OOC: Galactic Colonization:Sci-fi Civilization. Will you be a founder or a Conquer?

Ah, you're going with the 'martyr' approach. I can live with that. :cool:

Funny thing about martyrs though. They're all dead. :D
Lovely just freaking lovely....lol I won't have to kill my players off. They will do it themselves.
*looks shocked and innocent*

Who me?? NEVER!

What do you think I am? Some pack of marauding Romans or something???
they may be dead, but at least they died well, instead of cowardly

I look forward to war between my people and yours, its bound to come eventually
Hmmm. Looks like I may have to push forward the development of the Frikkin Lasers.....
rengadeirishman said:
but yall dont have overwhelming force,skill or tactics, Im pretty sure that i originally made them as special forces not guerillas, but regardless. My warriors are all about death or glory anyway

Was re-reading this and had some possible comments...Take or leave as you wish...

Alot of'special forces' units or just highly trained units are experienced and train on 'unconventional warfare' or 'guerilla tactics'. As I see it, they are no comparison to 'rebel gurellas'.
Take the 10th Mountain, US Army against the Taliban at their peak, while dug in at Tora Bora. Regardless of Taliban motivation, defenses and organization, they were routed over and over again. While one might argue, that artillery and Air Power was a factor, there has never been a single, notable occasion in Afghanistan or Iraq, where any militia or gurella force has defeated as well trained 'real' army.
It has been mentioned that Chair was leading his 'force' against the British in a 'real' war, and was defeated by the British. This surely sounds like one countrie's army against onother, so the 200 he has following him very may well be 'regulars'. Perhaps not SAS or Navy Seals, but very likely highly trained and motivated regulars. (with an odd prefrence for ancient weapons ;) )

On the opposite side, the winning nation has a tendency to place 'conditions' on the looser. The Irish would likely have been forced to surrender it's military equipment (perhaps why they don't have notable weapons or armor?), agree to be 'registered' by Brittish security forces, give up any 'warmaking materials' and disband. The 'additional 100' who flocked to your banner might very well be 'gurellas' who took up arms against British forces or something similar to what Jagged suggested.

The title of 'refugee status' suggests that the Irish force didn't take too well to this.Perhaps they took up renewed arms and actually 'went gurella' thusly having them disowned from the Irish government (if it still existed) or being branded as rouges, criminals and terrorists by the Brittons, forcing you to finally flee into space.

Of course, Renigade, this is your army and Jagged's game. I'm just stating my opinion.
thats kinda what i had pictured for them. The irish government surrendered, but Cahirs Fianna (which is what is unit was called) refused to. because of the official surrender of the governement alot of their equipment was taken away. When the fianna went underground they procured more arms and equipment, and became the "guerilla" forces you speak of. They were considered terrorists, and they fled partially becuase they needed to resupply and regain power so they could take Ireland back. Another the reason they fled was out of disgust for their government "yielding to the saxon" as the irish say. They built their new societal order based on the way their ancestors lived, back in a time that they considered to be more honorable. Hence the medieval as well as modern weapons they use. another large reason, is that they are eccentric and fanatically celtic and so they like the feel of the old weapons. bear in mind they know perfectly well how to be extremely effective with modern ones tho. ;) hope that helps everyone understand why they are how they are
Game note...

Mac, on my computer screen, your 'map' is jumbled due to a text wrap around...If I have it correct, I think the lake is also site 1a. Is this correct?

Screech, there is no site 3c. Did you mean by the ocean or by the swampland?
It looks like Mac tried to sort of plot out what the '6-pack' landing site was, One was by a lake, one was mountanouls, one by the ocean, one by swampland...something like that....

Kinda figured that if you wanted farmland, you might want to be near the water too...either that of flat plainsland.
uhhhh, right.... Wherever that is. I'm sorry, but I can't find this supposed map anywhere. I'm heading tofarmland near a nice crystal deposit...
im sticking to the foothills of the mountains. easily defensible. and easy for an army like mine to use to assail the other nations if necessary
Ooc: Galactic Colonization

Sorry the map didn,t come out the way I wanted it to. I set it up as Jagged had said it looked like, a six pack. I added some things on my own. The mountains to the north, running along sites 1/A<B<&C. the swamps and marshes to the south, running along sites 2/A<B<&C. To the east a lake, beleived to be fresh water, boardering sites 1A @ 2A. To the west is an ocean, boardering sites 1C @ 2C .

If this ok with Jagged, then we can proceed from this point. Sorry to have confused everyone and I appologize to Jagged for overstepping.
ok, so all the 1 landing sites have mountain foothills, all the 2 landing sites have swamplands near them or as a part of them. lake bordering 1 and 2 a have a lake...

That makes 2a with a lake, swamp and oceanfront...sounds more like wetland marshes, and swamps are not known to have the best water... It also places the 2 colonies between the first set of colonies and the ocean. Not much room to expand. I trust there is a buffer zone between all the sites besides the plots themselves......

Perhaps it would be better if they were designated in more basic terms?
1a = lake 1b= mountanous terrain 1c = ocean front 2a =plainsland 2b= hills 2c oceanfront?
Ooc: Galactic Colonization

ok.........Let us ask Jagged for the final decision on this. He is in control
Works for me. I've already given Jagged what I'm looking for in a landing site.

Also have a question: So do we get 'points' based on our posts?
:nana: *A dancing banana wakes up Jagged at his desk shows him the post* "The player need me..."

Post powersurge and losing my first post.

Basically you all have equal areas to settle in terms of resources. You have the basics for survival, but little else. Now you all want other resources..you can have them. Whether there are mountains or ocean front or rich mineral deposits. As to the map it self it is a hex one with each hex being 25x25 miles...so beyond that you would be developing a new area. I will pretty much go with what you all agree on and of coarse I will drop in little benifits and surprises a long the way. Just don't go nuts people......you have all asked for modest things keep it that way. So pick your lots I will check in again soon.
Second wave people could you all be so good to post your final setups...we are ready to launch. Give your setups I will give extras and bonus gifts and you will be on your way.

Ghostbear58 Quax, and IDreamofBunnies you all are ready and still want to go?
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I am, although I am not sure what you mean by final set ups I am assuming that its the thing that I already typed but I'm not sure.

Also I am confused as to how much crap we can bring along. Originally I thought almost everything would be built on the planet, now I have read the posts so far and there everything from super power generators to prebuilt fighter planes. To me it defeats the purpose if you can pack all things that could possibly be needed into the ship. Why not pack a super million ton space ship that immediately kills everything? It's not there yet but it could be, I mean, prebuilt airplanes?!?!
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Let me see if I can assist, since it seems to be my posts which are confusing you. I asked the very same question to Jagged (more or less) to which he responded:

Jagged said:
Good questions.....

First Mantra.....ever see White Dwarf....? Funny Science Fiction show with a huge ship which I believe is 5 miles long. Well that is my model for your transport with room for Six drop pods but is moving along fast since it is only carrying 4 pods. As to space you all have plenty. This is a massive ship. Though the pods are not built for confort. Short journey and drop.

As to the drop ships these are alittle more then tricked out containers...your people are being cross trained on them so no crew is necessary. Landings have a 98% success rate of landing.

As for your landing sites....they look like a six pack with not much data on the surrounding area. The six pack.....sites are listed 1a 2a 3a and 1b 2b 3b....and you're able to guide your drop ships into these areas easily.

OK so plan for 500 to 1000 people that you not only have to go camping with, but take to a place that has no set resources, structures, support, organization or employment and stay there forever. The entire planet is 'Raw'. In that case, what do you think you'd need to bring aboard?

My posts are admittedly a bit confusing. We all have a set time on Earth where we can do or get whatever loaded aboard, then a shorter flight time aboard the jump ship, then finally Planetfall. By coincidence Jagged and I were writing posts at the same time and he posted it before I did. My latest post was in response to his post and I made a few touch ups to note my 'final plans' while I could since I suspect the next post Jagged makes for the first wave will be our landings. In a sense, I 'back dated' my post to just before we took off. *shrugs* As always, Jagged has the privlidge to throw a red flag on the play and have his pack of dancing bananas come and take it away.

As far as generators and aircraft, the two examples you mentioned, I don't see them as a big deal. A generator that can support a house is no bigger than a 38 inch TV set and weighs about 120 lbs. (at least some of the ones I've delt with) A generator which would power a major facility, like a hospital or airport, would definatly be larger and often have their own rooms, say the size of a SUV or sometimes bigger. Then I added in the 'future' factor and imagined a futuristic, 'crystal powered' generator and figured that would be the central power source for my colony and made up a fancy name for it. As you may have noticed, I have also planned for 'other, smaller' power sources.

Aircraft? yes I 'gave myself' two osprey-type cargo planes that were disassembled and crated. An Osprey isn't all that big for an airplane (and are considered obsolete in the current era) Think of a Chinook helocopter, except it's a VTOL airplane. At the same time as I was posting this, Jagged made his first post and 'gave me' an undetermined number of 'old military helocopters'. Originally, I had only planned to 'give myself' the two aircraft but I asked and Jagged said they were ok. He's green lighted alot of stuff for all the players so long as we don't go overboard.
Personally, I have alot of stuff that's being dissasembled, crated and loaded aboard, but my colony specifically has been taylored to be a high tech, mechanical type of group, so this is concievable. Think about the desk you're probably sitting at while reading this. If it were taken apart, packed properly and instructions left, how much space would it take up?

As a finaly tip of advice, if in doubt, ask Jagged. I've crammed enough crap into his PM box, sometimes he says yes and sometimes no and I taylor my posts accordingly.

Hope this helps. See you on the planet! :cool:
Well put Mantra.......Look i am trying to be fair guys while still having fun. I haven't figured out the exact tonnage of the drop ships or for that matter fuel either. Because I want this to be fun. There will be no ships that can kill everythign and have unlimited fuel....that isn't fun or even Science Fiction. I have had threads fail because I don't give everyone what they want (well and a few bad ideas as well).

Your final post before we launch gives time for changes....what you posted before but now that you have had some time to think on it. Once it is up I will give you the extras I give including sponsors. Also you background determines what personnel and equipment you have.

Oh and you are welcome to bring only raw materials and tools with you but you will need some things. A friend of mine ran a Dungeons and Dragons campaign similar to this where the characters and their followers were to settle the frontier of the kingdom. They went through the Arms & Equipment handbook many times and took everything they could load on many covered wagons and then my friend the DM went through the book again and gave them more...once your on this planet no help will come and few traders and maybe a few raiders.
Final Post thing

Anarchtical based society
This is group is made up of anarchist from the US who are seeking a new land to set up a new society after being persecuted by the government back on Earth. They all worked with eachother in their underground operations back on Earth. After the government secretly began to eliminate many of the political radicals a large number of the persecuted banded together to form the AA (not alchoholics anonymous... the Anarchist Army). Together, through the use of guerilla warfare they were able to deal heavy blows to military instalations, navy vessels and even a few space stations. Eventually the government pinned them down and the majority of the people were killed. The few that survived led by "Ace" decided to leave this planet for good and create a free society some where else.

In and open fight the anarchist army would always lose but their use of guerilla warfare is what allowed them to win many of the battles that they fought. The remaining members of the AA have a mastery of using these tactics and will use them in all encounters with hostiles. The AA's military is autonamous and instead of a general deciding where and who to fight the people themselves will attack who they believe they should in small groups of close friends

Group Members
"Ace": Although there are no offical leaders in the group "Ace" is definitely the one who takes charge. He was one of the founders of the group back on Earth and it was his Idea to travel to a new planet after the group suffered a large defeat by the US. He is a master of guerilla warfare and would coordinate and participate in many of the attacks that took place making him a great strategist and skilled combatant. He is Virus' twin brother.

"Sly": The woman responsible for getting proper funding for the AA's attacks and more recently the money for the transport of the AA. She has gotten money through many ways from bullying, stealing, or "persuading" (either by force or by using her amazing beauty to her advantage). Recently she has gotten into the pirateering buisness and has stolen enough goods to fund the entire vessel to the new planet. It is also rumored that her and Ace are in a relationship.

"Fists": A master of the martial arts he has personally trained nearly all of surviving AA members. Originally he was in the green berets of the United States army but after his best friend died after being sent on a suicide mission to get the country more money he quit the armed services and discovered his new beliefs. Ever since then he has been on the front lines against the government and was widely feared among his enemies.

"Wrench": Originally just a car mechanic, Wrench discovered that he was able to make nearly anything from mere junk. Growing up with Ace he had many of the same beliefs and joined his cause. He was responsible for many of the weapons and technology that the AA was able to use, making most of it from junk yard parts and scavenged items.

"Virus": A quiet behind the seens sort of man, Virus is Ace's twin brother. The name virus was given to him by his brother because it describes two aspects of his life. The first being his skill in assasinations and love of toying with biological methods of killing. The second is his ability to completly cripple computer systems through hacking. While is brother can inspire his allies to fight on Virus can inspire his enemies to feel fear. Virus is very secluded and trust almost no one, he exlcusively talks to his brother and the few people that he trusts.

The AA was underground on Earth not just in spirit but also physically, as any of them above ground would be killed. Therefore they are used to living underground and most of their residential areas would be dug instead of built. This also gives them some experience with mining although it is not that great.

All of the AA on earth had some combat experience through the many strikes that were held against the US, although many did technical or supportive work. The other colonist that were coming along would mostly be people who were fed up of being on the bottom of the capitalist chain or intelectuals who had deeply thought about the truely best system of governance (which of course does not exist) ,and maybe a few criminals who were avoiding the law.

As supplies the following are required;
A lot of combat knifes( I just say alot so I don't have to pick a number)
A lot of projectile weapons (from small semi automatics to some full blown assault rifles)
A drill (used to construct the underground caverns that the AA live in)
A mining drill( maybe combine this with the above even though its meant for 2 different things)
some body armor
explosive mine equitment
Many solar power generators
Water purifier(s)
General use equitment (shovels, hammers, etc)
some funky ass robots
A nice computer
And finally a super rocketship that can kill everything and is completly invulnerable which is also capable of detecting all valuable materiables as well as creating food... and water... and people, it also creates its own planets if need be and produces money. It fold into something the size of a suit case(If you think about it if you condensed all the molecules into a small enough density it could easily happen) Just kidding. :p
This is basically it although anything that i should blatantly have would be on here.