OOC: Loa Blood

Glad to have you, Cookie. Character looks good.

Are you publicly seeking other Gifted (going right to the Coda building where they work, or to the media), or trying to keep a low profile yourself?

Are you still working for the Argo military, or did you run from them? Are they actively looking for you, or do they think you're dead? If they knew you were alive, they would still expect you to work for them.

Anyway, feel free to post in the main thread anytime. Welcome to Bay City!
Brent is trying to keep a low profile while seeking out other gifted.

Brent ran from them, but they believe he's dead. However he blames them for the whole mess and is also seeking revenge.
Hey! A new character! Awesome. ^_^

So, how does having both flying and energy blasts work out? I'm not saying it's bad or anything, I'm just curious about what he was working on when he was contaminated or what parts of his subconscious might have initiated that sort of power.

A nice way to make it more specific would be to ask: what KIND of energy blasts are they? If you could connect the force used in the energy blast to the force used in the flying, I think that would be cool.
Hey, Cookie, just a few pointers:

We aren't useing 'earth' brand names, but making some up. Like Donny's instead of Denny's, etc.

There is a large coloney of Gifted refugees that the bar tender would know about by the docks.

And the bartender might also know about the Killer Bee's since they are a large gang around there, and def know about the Loa Worshipers, altho the main gang would by hard to track (if it were easy they would have been busted by now)
I'm going to wait about another day for weekend activities, and then post the Monday shipment. A few characters are kind of waiting in the wings, and we need to bring everybody together again.

So if you haven't posted weekend activities, please do so. JC, if you want Kell to talk to Amy, do it.

Amon, are you still with us? Last we saw of Ghost he was in the middle of the chaos at the concert.
Whew. Long post. Makes me laugh, though. I hope you guys like it.

The irony, of course, is that Kell talks about Amy being two-sided, but more than anyone else, he's the two-sided one. Considering how crazy he was in the beginning. ^_^
The irony is that JC calls Kell two-sided, when she just carried on a conversation with herself for half a page.

Poohlive, great stuff. Tracing the dead girl's identity should reveal the Killer Bee connection, . . . but not yet.

Cookie, since two of our Coda security characters seem to have vanished, the company would be eager to hire you to help protect the shipment. I don't know if your character would want to work for another Loa research group, but he could just use them to get close to the other Gifted. Or there's always that refugee camp on the beach Succubus mentioned. You're likely to run into Faith down there.
I'll just change the name to Bront. At the time of the accident, his mind had strayed to his other major project: Jet packs.
Oh, excellent. I wasn't thinking of the bee connection just yet... I did that mostly to find a logical way for Kriegan not to believe she was dead. All the added bonuses are icing on the cake.
Hee hee, and if all else fails, he can drop by Faith's again, steal some more underwear.
Ha ha, ST. If I wrote a novel you'd say I was bi-polar. ^_^

Thanks, PS. I'm enjoying playing out Kell and Mary's confusing relationship. Does Mary even have a libido? Or does that come back with the memories? ;)
DruggedUpCookie said:
I'll just change the name to Bront. At the time of the accident, his mind had strayed to his other major project: Jet packs.

So fire!

He should leave trails of smoke or steam when he super-jumps!

And his energy blasts should be like big flares!

...or something. ^_^
Mary does have a libido...but she had a terriable time with her last lover and had to kill him.

I'm actually writing it as a story for Lit. But the names will be changed. If it gets accepted, I'll post the link.
Morgoth, I loved the hospital scene, up until you leave and nobody's even called the police yet. Killing everybody in the hospital is going to take at least 15 minutes, and it only takes the push of one button to call the police, who are already on the lookout for you (you're lucky the army helicopters didn't spot you before you even reached the hospital). And people would have time to run screaming into the streets, etc.

So, can you edit so that when the Crusher leaves the hospital, there are police and army vehicles out there, lots of men with guns drawn? He should be able to take them out without too much trouble. The tanks are too slow to arrive, and the helicopters are waiting for him to take to the air.
Will do. I was thinking that everyone was too scared to call the police. But I'll change it in a sec.
Maybe the people who are actually seeing him are too scared, but a hospital is a big place. People on the next floor will just hear crashes and screams, and calling the police would be the instant reflex thing to do.
Yes, it happened and she fled to Bay City. So it's recent history. I'm working on the story today, actually, and submitting it later. So it should be up (if accepted) by the end of next week.
JC, Kell would eventually get enough concentration to destroy the sound waves that are keeping him incapacitated, but it should be a struggle. By the time he gets out of the shed, the 12 bikes are loaded and ready to go. Kell might be able to stop one or two of them, but without range on his powers, he won't be able to do much once they split up.

The Killer Bees outmaneuvered Coda, here. They knew exactly where Kell was waiting, so they could hit him through the walls, and somehow they infiltrated the military escort. With Monolith, Dex, and Kryna all gone, there's no way Kell should be able to stop them on his own.

But he can look damn good trying.
Hmm, funny how the Killer Bees brought sonic weapons to fight Coda security. Almost as if they knew what Monolith's weakness is . . .