Rise of the titans OOC and casting call

I'm still here, but not in a section where I can really move on, I can post but it's unlikely to achieve much. Hotcider's waiting for you to come home and JediKhan is waiting on us to get to the next day. We're kinda waiting on Deathsknight and oneiros, but neither have posted in the thread since before your last post.
Yeah, I've just been waiting for the scene to move on. I think oneiros is just inactive. If someone hasn't posted in four days and gave no word of their delay, even though Deathsknight has given word of his delay in his signature, I normally would just NPC them or move along. Otherwise, you can wait three more days to give the person a week to reply. If they haven't replied in seven days, then I find that more worthy of a skip than four.
I would just like to add that I'd prefer it if Lydia didn't work out Lyra's true identity immediately, as far as Jessup is aware she teleported, he doesn't know exactly how she did it. In addition to that her being a child of the Titan's should be an impossibility considering how long it has been since the Titanomachy. You'll be able to work it out eventually, I'd just prefer if you didn't quite yet :). I want her to get the chance to reveal herself in true 'titanic' fashion ;)
I don't think you have anything to worry about. Lydia's smart but she's not that smart. She's reading Jessup's body cues not his mind.
Hayden can't really just show up now can he? Seems like Lydia wants to talk her way out of this, if it becomes apparent that the merc is going to kill her Hayden can rock up to stop him and help Lydia escape.

Steve has nobody to communicate right now, but if Tymeless is still looking for a way into this I can let Steve and monkey boy go to the hospital to check up on their hurt comrades
He radiates a powerful stench. :rolleyes: Don't worry, that shirt will get burned one day lol. :D
Any ladies are welcome to play Victoria if they want, either way, if not, I'm npcing her.
Do we have any plans for how we're going to continue this? I've tried recruiting more people but no one seems interested in the idea that this is "ORP" and not "SRP."

I mean, we can continue this with just the three of us, since everyone else is kind of inactive, but we may need to stop holding onto the past characters unless you have PMed the players and are certain they will return to play them. If not, you might as well invent some main character NPCs to help with morale.

I would like for Jessup to start going after targets, but since there's only three of us, I'm going to invent some NPC targets that could have been assumed to be on cell phone and hold off on the Aphrodite subplot (for a moment :rolleyes:).

What you and DeathsKnight decide to do with your characters is up to you. I don't know how they can track down the gods/godlings. Hayden seems capable of sensing them. I think maybe if you guys try and rally them up and save as many as you can before they're all destroyed that might help too.

On another note, Tight_n_ready, feel free to PM me if you have anymore ideas on diabolical plots. :)
I'm pretty sure Tymeless will be back just as soon as her life settles down a bit. She did just get married, which is a big event by itself that takes time to settle, but I believe that she also moved to a new house, which is another time consuming ordeal.
Lydia's getting ready to go on a hunt....and possibly cause an international incident. lol.

It's still early in the game. I wouldn't worry too much.
I have been thinking, just think how great Mars would be as an addition to the team, I'm sure Steve will find out who his parents are in the next few posts, Hayden can sense godlings (as can all shadow creatures sense power ;) ) as for Aphrodite... I'll skip that part, never could write as a female, trust me I suck at it.

Now back to the story, Hayden can use shadows to find people, but it is limited to people he had actually met. He is not omniconcious just to make that clear
Please don't introduce Mars into this game because that's like me introducing Hades. It ruins the whole point of playing one character without a double. I understand Mars is the Roman version and is a reinterpretation of the Greek Ares, but I still find it unfair and a very big buzz kill if I was to continue RPing in this game.

I also have been finding it difficult to decide who to have Jessup go after because I've been looking at gods and goddesses from several cultures, and each one that I think wouldn't be all that important to the "good side" turns out they would be because they would either be very knowledgeable or just have some sort of handy skill they could use.

Also, I don't see how the Titans rising would affect the gods of other religions because the Titans are Greek mythology, and the gods of other religions, I'm sure, have worse creatures of their own to deal with.

It is being assumed that the Titans are the most powerful evil in the game and can rival gods as they did in Greek mythos, but maybe I'm just thinking too hard on this lol. I just felt the Titans would want revenge on the Greek gods solely and not anyone else really since it was the Olympians that put them down there in Tartarus. But I guess they just desire world domination, which makes them everyone's enemy.

I think I have the "goddess" I'm going to have him go after, and I don't think she'll be missed. Expect an epic battle!
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Wasn't planning on bringing Mars in as a threat to you as writer, was thinking along the lines of:

Mars versus Ares

Round one



It would be interesting to see Jessup handle wolves, snakes, rabbits, scorpions etc attacking him when he goes after Hayden ;)

But yeah I understand your point, but you see if you introduce Hades our friend Hayden will perish. Kind of hard for a scion to stand up to a god when they are of the same powers :)

Thing is, I think that the rise of the Titans would be the same as all the Armageddons depicted in all religions. I mean with the gods weakened who can stand up to a force of nature? Like I stated when master Jedi tried for a way to unchain Loki, their rise would be like Ragnarok, I believe that they will come and destroy all who does not worship them, so basically there goes 90% of the world population. I think their rise will be a problem to all deities in folklore and mythologies
If you can give me a day or two, I can throw another character into the ring or play something else. I can't handle two characters right now though. My life is super busy until the middle of next week.
Wasn't planning on bringing Mars in as a threat to you as writer, was thinking along the lines of:

Mars versus Ares

Round one



It would be interesting to see Jessup handle wolves, snakes, rabbits, scorpions etc attacking him when he goes after Hayden ;)

But yeah I understand your point, but you see if you introduce Hades our friend Hayden will perish. Kind of hard for a scion to stand up to a god when they are of the same powers :)

Thing is, I think that the rise of the Titans would be the same as all the Armageddons depicted in all religions. I mean with the gods weakened who can stand up to a force of nature? Like I stated when master Jedi tried for a way to unchain Loki, their rise would be like Ragnarok, I believe that they will come and destroy all who does not worship them, so basically there goes 90% of the world population. I think their rise will be a problem to all deities in folklore and mythologies

It just didn't make sense because they come from the same exact pantheon (just reinterpretated a little) and Mars is the reinterpretation of Ares by the Romans. Not only does Mars also love Venus just as Ares loves Aphrodite, if you can see how they're all practically going along the same story. This is why I think it's ridiculous if there's a reinterpretation walking around (a clone). Zeus is Jupiter, Venus is Aphrodite, Mars is Ares, Pluto is Hades, etc. You'd think they have gotten stronger when the Romans became their worshippers. But just as "God" has several different names and interpretations, its still the same God three of the major religions in the world worship.

There are other gods of war in other religions (those who I thought of having Ares face, but was trying to imagine them as a mortal with a certain occupation and was finding it difficult) that I wouldn't have cared if you chose to use, but choosing a clone and planning to have two characters from practically the same story/pantheon walking around is just a mood kill. I wouldn't be able to continue writing here because my desire to even write for this game would be shot.

Hades is Orcus, Pluto, Dis Pater, Cnthonian Zeus, etc. He is all of them with different aliases. If I brought Hades in, and you see your character's father as a different god when they're the same exact god, it just looks so ridiculous. There should only be one god of the Underworld representing the Roman and the Greek pantheons since they're the same/rip off. If its Orcus, then its Orcus. For this game, we only need one and not two.
Yes yes I did say why I would have found it interesting to add Mars, did not say that I will do it. I take into account how you feel, how it would be like having a man fighting himself, can we drop this one now please? I think we can much better spend our gray matter on story lines than to argue about a funny notion I had
I am going to change Steve's parentage, I misread in my studies when I looked for gods to be his parents. Uranus was Theia's father, Hyperion was Theia's husband. -facepalm- Sorry about that


HotCider do you think Jessup can help with Steve coming to power? I was thinking like throwing him off a skyscraper and his powers of flight only kicking in two storeys from the ground.
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I ran into the same problem with Lydia's mother but I think I have a plausible reason as to why Lydia is around.

As for Steve, might I suggest Hermes/Mercury? It would add something to the Aphrodite story since Hermes and Aphrodite technically had three children together giving old Ares a run for his money.
I'm still here, I've just had a lot of work to get through recently so I haven't been online much, I will be throwing up a post sometime soon :).

HotCider, I'm willing to play Victoria before I go on holiday as well, I still have about a month before I go :D.

As to the Titans being the enemies of all the gods, I've already (as some of you have noticed) begun to tie together various mythologies, I think it's safe for us to say that the Titans preceded most of the other gods, certainly the ones still involved as Greek mythology was established before many of those we are using and since the Titans were before even that it should be safe, we can just say that everyone else's Armageddon/Ragnarök/Judgment day myths are inspired by the Titans, simply a different form of the same enemy, like Nemis is the same hound from both Roman, Norse and Greek Myths. Due to the very nature of myth and legend we are going to get parts that cross over.

I also concur with DeathsKnight's decision to possibly change Steve's parentage, although Theia is Hyperion's husband (who said Gods were faithful ;) ) Theia would still be imprisoned, if she was free then so too would Hyperion and seeing as how he was one of the more powerful Titans I think that's unlikely. Due to Lyra's parentage she is still alive now, but I don't see how Steve could be a child of the Titans, perhaps Uranus, lord knows he didn't get on with his son :L, but not really Theia :S. As heartofcourage said one of the messenger gods might fit, or you could go with Zeus, he's lord of the sky, I'm sure his parentage could grant flight.
Uranus would be bound, but will Hyperion be bound? :)

But yes I have thought about using a wanderer like Zeus or Odin, how about making Steve a mixture of different dieties? Say his dad was Odin and his mother Diana. Just an example. The two was in mortal form, fell in love, did the tasty uhm I mean nasty and ended up with a child. Fate took a turn and wham they return to the celestial pool to be reincarnated and their son remained.

I think that having Mercury or Hermes as father could also grant flight, but since they did not slip in somewhere (pun intended) it is highly unlikely to have them settle down in human form. The bigger gods are known to take human form to dwell among mortals. And while I typed this a brainwave slapped me, any opposed to Diana (Roman) and Zeus (Greek) as parents for Steve? His powers will be from both, accuracy from the goddess of the hunt (Artemis in Greek) and Zeus like Tight n Ready stated lord of the sky?
Let me catch up...

DeathsKnight: Yes, he can help Steve with that. I will put the fight scene with the goddess I had planned on hold. Just put Steve into position, ie. alone. :devil:

The only thing I see wrong with Zeus + Artemis is that Artemis was the virgin goddess. If her reinterpretation isn't a virgin, then it seems like it'll work.

Tight_n_ready: That'll be interesting. Thank you for keeping me up-to-date on your whereabouts.