Scion: Seeds of Glory OOC/Recruitment

I want to say yes, lets roll vs results... but no that is to time consumeing, I'd rather you roll it. :cattail:

thanks for the response.
Hey gang since everyone I need to let know is basically in this thread I need to give you a brief update on what is going on in my life and why I hasn't had time to respond to any threads recently.

I plan on posting to everything very soon and trying to keep up but I will not lie and make any promises that I may not be able to keep so keep that in mind.

As most if not all of you know I am a college student and it's my final year before I get my bachelors. This semester I'm currently taking Animal Physiology, Japanese 301, Zoology 320 (independent study doing research), Japanese 255 (Japanese and Chinese Drama in translation), Physics so as you can see that in and of itself is quite a load. Well on top of this I just took the GRE (graduate record exam) because I plan to go to grad school. My next step is to send out emails to professors, at other schools and see if they are taking on grad students or doctoral students because in the end I want my Ph.D. I plan on being a college professor and doing research the rest of my life. So after the emails are sent I have to start the application process which is a tedious and annoying process of writing many essays tailoring them to each school, as well as making sure transcripts from several schools and everything else gets sent to all these places. It's really an annoying process.

On another note to pass on. I had been flirting with and talking to this girl in my Japanese 255 class for around a month or so now. Well things recently became official and we are dating. It's weird I haven't had an official girlfriend in 8 years. So that is an interesting thing for me. She is cool with the RPing though I don't know about some of the stuff here I'll have to show her and see what she thinks. So I'll keep you all updated and hopefully get some posts out to you soon.
Crystal rolled 6d10 to hit the pig (-2 for the called shot): 8,6,8,4,7,6 = 3 successes.

Also, Jilly, sorry; there's no way you're getting water from the sea. The boon only effects water that you're already in physical contact with.
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Crystal rolled 6d10 to hit the pig (-2 for the called shot): 8,6,8,4,7,6 = 3 successes.

Also, Jilly, sorry; there's no way you're getting water from the sea. The boon only effects water that you're already in physical contact with.

Thats ok I did say TRY so and I wasnt sure.
Crystal rolled 6d10 to hit the pig (-2 for the called shot): 8,6,8,4,7,6 = 3 successes.

Also, Jilly, sorry; there's no way you're getting water from the sea. The boon only effects water that you're already in physical contact with.

The three success doesn't include the automatic 4 from epic dex 3 right?

Also in other news, I got engaged last Tuesday!
bump to stay up.

Also did any one else notice the story is now larger then the ooc? Always a good thing.
All the same I got to ask, is it still alive?

I really want to continue.
I'm still here and eager to see it continue, despite the fact that I haven't posted to the thread for a bit... :eek:
Hi, everyone. I'm new here, and as I didn't see a "closed" in the thread, I thought I'd come in and enquire as to whether this thread was
a) live?
b) open?

If so, I'd really like to join. I'm an old hand at White Wolf in general and Scion in particular. If you want to know more about me, and are open to bringing me in, please shoot me a PM. Thanks!
The thread is still live - I'm just a lazy GM :). And we do have space for another player, as BlueMage bowed out a while ago. So, yes, open. If you have the books at hand, feel free to build a character and either post it here or pm it to me for approval. Don't feel like you have to pick one of the Norse deities just because everyone's in Iceland right now, either. Unless, of course, you like them :D
We might of lost Jill, her profile says her last activity on lit was early december.
Well, I've been given the go-ahead with my proposed character, so looks like once the party reaches a point where I can enter stage right, as it were, I'll be joining all of you lovely people.
Welcome to our thread! I'm looking forward to your character's appearance on our stage. :)
As a side note, everyone. I won't be posting until you all have a consensus on what you're going to do next. I'm not going to tell you what you have to do here, just what will happen when you pick. Enjoy the RP :)

Renata, this also means you don't come in until they decide - whichever way they pick, I'll bring you in soon.
So renta will we get to see a character sheet? Because I am curious. :cattail:
All right, folks, just to let you know. Until you decide what's going to happen (sleep, orgy, or any point between), I'm hands-off. I don't want to stop any potential sexiness, but I do want things to not-stagnate.