OOC: Loa Blood

Okay, sorry about so much confusion, Polite. Most of it is probably my fault for just not paying enough attention. I think everything is fixed now though. Let's just go on ahead. :)
Okay that was a little more painful than intended. Sorry. But everyone's there now.

Succubus, if you want to work Mary into the action, have Kate run by outside, or even come into her loft looking for a hostage and a place to hide. Mary would mysteriously remember a younger Kate from a fire years ago.

The same scenario works for Faith, too, although Faith may prefer to head to the scene in time for the aftermath to snag some interviews with the heroes.
I can see Mary being taken as a hostage, but think that her knowing the girl would be a bit trite considering that she's just run into Kell.....Mary's just come to this city and has a history of keeping a low profile, so I just don't think it fits.

I'll hold her post til I hear from you.
Um, so I guess there were two elderly couples still trapped inside, one for Kell, and one for Damien. That's cool. Don't let Damien's post fool you though, the cop who shouted up at Kate wasn't Price. Price is smarter than that, and would've recognized Dex, even with the mask.
Oh... Democable didn't notice my post? Considering how much of the page it took up... ^_^;;

Should we just... move along? Or should we ask Democable to change his post? I guess it's not THAT big a deal...
I'm sorry all, yes Jacobo i did see your post, but did i read it no i did not. so i'm sorry all for the little confusion i added, but then again where would a board be with no confusion. night all
Not a big deal at all. I'm glad everyone had a chance to act heroicly. Now someone nail Kate and we can get on with our imaginary lives.
Kate isn't Gifted. She's just an intelligent woman in her forties who keeps in good shape and has some issues with religion. Faith would be evenly matched to her, physically, except that in this case Kate has surprise, and weapons (a small claw hammer and a camping flare gun).

Of course, Faith wouldn't know if her attacker was Gifted or not. Probably she wouldn't be, but it might be safer to assume she is. Anyway, if Faith did fight back, she could stun Kate, or knock away one of her weapons. Faith would get hurt in the process, but with Kell around, no one has to stay injured for very long.

By the way, JC, you're handling Kell's power very well. I like how every time he tries something new, it exhausts him.
Faith is makeing assumptions based on what she's see: A lot of gifted hanging around, A flash of light from Kate, and what feels like a claw against her throat.

Plus, silly Swampy, how can Monolith try to rescue her and get involved with her and her life if she handles it herself?

Lastly, she WANTS Kate to talk. Many times reporters will allow themselves to put put in hazaradous sitchs to get info.
We now pause to allow everyone else to catch up and because Swampy, who plays Price has left the building.....
Sorry for the delay. She's terrified of Monolith but, reasonably, if he had any power to make her drop the gun, he'd be doing it instead of talking about it. All Kate has is her intelect, so I'm trying to play her tactically.

Dex should be able to hit her with a light beam without hitting Faith. Nikki would be able to disarm her or attack her with her telekinesis. Damien would be able to read her mind to find out what she really knows.

If no one steps in, then Price will just negotiate with her, which I'll mostly skip over 'cause it's two NPCs talking.
ok, now we should be set for the next chapter, the Loa shipment.

& Polite, I should have given you lots of food for thought.

Thank you.

I thought the photos would help give us all a taste of what our PC's might be seeing. Which is why I usually post pics of my PC's when I write them up.

I did for Mary, but can't remember if I did for Faith or not, since she was on two threads for a short amount of time. (One thread died)
Yeah, I'm a hell of a happy Swamp Thing. Succubus, the article and pictures rock. You put a lot of effort into that and it really makes our little world more real.

The Damien/Nikki stuff is brilliant too. The astral projection actually makes sense as a bridge between telekinesis and teleportation. I like that her powers are so out of her control, and that they usually manifest around strong emotions.

Alright, almost time for the Loa shipment. But there's still the weekend.
I"m glad you like it ST. Although since we aren't "officaly" through Thrusday yet, and the article will prob appear in the Friday paper.

From time to time Faith will be writing artcles like this one, hopefully I can find "real world" pics to go with the theme of the articles.
Vote please:

Faith is thinking "The refugees are by the beach, the Gifted responded quickly to a fire near the docks, I'll look for an apartment in that area..."

Would it be to much of a conindink if she moved into the same building as Mary and Kell? How about across the street or something?