man. Unlike many of his contemporaries in the Chinese military, he is soft spoken, reflective, and most importantly, capible and comforable with the idea of acting independantly as a situation requires it instead of waiting for instructions from Central Command.

He is not an innovative tactician, but he is a masterful at applying clasic military stratagy, and addapting it to his needs.

Innovation is not his strong suit, as he was not trained that way in the People's Liberation Army Navy, and his comfort with independant action is rare enough, don't expect independance and innovation too in one officer.

He prefers lighter ships using almost fighter plane tatics, that is to use cover stealth, speed, fire and manuver to make his attack, then withdraw behind a surprise of some kind, such as a minefield or a backup ship firing a jamming salvo and missiles at pursures.

Although he has had the opportunity to use these tatics in the past with lighter units before, his current command, that of a Battleship, preclude that because his ship does not travel by itself, but always with a screen of lighter ships. Its not a task force, but ships like this don't go anywere by themselves. They are too expensive to risk without their being covered by something lighter like a few destroyers to catch incoming fire so as not to loose the battleship.

(He is about as close to indepndant as a Chinese Captain gets, and he is stuck in a conventional, although powerful assignment, one which he is suited for, but is not fond of. However...you want to make Admiral, you command a larger ship...)

He is overly demanding of his crew, his officers and himself. He is not married and doesn't want to be. He is one of those Captain Kirk types with a woman in every port...sometimes more than one woman at a time.


If someone wants him, let me know.

I have no problems having my 2 guys try to kill each other dancing around the solar system.

Oh, just a question, answer any way you feel, do you think that the cruisers should have a few fighers attached to them in their landing bay?

Its another opening for other people if they want to join up the game, and it can provide an opening for me to work togther with the DCP fighter squadron already in opperation.
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Mirad, I'd like your guy to be part of the Monkey hacker/commando team dropping into DCP territory on the other side of the planet. You're carrying the AI in a chip in your head, and your mission is to deliver it to any satelite tower.

I'm really sorry I haven't been contributing more.
Q for Morgoth.

Just so I can get the names of the ships right, what ships are with Grand Captain Fydor around Mars, what types are they and what ship is he on?

He is about to recieve his "special delivery"
Excuse me, but I have to lodge a complaint.

Why is the confucious were it is. Its escorting a convoy to Mars, isn't it? How the ^&*( can it be in position to intercet my little surprise?

As written by swampthing:

News reaches Old China that the supply / repair convoy has been destroyed or captured. The AIs in Beijing up the threat level of the conflict on mars, and begin predicting probabiliity of hostilies spreading to the other planets. The second convoy will be accompanied by a larger escort, including the hulking Confucious flagship. They are expecting to meet resistance, and force themselves through.

Thats before the ships arive at Mars. Ok, I can accept the fact that the convoy didn't raido in and someone got suspicious.

Having high command recieve data, analyse it, assemble another convoy, get the carrier ready to escort the thing, send it on its way and get it to Mars in time to intercept my little present is a moving a little fast.

Cats, you said that it would take time for people to move great distances.

Confucious, as I read it is supposed to be escorting a convoy, what the hell is it doing near Mars?

I though that was escorting a convoy to Mars, not sitting their already.

What happened here isn't possible.

Morgoth and his characters are supposed to deal with this, as he is their in Mars.

I have to ask for a call on what I think is a foul here. I don't mean to be a prick, but someone jumped the gun.
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I agree with EA this time. It takes a day or two to travel to Mars from earth, the day being the fastest ships.

EA, your AI program seems a bit advanced to me. hacking into the ship to find it's self destruct would take time, at least a few hours. Developing a program capable of using all the sensors on a ship, understanding the data in a meaningful way and then drive the ship into enemy ships, could take a day. Something so advanced to know that it has been boarded and then blow itself up would take another day, depending on how advanced it is. (Can it tell the difference between projectiles hitting the haul and people boarding it. On one side it would blow up when fired upon on the other side you add a few more days into developing the program.) So please steer clear of this tactic, in the future.
cats said:
I agree with EA this time. It takes a day or two to travel to Mars from earth, the day being the fastest ships.

EA, your AI program seems a bit advanced to me. hacking into the ship to find it's self destruct would take time, at least a few hours. Developing a program capable of using all the sensors on a ship, understanding the data in a meaningful way and then drive the ship into enemy ships, could take a day. Something so advanced to know that it has been boarded and then blow itself up would take another day, depending on how advanced it is. (Can it tell the difference between projectiles hitting the haul and people boarding it. On one side it would blow up when fired upon on the other side you add a few more days into developing the program.) So please steer clear of this tactic, in the future.

It was supposed to be a quick and dirty plan.

the ships have radar and the radar is hotwired into the AI which knows that "that" is a UP warship because it has a catalouge in it.

The AI is just a small box computer about the size of your computer's tower. Its doesn't have to be something all that huge. Just give it the mission and let it do its thing.

Hook the radar, comunications and helm control into a simple AI computer that the techs set up with a wire leading to the explosives techs put on the scuttling charges on the ships.

Tell the AI to scan for UP ships, then set a course for them and ram them.

The Radar is going to monitor space around it, and it has a catalouge of known ship types in the AI. If something in that patern match makes skin-skin contact with the hull...POP.

It wasn't designed to be a complex trap. It was simple, gather some intel and do some dammage with a simple booby trap to make sure it wasn't fucked with.

I didn't have to break into their codebreaking circuits, just hotwire the transmitter of the comunication system into the AI. I'm not using their codes or programing, just a piece of hardware thats attached to the ship. Transmitter is a transmitter.

Radar and helm control are basic opperating systems so thats not going to be a problem.

I didn't have to break the computer on the self destruct device, I'd just use my own. Explosives are explosives are explosives, and when you set them off a dozen kilos of mil-spec high explosive on top of a block of other explosives(scuttling charges)...boom
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So your picturing a small box you attach? Who made these boxes?

Does a small frigate really have a completed catalog of my sides ships, I sure as hell wouldn't put that on a troop transport.

Breaking codes takes place when you enter into the ships computer, which is likely going to happen if it has complete control of the ship. This vehicle takes more then one person to pilot and requires linking of the steering/ navigation as well as the sensors. Other then weapons and communications that is all the stations I picture on ship that small in size.

Long range sensors and short range sensors are two separate groups, at one station, the AI has to control both in your set up.

I bring in the AI again because some one sooner or latter had to program something for this to work. I doubt some one found the need to make a program that operates a Chinese frigate in such an intricate way before the war. So your group would have to be the first, other wise it fall in the hands of those on earth, they don't have a frigate to work with and aid in the development of such a device.

Your tactics are good, and you are most certainly clever. How ever I don't feel you've considered Ai aspects of this program. I'm letting it slide this second time, but in the future please avoid using it until it is developed.
cats said:
So your picturing a small box you attach? Who made these boxes?

Does a small frigate really have a completed catalog of my sides ships, I sure as hell wouldn't put that on a troop transport.

Breaking codes takes place when you enter into the ships computer, which is likely going to happen if it has complete control of the ship. This vehicle takes more then one person to pilot and requires linking of the steering/ navigation as well as the sensors. Other then weapons and communications that is all the stations I picture on ship that small in size.

Long range sensors and short range sensors are two separate groups, at one station, the AI has to control both in your set up.

I bring in the AI again because some one sooner or latter had to program something for this to work. I doubt some one found the need to make a program that operates a Chinese frigate in such an intricate way before the war. So your group would have to be the first, other wise it fall in the hands of those on earth, they don't have a frigate to work with and aid in the development of such a device.

Your tactics are good, and you are most certainly clever. How ever I don't feel you've considered Ai aspects of this program. I'm letting it slide this second time, but in the future please avoid using it until it is developed.

I see your point and I appreciate you letting it slide. I'll work something different in the future.

I'll either take more time to set the thing up, or I will do something different like...sorry, thats classified...
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EA, here are those ships and numbers you requested:

5 Gold Dragon Battleships
60 Red Dragon Destroyers
75 Blue Dragon Carriers
40 Blue Dragon Transports
10 Blue Dragon Medical Ships
10 Blue Dragon Repair Ships
150 Black Dragon Stealth Fighters
500 Green Dragon Bombers
3,500 White Dragon Fighters

I don't want to spend a few hours listing the classes and names of each of these ships. Also, Zantrovich is currently on the Kim, a Kensai-class battleship.
Sorry my post was out of line, EA, I always try to make things move too fast.

I was intending to send the Confucious and the bulk of the fleet to Mars with the next supply convoy. I thought your trap with the exploding freighters was supposed to inercept the next convoy. I was trying to write that your trap succeeded and alerted your fleet to the location of the Chinese flagship convoy.

I don't think the presence of the larger ship really helped in the booby trap scene, but if I'm ediing that out, it doesn't matter.

So the Confucius and the second supply convoy are still on their way from Earth.

Where are the trapped freighters going?
They are going to try to slam ram right into the thick of the UP fleet orbiting Mars.

20 big, hulking transports with only one thing on their mind.

"ramming speed"

what they get, thats for the story to tell...HA HA HA.
Ok. I'm game just tell me when your PC is going to contact mine and I'll post. and that will be my intro post as well. I'll try to keep up as much as I can. It might take a while for me to post bc of some RL stuff. Same with the other thread.
Mirad, consider your character already to have his orders, and the AI virus implant. Post any time to describe your guy leaving the martian moon base travelling in a stealth space fighter (as a passenger, not pilot). He'll be part of a 12-man Monkey team, but they might get separated once they reach the ground.
BTW, you may have noticed I'm using "Light minutes" "light hours and light days" as distance measurements.

This means that it takes light only about four minutes to travel the 140 million kilometers (or 93 million miles) from our Sun to Earth.

Earth is 4 light minutes from the sun.

Light travels at about 299,792.458 km/s.

That is one light second distance.

One light minute is 17,987,547.48 kilometers

One light hour is 1,079,252,848.8 kilometers

I assume combat happens at about 1/2 light minute tops for missiles, that being about 10 million kilometers (Its sci-fi, but still reasonable given a missile's speed and lack of a crew to worry about) and about 1 million klicks for shipmounted weapons, which is about 3.3 light seconds.

This means for 2 ships at the edge of energy weapon range, when you fire a laser at me at 1:00:00 it will hit me at 1:00:03.3 pm

Missiles would likely not travel at the speed of light, but about 1/2 that for their powered flight range, meaning it takes about 1 minute for them to go 10 million Klicks.

If someone wanted to send a missile "dumb" a longer distance with a minimal chance of hitting anything, then I assume it can go faster, but it would be unguided and almost useless against a target that can move, evade, and shoot at it.

I'm too much a tech geek...