~Post baseless lies about the person above you - V.6~

Is secretly making a list of the best totally bratty moves she sees on Lit. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ohhh please share!! I’m more of a flirty brat vs Bratting to top from the bottom..I’d enjoy seeing this list!
Secretly spends Saturday nights bathing in a bathtub full of tomato sauce.
My kitty 🐱 just hissed at the thought of this! 😳😱
She tried doing the Wednesday dance but she was way behind on the beat and had to change the name of try dance to Thursday.
Savage! 😂😂💀
isnt afraid and fearing for the success of her uprising after noticing my brat tamer percentage
Brat tamer…we learn new things every day!
Like we would just tell you….
I think there are several of us around this thread with a lot of brat mixed in with subby tendencies… just sayin’ 🤷‍♀️
Count me in 🙋🏻‍♀️
Has the high score on Brat Tamer Arcade version.

Cries that it doesn’t have real world applications.
Created the game just to mess with the emotions of Brat Tamers, cackles as he watches them cry
Ohhh please share!! I’m more of a flirty brat vs Bratting to top from the bottom..I’d enjoy seeing this list!

My kitty 🐱 just hissed at the thought of this! 😳😱

Savage! 😂😂💀

Brat tamer…we learn new things every day!
Is leading her own section of the brat uprising, taking down the Tamers first.
Hahaha this is SO Me!!!!

Passed off my undercover best tamer role to you!
😱 just blew my cover!

Couldn't be undercover as a Tamer anymore because she shot a man in Reno, and is now on the run
She goes to wedding dressed in a little black dress with a red corset.
Forgets how to put on a corset everytime, has a how-to YouTube video saved
Baseless I tells you.
All baseless.

Deliberately shit at strip Twister
Gets extremely upset and throws the spinner everytime someone falls during Twister "on purpose"
She goes to wedding dressed in a little black dress with a red corset.
Haha guilty.

Baseless! I’m with you!

Oh no! You caught me! 😂😂😇😇😜

Can’t actually make any one wriggle
😱 just blew my cover!

Couldn't be undercover as a Tamer anymore because she shot a man in Reno, and is now on the run

Forgets how to put on a corset everytime, has a how-to YouTube video saved

Gets extremely upset and throws the spinner everytime someone falls during Twister "on purpose"
Are in a hot throuple
😱 just blew my cover!

Couldn't be undercover as a Tamer anymore because she shot a man in Reno, and is now on the run

Forgets how to put on a corset everytime, has a how-to YouTube video saved

Gets extremely upset and throws the spinner everytime someone falls during Twister "on purpose"
Watches all the brats fall on purpose during Twister.

Saving the world from the uprising.

In the new found peace, she started a charity to help people find the perfect twister spinner for them.
She's not a good girl

Can’t actually write