Scion: Seeds of Glory OOC/Recruitment

It sounds like we're agreed on the call-out method, personalized, lol. I'll get another look at the character sheets and post the upgrades you both get . . . by Friday, at the latest.

As far as the things you found in your cabins and their actual stats:

The golden bracelet is a three-dot relic, giving you a +1 to Accuracy with ANY melee weapon, and allowing you to use ANY melee weapon to hit an enemy up to Legendx5 yards away.
The dagger is just a dagger, but the sheath is a 2-dot relic that grants effects identical to Night Eyes and Fire Immunity. Stats are: Accuracy +1; Dmg +2L; Def +1, Speed 4 (without bonuses from the bracelet)

The bow is a 3-dot Relic weapon, granting effects identical to Night Eyes and Fire Immunity, as well as increasing its range by your Legendx5 yards. Stats are : Accuracy +1; Dmg +2L; Range 30 yds; Speed 5 (without bonuses from the relic part of it).
The arrows are just arrows, but the quiver is a 2-dot relic, meaning it will never empty - there will always be one more arrow inside of it, no matter how many shots are fired.

As a side note, cats, as a Scion of the Dodekatheon, you have access to Arete, which is one of the most useful boons in the game. Every level of it gives you extra dice in a given ability, which means you can become a hell of a powerhouse with little effort. One of the players in a tabletop Scion game I'm running has got me going out of my head to find a way to make monsters she won't one-shot that also won't destroy the other players. Just a thought :)

And, because I've decided I should share, here's that link I mentioned, with info on advancement and . . . well, everything else, almost.
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Lovely items thanks.

As for the ability you mentioned. It seems lack luster to me, in that each rank is +1 to a skill where as other groups get their own unique spells. But yes it can be very broken and I have no intention of putting you in that spot.

I would suggest explaining to the player the awkward place he is putting you in and ask him if he would mind tweeking the character away from that. Social situations may also be good, or maybe traps.
I sort of look at it as a fun challenge, actually. I'm telling the story I want to tell, but that sort of thing makes it interesting for me, even if I know how it's going to end, lol.

As far as call-outs for advancement, here it is.

Cats, increase any of your Attributes (EXCEPT Dexterity) by one, and one of your Abilities (EXCEPT Alertness) by one.

Arm, increase any Attribute that is currently ranked below four, and increase any of your Epic Attributes (following the regular Attribute-1 rule, of course).

Feel free to add these changes to the characters you posted when you joined, and the items as well, if you like.
New picture I see, I am just checking in and not replying yet. I am exhausted.

That said the funeral was very nice, it was exactly what I needed. My sister had twins 2 months ago and so no one, except oddly enough my late grandfather and his wife had met them outside of my immediate family. So new babies comforted most of my cousins and aunts and uncles.

I did my crying but because it was while talking and sharing stories with my cousins, I had a smile the entire time.

So I feel charged, other then a lack of sleep and a four hour car ride while talking care of the twins. So nap, and I may post.
I raised writing and str and added the new items to my post on page 1. So it is easy to find a month from now.
I raised Stamina and Epic Dexterity so that I'm not too ridiculously outclassed by Crystal should a fight break out. ;)

It's good to see you back, Cats. I'm glad that the trip went as good as it could have; it sounds as though it was very healing.
That's my line, lol. I was just waiting until you two were done. So . . . are we?
Well I am done at least until dawn. But not sure what I would write their.

Sorry if I offended by my suggestion.
As am I. I will post soon and move us ahead, with Hook's okay, of course.
When did we find out about Hikaru's gender swapping? I may have overlooked it in the thread.

Either way, I'm having fun with the sea cruise so far.
Strictly speaking we didn't, so it may of been a bad liberty to take. If so I am sorry, but among the lasts posts Hikaru was worried that sleep would soon be needed and a gender change was unavoidable. After that we went for weeks or a month in time skip to where we are now. So I figured the plan was to swap genders soon and the time skip kind of made it a certainty.

If needed I can edit it out.:cattail:
No, it's fine. I don't have a problem with you revealing that at all. Carry on, folks!
This is a bump.

But I was looking at my character, I think one of my knacks always lets me start at the start of combat, so you may be able to skip the start of combat roll for me, I am not sure though. I made the character so long ago and I honestly don't remember what the knack does, but the memo I wrote made it sound that way.

I am also spending one legend to double my dodge for the scene.

Hello everyone! I just stopped in (I'm a huge Scion fan and just couldn't help myself), and I noticed that the thread seems to have petered out a bit. I was wondering if perhaps you have room to take on a starry-eyed literotica virgin with more kinks than a corkscrew and a love of Scion?
You're more than welcome to join in! Go ahead and build a character, and I'll get the others to land so you can come in :D

And cats, you're right - that way my spacing out, lol. I'll edit it in and roll 7 dice instead of the 3.
Awsome for a new player and

awsome for more dice! Quick some one bring in mroe good news! :cattail:
A new player has entered the game!

Yay! Thank you, everyone! I'll post a character and backstory in here once I get approval from our lady and mistress as to my concept. Sorry for the delay, law school was brutal today.

'Boots, the mechanical half of the sheet is done, backstory is still being written. Should be to you sometime today.

Brigitte Ulsdottr
Scion of Uller
Age - 20

Appearance: Brigitteis a slender, alabaster-pale, ethereally pretty thing. She stands at five inches above five feet, with the build of a ballet dancer, slender and long of leg. Her face is delicate, with a slightly pointed chin, and a small, pert nose over a bow-like, small mouth with coral-pink lips. Dominating her features are her huge, grey eyes, the long lashes a dark gold, much darker than the platinum blond hair that hangs to mid-back. Her long legs are slim but well-muscled, and their lines taper into narrow hips and a tiny waist. Her breasts are small but firm, and high, and her neck is long and swanlike. Her appearance leads mortals and the dumber breeds of titanspawn to underestimate her, making the sometimes-shocking brutality with which she dispatches her foes all the more unnerving.

History: Brigitte was born in the town of Reims, in northern France. She grew up fast, helping her mother to make ends meet, working odd jobs as soon as she was old enough. Her father was never present, and her mother never spoke of him, except to say he wasn't coming back. Life was often hard, and there were lean weeks sometimes when they couldn't afford all of the necessities of life.
Brigitte grew to hate the father she'd never met as she spent years watching her mother, once vivacious and beautiful, work herself to the bone in a constant, losing struggle to make sure her daughter had clothes to wear, food to eat, and a roof over her head. In order to help her mother, she dropped out of school young to have more time to work.
She'd always been quick, and she used this ability ruthlessly, working as a courier, message runner, and sometimes as a thief. She was never very good at stealing, but a good pair of legs got her out of many a scrape.
When Brigitte turned fifteen, she realized that men had started to notice her, and she seized on this advantage as well, using her appearance and charm to get what she could out of many a desperate man. Unfortunately, appearance and charm could only get her so far, and she and her mother still went hungry and cold, though not as often.
At sixteen, Brigitte's mother finally lost her battle with time and poverty, dying of pneumonia during a particularly hard winter. Brigitte, now poor and alone, was heartbroken. The government took the tiny home she and her mother shared and Brigitte was turned out into the street. She turned back to theft, and though she never got better at it, she could usually run away and when she couldn't, she would barter her body for mercy. She turned to prostitution for a time, and learned all of the dark sides that the human animal has in the bedroom, backseat, or alley. It was a hard, thankless life, but she persevered. Music was her escape, and as she was too poor to own an instrument or a radio, she taught herself to sing, and it brought her great joy. Sometimes, it was the only thing that did.
When she was seventeen, she left Reims for Paris, hitch-hiking to the big city. Not long out of Reims, she was caught in a sudden snowstorm, the worst the area had ever seen. Cold, scared and alone, it was then that she received her visitation from her father. He explained her heritage, that she was a daughter of the Norse God of Assassins and Athletes, among other things. He showed her how to use her divine gifts, and bequeathed several items to her: a set of tight, fine leathers that would armor her from harm, a pair of earrings and Gram, the Sword of Grief. He explained his high hopes for her in the Titan War, and passed along his condolences for what she had gone through.
In return, all Uller received from Brigitte was a burning hatred. Her parent was a god, and he had let her mother die in poverty, let his own daughter starve, become a thief and a whore, and generally live a life of misery. She took his gifts and spurned everything else. She didn't stay long in Paris, just long enough to find a couple of wealthy men and take them for what she could, using her divine beauty to get them to give her things. When she left Paris at eighteen, she did it with her blade, her leathers, her rings, a shiny new motorcycle, and a couple thousand euros.
Since then, Brigitte has wandered, first across Europe, then Russia, then North America. She finds herself drawn to the downtrodden, and she helps them where she can. Early on, she found that the destitute were the favored pickings of all manner of supernatural beasts. She couldn't always give money or help to those who needed it, but she could save them from the nightmares that preyed on those who already had nightmares enough. She has spent the last two years putting Gram to use, killing monsters where she finds them, hoping that with each blow, she's building a slightly better life for someone. Maybe, just maybe, one day she'll have killed enough, and her rage at her life, her fate, and her father will be sated, and then she can settle down. But until then, she wanders, righting wrongs and wronging the self-righteous, barely getting by, but somehow always persevering.

Brigitte Ulsdottr
Scion of Uller

Calling – Wandering Monster-Hunter
Nature – Gallant
Legend – 3
Willpower - 6
EXP 15 (5 Remaining)

Physical (Primary)
Strength - ***
Epic - **
Dexterity - *****
Epic - **
Stamina - ***
Epic - **

Social (Secondary)
Charisma - **
Manipulation - **
Appearance - *****
Epic - *

Mental (Tertiary)
Perception - **
Intelligence - **
Wits - ***
Epic - *

Academics - **
Art (singing) - ***
(F)Athletics - ***
Awareness - ***
Control (Motorcycles) - **
Empathy - ***
Fortitude - ***
Integrity - **
(F)Marksmanship - ****
(F)Melee - *****
Presence - ***
(F)Survival - **

Courage - ***
Endurance - **
Expression - ***
Loyalty - *

Frost - *
Fire - *

Holy Bound
Holy Rampage

Trick Shooter
Untouchable Opponent

Body Armor

Game Face

Opening Gambit

Gram, The Sword of Grief - ***** (Labrys Template, add +2L, -2 Speed, +1 Accuracy)
Acc +2, Dam +10L, Def +0, Spd 4

Leathers - ** (+2 soak, for a total of +3L/+3B)

Ruby and Sapphire Earring set - ** (Channel Frost, Fire)

Brigitte is rarely found without her earrings, because they go with everything, and because sometimes one finds titanspawn in the damndest places. With her earrings, neither searing heat nor bitter cold affect her.
When she knows there's going to be trouble, Brigitte also pulls on her battle leathers and arms herself with the sword called Gram. 'Tis a hero's blade, but also a tragic one, fated to one day bring tragedy upon its wielder. Brigitte has made her peace with that, and puts the blade to good use. Unfortunately, its also over five feet long, and not exactly a subtle thing to carry. When she needs to blend in, Brigitte carries a hadseax in one knee-high boot and a Long-Slide .45 under her coat. If she needs to be ready for trouble but in a civilized place, she'll also carry a duffel bag containing a cut-down Mossberg shotgun and a steel Xiphos. Sadly, these weapons and her pale-blue Honda R1 motorcycle represent most of her possessions. All else she has are a few sets of clothing, a small stack of cash, a pre-paid cellphone, a pair of black Oakley sunglasses, and a few odds and ends.
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By the monkey thing going limp do you mean dead or just knocked out?

Also should I copy Kink's character sheet and post it in an edit to mine on the first page so we can find it later on when we are six or seven pages from here?

.... edit...

I was looking up my guide and I noticed something I forgot. I have a knack that turns unarmed strikes into lethal damage. Wish I saw that sooner. Oh well.

Boot's I am about to ask you to run Gaspar, my guide, for me in a second. :)
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I meant dead. Even if they have legend, I'm not giving them the benefit of making death checks.

Don't worry about moving her character sheet too much. I've got it in my pm's, so I can repost it to my intro if need be.

And no problem, I'll get on him in a second.